Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 146 Tang Yuehua's Little Thoughts!

Chapter 146 Tang Yuehua's Little Thoughts!
Yue Xuan
After the opening performance, Han Xiao was surrounded by a group of girls.

Compared with Xue Qinghe, his world-weary face is obviously more popular with girls.

After politely rejecting these lost girls, Han Xiao quietly looked at the night sky with a smile on his face.

"You are more and more able to adapt to the life of the Heaven Dou Empire."

Tang Yuehua held the goblet in her hand, a blush flashed across her face.

Today's successful performance was highly praised by this group of nobles, and she was in a good mood and made an exception and drank a few more glasses.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and clinked glasses with Tang Yuehua: "That's right, the upper circles in Tiandou City are like flowers in the mirror, making people addicted and unable to extricate themselves."

"It's just that what is hidden under the mirror and water?"

Tang Yuehua drank the rest of the red wine in one gulp, her eyes were a little hazy, and her gaze at Han Xiao became complicated.

As the dean of the School of Etiquette, Tang Yuehua's every move must not be inappropriate.

All kinds of rules made her trapped in it even more.

In the face of Han Xiao, a romantic and free man with a touch of domineering in his casual nature, he has no resistance.

She has entered middle age, why doesn't she want to lean on a man's solid chest?

"Lei...Classmate Lei, can I ask you to dance?"

The two turned their heads, only to find a female classmate with a blushing face, showing timidity, but also courage.

A girl as pure as white paper may only be seen on campus.

Han Xiao vaguely remembered that this was the girl who reminded him to buy a harp.

He smiled slightly, turned to look at Tang Yuehua: "I'm very sorry, but I already have a partner for this dance in my heart."

A look of disappointment flashed across the girl's face, and she forced a smile: "I, I see, then I wish you a good time."

After saying this, the girl turned around and left quickly.


Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao's hand stretched out towards her, a look of bewilderment and shyness flashed across her face.

As a woman, why not be competitive?
Although these emotions were well hidden by Tang Yuehua.

But Han Xiao rejected the girl in front of her and expressed his thoughts, which still made Tang Yuehua elated.

Han Xiao cleared his throat, and looked at her mischievously: "Since I danced with Ms. Tang last time, I have been haunted by my dreams. I don't know if I will be lucky enough to dance with Ms. Tang again today." dance?"

The blush on Tang Yuehua's face became even worse, she looked around in confusion, then gritted her silver teeth secretly: "For the sake of your good performance today."

After speaking, she gently placed her slender hand on Han Xiao's palm.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and pulled Tang Yuehua towards the center of the dance floor.

He is very clear that this beautiful young woman has been completely controlled by him.

In Han Xiao's future plan, she occupies a very important part.

"Wow, look!"

"My God, it's the dean!"

"That rumor can't be true?!"

The appearance of the two immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The dancers retreated to the sides in a tacit understanding, their eyes interpreting the two.

"It seems that we won't be the protagonist tonight." Xue Qinghe looked at the shy girl in his arms, and smiled helplessly.

The girl nodded, a little excited: "It's okay, I haven't seen the dean's dance yet."

Since dancing with Han Xiao that day, Tang Yuehua is no longer in charge of ballroom dancing.

It's not to avoid suspicion, but since then, for some reason, dancing has become like a kind of torture to her, and she doesn't want to touch it again.

It may also be that Han Xiao danced so well that she could no longer find that feeling.

It's like when a rich man is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and suddenly changes to dross.

The music stopped abruptly, and the members of the ensemble looked at each other and began to play a very difficult symphony.

Like twins, the two seem to have a telepathic connection, no matter how difficult the action is, they can handle it freely.

Looking at the gentle posture and steps of the two in the middle of the dance floor, everyone fell into intoxication.

Only Xue Qinghe looked at the two expressionlessly, as if he didn't belong here.

As the last note fell, the two froze in place, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

The picture of the two has become eternal in everyone's mind.

Thunderous applause rang out, Tang Yuehua's chest heaved slightly, sweat dripped from her cheeks, her brows seemed to contain spring water.

She just stared at Han Xiao obsessively like this, until a smile appeared on the boy's face, Tang Yuehua realized that the song was over, and quickly withdrew her hand.

For some reason, when she left Han Xiao's big hand, Tang Yuehua lost her mind for a while.

With the end of this dance, the dance has also gone on to two-thirds.

The rest of the content is nothing more than rubbish time for these nobles to exchange feelings and win over relationships.

After Tang Yuehua finished dancing, she hurried back to her room on the grounds that she was not feeling well.

Han Xiao looked at the crowd around him, frowning slightly.

Xue Qinghe disappeared at some point.

Could it be that he also made moves tonight?

Han Xiao's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he decided to look around for him.

He walked to Chen Mo's side and whispered, "You can go to all directions and prepare."

Chen Mo nodded, with a serious face: "I see, young master."

After instructing these things, Han Xiao walked out of Yuexuan and started searching in the direction of the back garden.

The night in Tiandou is very cold.

The back garden of Yuexuan is not luxuriously built, but it is very architecturally beautiful.

In the center of the well-manicured path is a lake, and in the center of the lake, there is a lake pavilion.

The street lamps on both sides of the road illuminate the road under your feet, making this dark night a little brighter.

Han Xiao looked at Huxin Pavilion with surprise in his eyes.

To his surprise, Xue Qinghe didn't have any plans, he was in the Huxin Pavilion.

Dancing there.

Slowly approaching, Han Xiao discovered that he was dancing a female dance.

A person.

No music, no audience, dance alone.

The scene was somewhat indescribably weird.

But for some reason, Han Xiao actually felt a little sadness from Xue Qinghe's actions.

He seems very sad.

Han Xiao calmed down, walked into the Huxin Pavilion, and smiled: "Why are you here alone?"

Xue Qinghe, who was concentrating on dancing, noticed Han Xiao's arrival, and his eyes were a little flustered.

He smiled, hiding the panic, "It's too noisy inside."

Han Xiao nodded, "I think so too, come here for some fresh air."

After saying this, the night fell into silence, only the worms were left singing softly.

"I see you are dancing a female dance?"

Han Xiao took the lead in breaking the silence.

In the ballroom dancing of the Heaven Dou Empire, there is a big difference between the male side and the female side in terms of body movements and steps.

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe's expression was a little flustered, he hesitated and didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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