Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 145 1 song Canon, the eve of the war!

Chapter 145 A canon, the eve of the war!

Although everyone had doubts, they were all well-cultivated nobles after all, and they quickly calmed down, waiting for the two to perform.

On the stage, the two sides looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The tacit understanding in their eyes seemed to be partners who had cooperated for many years.

With the sound of the first piano note, the entire auditorium was soon filled with only two people playing.

Han Xiao lightly pressed the black and white keys, looked straight ahead, and focused his eyes.

He did not choose the royal repertoire that Heaven Dou nobles love to listen to, but chose a canon in D major from his previous life.

Compared with G major, D major is softer, and the melody is more acceptable to the general public.

What Han Xiao admired was Xue Qinghe's terrifying learning ability. He had never played the violin before, but he learned this [-]-minute piece by heart in just one month.

Han Xiao tapped each note lightly, moving slowly, like an old man in his twilight years.

And when the first section ended, Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, and slowly played the violin in his hand.

Immediately, the sound of the piano was like flowing water on a small bridge, like lazy clouds in the sky, like a friendly smile on a girl's face, and penetrated into everyone's ears.

The violin is the essence of this piece, and whether it sounds good or not depends entirely on the level of the violinist.

Obviously, Xue Qinghe did not disappoint him.

The converging piano sounds slowly flowed into people's hearts. The melodious and soothing piano sounds made them close their eyes subconsciously, and their consciousness slowly relaxed, as if lying on cotton candy.

And the two players who performed the piece had already entered the state of absolute concentration of heart flow.

The speed of the piece is not fast, but every note seems to have full emotion.

Xue Qinghe quietly watched Han Xiao's side face, a touch of nostalgia and complexity flashed in his eyes.

The whole piece seems to have no climax, but every note seems to be a climax.

Until the last vibrato is pulled, the last note is dropped, and the performance comes to an end.

However, everyone was still intoxicated by the beautiful melody, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

With serene smiles on their faces, they seem to be remembering the most wonderful day of their lives.

It wasn't until the solitary applause sounded that they reacted and joined the enthusiastic applause queue.

Xue Beng looked at this scene, a look of complexity flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't imagine that if these two people would be friends, they would definitely be like mountains and rivers, Boya Ziqi.

Sadly, this flawless opening track is little more than the calm before the storm.

He looked and disappeared among the crowd, turned and left.

The direction they were going was the gate of Tiandou City!


"Boss...boss, did we come too early?"

Ghost Mouse watched the movement of footsteps going back and forth above his head, and stammered.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong and his party were hiding in the sewers of Tiandou City.

They have gathered all their members since nightfall and came here to wait.

Under Xiao Qinglong's signal, every member of the black market pulled all the combat power around them that could be used.

There are also many people who were dragged into the thief boat without knowing it, and came to join in the fun.

Although the strength of this group of people varies, and most of them are soul masters, they are so numerous that they crowded the roads on both sides of the sewer.

"I said Brother Long, which gang are you going to fight with today?"

With a bald head and a bright light in his eyes, he asked excitedly in a low voice.

This one was obviously pulled here for no apparent reason.

Although Xiao Qinglong was flustered, his face was very calm: "He Tiandou City's biggest gang."

"Hey, skinny dragon and little tower, right? I don't like them a long time ago."

The bald head was gearing up, thinking that Xiao Qinglong was joking.

This group of soul masters living at the bottom have no other abilities, and they are very slippery.

If they really want to touch the last three sects, they may kneel down as soon as they meet.

Xiao Qinglong sneered inwardly, and stopped arguing.

Have fun now, and when you find out that you are going to Tutu Tiandou City, let's see if you can still have fun.

Whether it is rebirth from Nirvana, escape from the quagmire, or a street mouse in the waterway forever, depends on today.

"Boss, what is the secret code that person gave, we can't just wait?"

The ghost mouse is a little impatient.

The sewers are too stinky, and the mosquitoes are so unbearable that many brothers can't bear it anymore.

Xiao Qinglong didn't respond to him, but looked up at the hazy sky with a sneer in his heart.

If you don't let you deeply experience this rancid life, how can you use your breastfeeding strength when challenging the new world?
Xiao Qinglong looked at the impatient crowd behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Look here carefully, remember this, this is how you look in the eyes of those delicate white asses."

As soon as the words came out, everyone fell silent and looked at Xiao Qinglong with burning eyes.

Why? !

Why are those white buttocks able to have countless wealth and star-seeking eyes right from birth?

Why do they have to hide in this dark, dirty and smelly ditch?
Why do you have to be the dogs of those noble soul masters just because you awakened the trash martial soul?

Xiao Qinglong stood up slowly, raised his right fist expressionlessly, "Fight for dignity!"

"Fight for dignity!"

Their voices were extremely low, but there was an unusual firmness in their voices.


5000 meters outside Tiandou City

In order to prevent being discovered by the guards of Heaven Dou City, they had no choice but to choose to station at a position 5000 meters away.

I didn't dare to hurry during the day, and only dared to speed up when night fell, and it took three days to get here.

Nick held the telescopic soul guide in his hand, and frowned.

"The guards are still there."

The wealthy businessman beside him frowned, "Didn't he say that there will be no guards in Tiandou City, and the gates will be wide open?"

Nick put down the soul guide, his face calm: "What's the hurry, it's not the time yet."

He turned his head to look at the group of elite soul masters who were resting in meditation behind him, and clenched his fists.

Two-thirds of the wealthy merchants in the five surrounding cities, in addition to the hundreds of elite soul masters they supported, also hired ten mercenary groups that licked their blood.

It can be said that they have basically exhausted all available assets for this campaign.

Success or failure is all about this.

Although Nick knew that these soul masters were useless in front of Emperor Xue Ye's millions of soul masters.

But this is the only way to tell him to attach importance to this group of businessmen.

You must know that many of them have written reports of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to the Heaven Dou imperial family.

But the result is the same, nowhere.

To suppress this group of businessmen wantonly, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is not a fool, he must have given a lot of benefits to this group of greedy high-ranking officials.

Of course, this is also Han Xiao's hint.

If not, how could this group of businessmen be driven crazy?

They have fallen into despair, and the only way is to shed blood.

"Lei Xiao, I hope you won't be disappointed."

Looking at Tiandou City in the distance, Nick's gaze was as deep as a cold pool.

(End of this chapter)

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