Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 148 Fight for dignity!

Chapter 148 Fight for dignity!

This is Qian Renxue. In fact, she is a woman with deep sensibility and romance hidden in her rationality.

Han Xiao didn't speak, and looked at Qian Renxue silently.

After a while, he shook his head, "This is not the life I want."

"Then what kind of life do you want?"

"With you around, it's not the life I want."

Han Xiao's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Qian Renxue's heart fiercely.

She looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Her palm still has Han Xiao's body temperature.

How did the hot temperature say such cold words?

For Qian Renxue, who is in a high position, although she is an absolute authority in the field of martial arts and power techniques.

But Xiaobai knows nothing about feelings.

Maybe up to now Qian Renxue's heart is still flashing the image of the two flying in the sky and dancing at night.

Even Qian Renxue's confession just now had an unquestionable, even commanding tone.

This is not love, but a strong possessive desire.

Maybe it was these two encounters that made Qian Renxue experience a feeling she had never had before.

So she had a sense of novelty and curiosity towards Han Xiao, and wanted to take Han Xiao as a tool to continue to get pleasure for herself.

Han Xiao knew very well.

Qian Renxue's fists were creaking.

The humiliation, the unprecedented humiliation made her feel her face was on fire.

This is the first time she has been rejected.

Those who were rejected were so relentless and cruel.

Qian Renxue took a deep breath.

As an extremely rational to terrifying woman, she brutally killed that tender side in her heart.

Ridiculous, really ridiculous!
"I would say such a thing."

Qian Renxue shook her head, feeling that she was extremely childish just now.

"good very good."

When she looked up at Han Xiao again, only hatred remained in her eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

A killing intent burst out in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Han Xiao shook his head and said, "You won't."

"Yes, I really won't."

Qian Renxue sneered, "I finally found an opponent, how could I let him die so easily?"

"But I can tell you a secret. I killed Xue Qingwu's family. Although I missed a mouse, I might as well spend some more time to solve it."

Hearing this, Han Xiao didn't have much surprise on his face, "I know."

According to Xue Beng's description, he could already guess the mastermind behind Xue Qingwu's family.

With Xue Beng's rights in the Heaven Dou Empire, how could it be possible to wipe out a family of dukes?
This must have been driven secretly by Xue Qinghe.

A smile appeared on Han Xiao's face: "So, I will give you a gift tonight."


Qian Renxue was slightly taken aback, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Han Xiao.

He pointed to the sky lightly, and Qian Renxue looked up.

In the next second, the roar filled the ears.

The colorful fireworks dyed the sky colorful.

"We're graduating!"

The shouts of students came from Yuexuan.

"Watch this good show with me."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, with an unspeakable color in his eyes.


"Look, the city gate is open!"

On the outskirts of Tiandou City, a drowsy wealthy businessman instantly cheered up.

Nick stood up abruptly, grabbed the binoculars, and said in disbelief: "It's really on."

I saw that the splendid and majestic Heaven Dou Cities were already wide open, and there was not a single guard on the gates.

Nick took a deep breath, forced to suppress the shock in his heart, turned around and shouted: "Everyone, follow me into Tiandou City, the first one to enter the city will reward 50 gold soul coins!"

This roar echoed in the silent night.

Everyone's eyes were bloodshot.

As soon as Nick finished speaking, this group of people rushed towards Tiandou City recklessly.

After dismissing the last guard, Xue Beng leaned against the city wall and yawned.

He hugged his shoulders and frowned slightly.

I don't know what that man wanted to do, but he actually asked him, the prince, to come and open the city gate in the middle of the night.

Recalling the scene of that night, Xue Beng shivered.

If you go back now, you should be able to catch up with the party, right?

He didn't want to stay on the city wall any longer, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

But what he saw next left him stunned.

I saw the black crowd rushing towards the direction of Tiandou City in wave after wave.

The soul rings blooming from this group of people instantly illuminated the dark night.

Every soul master is an elite!
Cold sweat trickled down Xue Beng's forehead.

He just felt a numbness in his back.

That man wants to rebel? !
Xue Beng didn't dare to think about it anymore.


Looking at the gorgeous fireworks above his head, Xiao Qinglong clenched his fists.

He knew very well that what Han Xiao wrote in the letter was to immediately rush to the noble's palace once fireworks appeared in the sky.


Ghost Mouse was gearing up to the side, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"Wait, wait, wait."

Xiao Qinglong responded in a deep voice.

Han Xiao said that if you are worried, you can wait until there is commotion outside before setting off.

He wanted to see how much energy that man possessed.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps in the street above.

The sound of people roaring and the flickering of the fire can be heard vaguely.


Xiao Qinglong's heart suddenly shrank.

"For freedom, reject oppression!"

A roar sounded above his head.

It's really coming!

Xiao Qinglong knew that Han Xiao really called the rebels.

It's just that he didn't expect the rebels to come so quickly.

Damn it!
He turned his head to look at the crowd, lit the torch, and instantly illuminated the entire sewer.

Looking at the group of brothers and sisters in ragged clothes and smelly all over their bodies, he gritted his teeth and slowly raised the torch.

"Brothers, let those arrogant white buttocks who call themselves nobles see, and let them know that we are not their efforts, we are human beings!"

"Fight for dignity!"

"Fight for dignity!"

This time, everyone roared unscrupulously until their throats broke.

"Brothers, follow me!"

Ghost Mouse had already broken the manhole cover and roared loudly.

Xiao Qinglong was the first to climb up, the refreshing air of Tiandou City made him addicted.

"Everyone, each with a torch, follow me to burn Prince Xue Xing's manor!"

The entire street was instantly lit up into fiery red.

This group of people living at the bottom rushed to the aristocratic area desperately.

At this time, they have only one purpose, and that is to regain their dignity.

"What's the noise, so loud?"

A middle-aged man rubbed his sleepy eyes and turned on the bedside lamp.

Seeing the beautiful woman beside him still sleeping soundly, he lit his pipe and opened the curtains.


The pipe fell to the ground, and the middle-aged man's hands were shaking.

He saw group after group of people, which were lit up red by torches, with a terrifying light in their eyes.

Pulling the curtains, the man leaned against the corner, feeling terrified.

It's going to change?

(End of this chapter)

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