Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 150 Han Xiao VS Renxue!

Chapter 150 Han Xiao VS Qian Renxue!
After releasing her martial soul, Qian Renxue became even more holy, like a goddess of the nine heavens, making people subconsciously want to bow down.

"Aren't you afraid of revealing your identity?"

Han Xiao looked at Qian Renxue and said coldly.

The difference between the two is two realms, and Qian Renxue is not like other soul kings, and her strength is even stronger than some soul emperors.

Han Xiao knew very well that he would never be her opponent now.

"Don't worry, no one can come here."

Qian Renxue sneered, holding the golden holy sword.

"Han Xiao, I respect your strength and talent. If you want to leave here, just fight with me. I will suppress your soul power to the same level as yours."

The golden-red holy sword blocked half of Qian Renxue's face, and she slowly floated in mid-air.

"Take it as my last willfulness."

She sighed deeply.

If Qian Renxue really wanted to make a decisive decision, it was impossible for her to suppress her soul power.

Now that she is doing this, she still has a heart of compassion.

Han Xiao closed his eyes, and Taotie appeared in his hand.

He knew very well that this battle was inevitable.

Then fight!
When he opened his eyes again, Han Xiao's eyes were dyed scarlet.

The two sides were golden and red, and the surrounding air seemed to be divided into a clear boundary.

This time, without any hesitation, Han Xiao instantly released the murderous aura that had been suppressed for too long.

The entire heart lake instantly turned scarlet.

He knew very well that when facing Qian Renxue, he must not underestimate the enemy or hold back.

"bring it on!"

Qian Renxue yelled and pointed her sword at Han Xiao.

There was a fighting spirit in her eyes.

Han Xiao moved first, his body seemed to be integrated with the darkness.

The dark bee has no shadow!

However, where the holy sword in Qian Renxue's hand was pointing at, the darkness receded.

The two are like the opposite of light and dark.

Han Xiao turned around and drew an arc in the air, as shown in the picture.

The two sides approached quickly, the weapons converged, and there was a buzzing sound.

Han Xiao stabbed Qian Renxue's vitals with a knife, and the speed was so fast that only afterimages remained.

However, in front of Qian Renxue, this fierce attack was completely countered by her, and she even took time to counterattack Han Xiao.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, neither of them used soul skills.

"You beat me with a dagger in close combat that day because I didn't have a sword in my hand."

Qian Renxue sneered, and pierced Han Xiao's heart with a sword.

This sword cut through the surrounding air, so fast that it was impossible to dodge!
This sword made Han Xiao feel as if he was in the Holy Judgment Hall, with his hands and feet bound, waiting for the angel's divine judgment.

Contrary to Han Xiao's Killing God Domain, if the Killing God Domain can crush a person's fighting spirit in an instant, then the holy light emanating from Qian Renxue's body can make people willingly stick out their necks and be chopped off.

"not good!"

Feeling that his body was imprisoned by the terrifying sword force, Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and scarlet blood glowed in his eyes.

The strong blood light broke the restraint on Han Xiao's body, and his body twisted quickly in the air, avoiding the fatal blow.

It seems that the seraph has a natural restraint on Han Xiao's killing god domain.

"You can avoid my sword, you are good."

Qian Renxue held a sword flower and affirmed Han Xiao.

There was a distance of about ten meters between the two sides, and Han Xiao looked at Qian Renxue warily.

It was just a feint attack, but the sword she swung at random almost took Han Xiao's life.

It can be seen that this woman is indeed terrifying.

Qian Renxue drew her sword again, the speed was so fast that it was blurry.

Immediately afterwards, an exaggerated sword edge quickly cut through the air and flashed towards Han Xiao.

However, at the moment when Qian Renxue drew the sword, Han Xiao's terrifying subconscious had predicted the rules of swinging the sword, and made an early dodge gesture.

The sword edge brushed over Han Xiao's hair, cutting off a strand of black hair, and after Han Xiao dodged in a blur, he ran straight towards Qian Renxue.

A flash of shock flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, and immediately continued to swing the second sword, the third sword, and the fourth sword...

The dense sword edges formed a dense sword net in front of Qian Renxue.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and everything around him seemed to slow down.

Back in time!

He didn't go back in time to before Qian Renxue swung the sword, but only paused briefly.

For him, this one-second pause was enough.

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Xiao leaned back violently, barely avoiding the terrifying sword edge, and came to Qian Renxue.

He supported the ground with one hand, and with a sudden force, his body rose into the air, and he swung the Taotie violently.

There was a crisp sound, and the weapons of both sides converged.

The two of them seemed to be in agreement, and they backed away abruptly.

Han Xiao's eyes became serious.

Qian Renxue is stronger than he imagined.

On the other side, Qian Renxue's pupils shook even more.

Although she suppressed her own soul power, she must know that her physical fitness and the strength of the evolved martial soul cannot be suppressed.

But even so, after the brief confrontation between the two, Han Xiao did not lose the wind.

If Qian Renxue really wants to be a soul master in every aspect, she can't guarantee that she will be Han Xiao's opponent.

"Why, do you want me to attack this time?"

Seeing Han Xiao still standing there, Qian Renxue shouted in a cold voice.

As soon as the voice fell, she flapped her wings and rushed towards Han Xiao at an extremely terrifying speed.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and she was spinning at high speed in the air, like a golden meteor.

Looking at Qian Renxue who came to him in the blink of an eye, Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

It was too fast, even with his anti-human reaction speed, Qian Renxue was already in front of him when he realized it.

Qian Renxue, who came before him, did not stab Han Xiao's heart with a sword, but held the sword in both hands and swung it down obliquely.

That action is like a god who is high above and judges sinners.

The aura that rushed towards him was like a mountain and sea, and this terrifying aura had far surpassed that of Soul Venerable.

But Han Xiao knew that Qian Renxue did not release more soul power.

This is the attack wielded by her soul master level!
Han Xiao moved.

With a slight tilt, he dodged Qian Renxue's blow.

Qian Renxue's pupils exuded shock.

Others couldn't see it, but her pair of golden pupils could see it clearly.

In the two seconds when Han Xiao tilted slightly just now, his body was shaking at an extremely fast speed.

She knew very well that a soul master of the same realm as her own could only use soul power and defensive soul skills to fight it.

But Han Xiao managed to avoid it by relying on pure physical ability.

How many people can do this?

If the bonus of Martial Soul is discarded, Qian Renxue would like to call Han Xiao No.1.

It's just a pity that this is Douluo Dalu.

Qian Renxue shook her head, discarded these thoughts, and swung her sword again.

However, at this moment, Han Xiao moved.

His body leaned forward at an extremely fast speed, and he was about to fall into Qian Renxue's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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