Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 149 Brotherhood!

Chapter 149 Brotherhood!
At the intersection of Tiandou main road, Chen Mo stood there expressionless, looking at the crowd who were getting closer in the distance.

"Everyone, please select some people and follow me!"

He raised the token in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"who are you?"

Everyone was vigilant.

Nick pushed aside the crowd, walked to the front, and saw the token in Chen Mo's hand, his face changed.

The mark of the token is very simple, consisting of two sickles, with a half-moon arc trailing at the bottom, just like the decoration on a moon phase watch. (For the specific shape, please refer to the game icon of Assassin's Creed)

This is a mark specially prepared by Han Xiao to prevent them from being unfamiliar with the terrain of Tiandou.

It was also the original organization suggested by Han Xiao, the Brotherhood.

"My own people are members of the fraternity, the first team and the second team, you follow this brother, hurry up!"

Nick said hastily.

When everyone heard this, they let go of their suspicions.

"Everyone, there are three people waiting for you ahead, when the time comes, we will divide into four groups, and we will meet up in front of the Heaven Dou Palace at the end."

Chen Mo glanced at the crowd and said.

"Is it too slow?"

Nick frowned.

Chen Mo shook his head, "Don't worry, someone will confuse you."

Finally, it wasn't until the group of businessmen completely broke into Tiandou City that the group of guards realized that something was wrong.

"Enemy attack, there is enemy attack, someone sneak attack Tiandou City!"

An inspector shouted anxiously while wearing his trouser belt.

"Enemy attack? Where?!"

"Where... seems to be everywhere!"

The faces of this group of people became uncomfortable.

Only then did they realize that this enemy attack was not simple.

"Boss, should we disperse everywhere?"

Looking at Tritter who stood silently in front of the map of Tiandou City for a long time, an inspector asked cautiously.

According to intelligence feedback, the strength of this group of mobs varies, and they are not that powerful.

In this case, as long as the inspectors are dispersed to deter this group of people, the problem can basically be solved.

Tritter's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He looked down at the crumpled letter in his palm and gritted his teeth.

"Everyone, follow me to the outer city!"

According to intelligence, there are also a group of mobs in the outer city, but their strength is weaker.


The inspector seemed to have misheard, and asked again.

"Why, do you want me to repeat it again?"

Tritter's face turned cold.

"No, I dare not."

Tritter exuded a terrifying pressure that made him almost breathless.

The thick black clouds weighed down the ground and made it impossible to breathe.

The sound of shouting and fighting made the whole Heaven Dou City look like a hell on earth.

If this group of wealthy businessmen is still restrained, then Xiao Qinglong and his party are already like madmen.

Desires and anger that have been suppressed for too long are completely released by them.

In less than an hour, it was like locusts crossing the border.

They seem to be born to do this, destroying the manors of the nobles at an extremely fast speed, and when their soul masters came out, they disappeared in an instant, escaping into the darkness.

Like a nasty rat.

Fortunately, Xiao Qinglong is trying his best to maintain rationality.

Because he clearly remembered that Han Xiao told him emphatically that if he wants to bring the black market to the fore, he must not cross the line.

Some people wonder, since we are going from darkness to light, why are we so timid?
In Han Xiao's words, it is not enough strength.

If because of tonight's movement, Emperor Xue Ye would bring the black market to the table, it would be a helpless move to stabilize the black market.

If they really wanted to do something outrageous, Emperor Xue Ye would most likely eradicate them in a fit of anger.

But what are the benefits of doing so?
Since then, the nobles have no place to satisfy their selfish desires, and the bottom forces are even more dissatisfied with Emperor Xue Ye.

He is not a fool, so he would rather give the black market a name than solve it until the critical moment.

For people like Xiao Qinglong, this is the best way.

As for how to completely get rid of the reputation of the lower class, it depends on the efforts of generations.

"Everyone stay still!"

Tritter shouted angrily, and the inspector was late.

They released their martial souls instantly, and the last one was the Four Rings Soul Sect, and there were even two Soul Emperors.

Seeing these terrifying soul ring configurations, they shrank their necks and stopped destroying.

In the face of life, dignity and freedom are bullshit.

"Everyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed!"

Cui Te slashed his sword immediately, and shouted loudly, and the terrifying momentum rushed to his face instantly.

Under his deterrence, the group of people gradually calmed down, and looked timidly at the group of ruthless inspectors.

"That does not work."

Xiao Qinglong, who was hiding in the crowd, frowned.

Han Xiao gave him a rule, at least he had to break into the central area of ​​Tiandou City.

If you get stuck here, all your previous efforts will be in vain.

He suddenly remembered that Han Xiao had told him in the letter that if inspectors stopped him, they would not be cruel.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinglong broke into cold sweat.

What was going on in that man's brain?
Even this step was predicted.

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Have you all forgotten how you were bullied by these moths? Have you all forgotten the high protection fee? You have all forgotten how to lick their shoes like a dog ?"

"You all forgot, I didn't forget!"

Xiao Qinglong yelled and pushed the people in front of him, unstoppable: "Fight for dignity!"

Seeing this scene, Ghost Mouse simply broke the jar and said, "Damn it, I'm going to fight!"

Under the leadership of the two, more and more people rushed to the cordon.

Cui Te's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at the people behind him, "Brothers, don't kill me!"

Under his instructions, the inspector had no choice but to resist.

However, no matter how powerful their strength is, how can they stop thousands of soul masters?
"Brothers, come here!"

Xiao Qinglong used all his strength to open a gap and shouted loudly.

Everyone filed out immediately, and the inspectors' line of defense collapsed instantly.


"what are you going to do?!"

Qian Renxue looked at the burning houses one after another in the distance, the elegant music was intertwined with shouts and fights, which was extremely strange.

She looked at Han Xiao, who was expressionless beside her, with a look of shock.

This man is too crazy.

Han Xiao's eyes were cold, and he said slowly: "This is a gift from me to the Tiandou royal family, nothing more."

One must know that the current Heaven Dou Empire is really too peaceful.

It takes a boulder to be thrown into this stagnant water to stir up a thousand waves.

And Han Xiao is willing to be this boulder.

Flicking his wrist, Han Xiao put a black robe on his body, and put a fox mask on his face.

"What are you going to do?"

Qian Renxue had a bad premonition in her heart: "Do you think I will let you go?"

In an instant, she was surrounded by golden light, and six holy wings bloomed behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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