Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 139 Han Xiao's Solicitation!

Chapter 139 Han Xiao's Solicitation!
Just as Han Xiao thought, using Yasha's avatar to restrain him, the other party naturally had no intention of commanding the group of mice.

"If I'm not mistaken, the wound on your face is also fake, right?"

Han Xiao's words made the black mouse's face extremely frightened.

"Forgive me!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and turned into a big black mouse about to run away.

A killing intent flashed in Han Xiao's eyes, and the killing intent instantly condensed into a long-shafted flintlock rifle.

After his transformation, the power of the murderous bullet in this gun is several times stronger than that of a pistol.

Han Xiao predicted the ghost mouse's position, took a deep breath, and gently put his finger on the trigger.

"Hold on, Your Excellency!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

Han Xiao turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a bartender uniform running towards him in a hurry.

"Chen Mo solved it?"

Han Xiao muttered to himself, a pistol appeared in his left hand, and he pointed at the two together: "Stay away."

The bartender suddenly had a feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake, and quickly raised his hands with a look of horror.

"Sir, please don't do anything on the black market. Your thug is already waiting for you at the Genmore Tavern."

The bartender said pleadingly.

Hearing this, Ghost Mouse didn't run away at all, and looked at the two of them treacherously with those dark eyes.

Han Xiao put away his two guns and acted vigorously: "Lead the way."

Stepping into Genmore Tavern, Han Xiao looked around and saw a mess.

Tables and chairs were overturned, puddles of orange-red liquor lay on the ground, and several bartenders crouched in a corner, dealing with hideous and terrifying wounds.

When they saw Han Xiao this time, their eyes showed panic.

"Master Xiao Qinglong is upstairs."

The bartender said in a low voice respectfully.

Unexpectedly, after the old blind man left, another little green dragon came.

Pushing open the familiar office door, Han Xiao looked sideways.

Standing next to the gate was a tall and thin man with a delicate blue dragon tattooed on his shoulder. From his shoulder to his waist, his small eyes wandered back and forth, like a student who was punished for standing.

And Chen Mo was standing behind the desk.

"Master, please."

He pulled out the leather seat, looking respectful.

Han Xiao nodded, sitting on the seat dedicated to Xiao Qinglong, condescending.

"Are you the successor of this tavern?"

Han Xiao played with a gilt pen and asked casually.


Although he was beaten up, the little green dragon was somewhat unconvinced.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo glared at him, and the latter shrank his neck immediately.

This terrifying man just entered the tavern, without saying a word, he hit from the first floor to the third floor.

It looked like a hungry wolf that hadn't eaten for months.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qinglong begging for mercy, Chen Mo would have almost demolished the Genmo Tavern.

"I'm here for your cooperation."

That's right, Han Xiao needs the black market of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although compared to Tiandou's aristocratic circle here, it is simply heaven and earth.


Xiao Qinglong didn't believe it either, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Can you see this black market?"

If you want to know what top black goods are needed with Han Xiao's current status, just ask Chen Guzhi, and it will definitely be delivered in less than a week.

Still need to come here to pick the nobles and pick up the rest?

Han Xiao shook his head and smiled slightly: "I don't want your black market, what I want is you."

"You want to include the black market?!"

Xiao Qinglong had no choice but to look at the child in front of him again.

With such a strong thug, looking at Chen Mo's appearance, he still respects this young master very much.

This is trying to grab Prince Xue Xing's territory.

Xiao Qinglong was secretly shocked, he didn't expect that the nobles would attack the black market.

Han Xiao took the pen and tapped the table lightly: "For Prince Xue Xing, this place is just a livestock farm to satisfy the selfish desires of their aristocrats."

"He doesn't care about the life and death of you shepherd dogs at all, and he doesn't even bother to track them down."

"Guess if I kill you today, will Prince Xue Xing avenge you?"

Xiao Qinglong was shocked.

Looking at Han Xiao in front of him, he only felt that there was a knife hidden in the boy's heart.

"So what?" He smiled wryly: "For little people like us, it's a blessing to be able to eat the residue of those people."

Only Xiao Qinglong knew that it took him so much effort to sit in this position.

Han Xiao leaned forward, crossed his hands, and opened his lips: "Haven't you thought about sitting in the seat of Prince Xue Xing?"

As soon as the words came out, Xiao Qinglong's complexion changed drastically.

Is this man crazy? !

"What are you talking about, how could I betray Prince Xue Xing?!"

He glanced around and said anxiously.

Han Xiao smiled, "Is your servility deeply buried in your bones?"

"Even if you die, Prince Xue Xing won't blink his eyes. He doesn't even know you, little Qinglong, and still enjoys himself every day."

"Why did you sacrifice your life for Prince Xue Xing? Why did you hide in this dark, dirty and smelly black market when you were born?"

Xiao Qinglong opened his mouth and looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Yes, why are those royal family and nobles able to enjoy the best treatment from birth?

Why did they not have to compete with wild dogs for food since they were young?

He didn't understand, he couldn't figure it out.

But even so, Xiao Qinglong was already very satisfied: "You go, I can't promise you, this is undoubtedly to die."

"Yes, young master, although you are very strong, how can you beat the thigh of the Heaven Dou Empire with the strength of the soul master?"

The ghost mouse beside him looked at Han Xiao in disbelief, and said.

Han Xiao shook his head, "With my strength, of course not."

He turned to look at Chen Mo standing behind him.

The latter understood, took out a map of the Heaven Dou Empire, and hung it on the wall.

"Here, here, and here." Han Xiao pointed to the towns on the map: "What about adding the power of these soul masters?"

Xiao Qinglong was completely shocked. He seemed to understand at this moment that this Han Xiao was preparing to rebel.

"Impossible, do you really believe that the Heavenly Dou Empire is just paper?"

Xiao Qinglong shook his head and directly denied it.

Even if the strength of all cities is added together, it is difficult to shake Heaven Dou City.

Han Xiao looked at Xiao Qinglong, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes: "Who said we are going to rebel?"

"Tiandou and Xingluo are now in the stage of the cold war. If a large number of riots break out in the Tiandou Empire, what will happen?"

Ghost Mouse knocked on the head, as if suddenly realized: "So that's it, then the Star Luo Empire will attack!"

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Xiao Qinglong gave him a violent chestnut.

The Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire are separated by a long distance, does it mean that they can fight over?
How can war be so simple.

"The Heaven Dou Empire will definitely promulgate new laws and make compromises with you due to the pressure of the situation on the mainland."

Han Xiao's words are like the temptation of the devil.

(End of this chapter)

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