Chapter 138 [-]v[-]!

There is no change from the first time I came, it is still a stall selling human beings, and dilapidated buildings.

When Han Xiao asked Xue Beng for the token, the other party threw the token symbolizing his identity to Han Xiao without any hesitation.

Perhaps for him, this place is just an irrelevant industry that satisfies selfish desires.

But for Han Xiao, this is the most important step in his plan.

When the surrounding vendors saw Han Xiao, their expressions became extremely exciting. Some hid in the darkness, and some didn't even want their stalls, and ran away in a panic.

Han Xiao is like a killing star, leaving a mess wherever he goes, but these messes are not caused by him.

At this moment, four strong men suddenly blocked Han Xiao's way.

The leading man had a ferocious complexion, his face was full of flesh, and there was a hideous scar on his face. When he expressed his expression, the scar was like a ferocious centipede, baring its teeth and claws.

"You dare to come to the black market, you are a man."

The leading man looked at Han Xiao, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

"You know me?" Han Xiao was expressionless.

The man smiled, and the centipede on his face seemed to be crawling: "One person killed the former manager of the black market, Old Blind Eyes. I, the black market ghost, have always wanted to see your true face, but I didn't expect it to be a brat. child."

Han Xiao was expressionless, ignoring his ridicule: "Is the new manager ready?"


Ghost Mouse frowned, not understanding what Han Xiao meant.

"Are you ready to be killed by me?"

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, a strong murderous aura instantly covered the surrounding area.

Killing God Realm!
With this tyrannical domain skill, even if the level exceeds Han Xiao, it will be forcibly suppressed.

"Can you see that adult, pass me first!"

Ghost Mouse let out a loud shout, and four soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, surrounded his body.

His body began to undergo tremendous changes, his whole body was covered with black fur, and his black eyes were squeezed into tiny pieces by the pointed head, like a muscular mouse.

Four soul rings, in this underground black market, can be regarded as the best.

Han Xiao flicked his wrist, three purple soul rings surrounded his body, and the Taotie in his hand exuded an icy aura.

"how is this possible?!"

Ghost Mouse screamed, he had never seen anyone whose first and second soul rings were both thousand years old.

"Go together!"

He had to pull himself together.

The thugs behind released their martial souls together, but their soul powers are all at the level of great soul masters, and their soul ring configuration is also extremely poor.

Even so, there is still a huge level gap between the two sides.

What's more, the opponent is one against five.

However, Han Xiao looked at the crowd rushing towards him without any fear, and the third soul skill instantly covered the surrounding area with mist.

He didn't intend to use the powerful Killing Armor. Facing a multiplayer melee, the Killing God Domain would be better.

Under the influence of the fog, this group of people stopped their sprinting pace and looked around anxiously.

"What are you afraid of, he's right there!"

Ghost Mouse shouted loudly.

Sure enough, looking in his direction, a black figure could be vaguely seen.

Because of the Martial Soul, has the sense of smell improved?

Han Xiao's heart turned like lightning, and he began to deal with everyone.

If he rushed inside at this time, he would definitely be surrounded and beaten by these thugs.

Among the rushing clouds, Han Xiao's speed has a great bonus.

"I see where you can run, is it possible that you dare to come out of this fog?"

Ghost Mouse sneered, with murderous aura in his eyes, staring at Han Xiao, ready to attack at any time.

Suddenly, Han Xiao moved.

His body exploded and twisted in mid-air, and rushed towards the nearest great soul master.

Seeing this, the remaining three great soul masters hurriedly tried to block Han Xiao, but suddenly felt a burst of coldness quickly spread upward from the soles of their feet.

Under the thick fog, they didn't realize until now that their lower body had been frozen into ice cubes!
"not good!"

If Han Xiao defeats his thugs one by one, it will be extremely unfavorable for him.

The ghost mouse shouted loudly, and the third soul ring bloomed: "The ten thousand mice are going to fight!"

At this moment, countless mice rushed out from the corners of the surroundings, attacking Han Xiao like a black wave.

These mice are like locusts on the surface, where there is no grass growing, they climbed onto the bodies of those soul masters, and even frantically gnawed on these ice caves.

Seeing a group of mice rushing towards him, Han Xiao directly released the first soul skill, and with a random cross cut, instantly cut these mice into blood foam.

However, in this short period of time, those ice cubes were almost eaten by the mice.

This soul skill is very strong!
Seeing these thugs rushing towards him, Han Xiao had no choice but to hide in the mist.

Although this soul skill is terrifyingly strong, it has an inseparable relationship with the place.

If it was said that he was released in the Tiandou imperial family's house, maybe not even a mouse could yell out, and even if there was, it would be a fat mouse that was fed into a fat cat.

"In the black market, I am invincible!"

Ghost Mouse looked at Han Xiao who was evading wildly, and shouted wantonly.

"is it?"

Han Xiao's mouth curled into a sneer.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis emerged from Guishu's heart.

He hurriedly turned his head, only to see Han Xiao appearing behind him at some point.

"not good!"

Ghost Mouse's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly backed away, and the second soul ring lit up.

He was lying on the ground with his hands, and his speed was several times faster. Looking at it this way, he looked exactly like a mouse that had been magnified hundreds of times.

However, at this moment, Han Xiao moved.

He was very fast, and his right leg was glowing with black light.

After Han Xiao got the third soul ring, Hun Ming Po also got a huge improvement.

The sweeping leg that was about to cut through the space kicked hard on the nearest great soul master.

He spit out a bloody arrow in an instant, flew out backwards, lay on the ground and twitched twice, unable to stand up again.

Han Xiao then rushed to the No.2 soul master, and the dark bee was fully open, like an elf in the night.

It wasn't until he had passed through the Great Soul Master for a full three seconds that he reacted and touched his neck lightly.

Scarlet blood stained the palms.

"the second."

Han Xiao looked at the No.3 Great Soul Master, and continued to do the same thing, solving it instantly.

From killing the first person to the third, the entire operation was smooth and smooth, without even a trace of stagnation.

After Ghost Mouse managed to deal with Han Xiao, he realized that it was actually a clone.

And he looked not far away, and saw three corpses lying at Han Xiao's feet.

"Sure enough, it's a mouse."

Han Xiao sneered.

He originally planned to use some pungent smells to interfere with the sense of smell of ghost mice, and then attack them one by one.

But it's not necessary to think about it carefully.

Mice are timid, and any sign of trouble will scare the shit out of them.

(End of this chapter)

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