Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 151 Six Winged Angels, Han Xiao's Crisis!

Chapter 151 Seraphim, Han Xiao's Crisis!
With the distance between the two sides shrinking instantly, Qian Renxue unexpectedly forcibly did not swing out this sword.

Be aware that all weapons have an attack range.

For example, with long spears, the best attack distance is about one meter.

The attack distance of the long sword is half a meter.

Once the distance between the two sides is less than half a meter, the long sword will be restrained everywhere.

And the best attacking distance of the dagger is within half a meter!

"not good!"

Qian Renxue groaned inwardly, the sword stopped in mid-air and did not swing out.

And Han Xiao, who was close to him, stabbed at her lower abdomen with Taotie in his hand.

With a dodge, Qian Renxue forcibly avoided the attack.

Same as Xue Qinghe, Qian Renxue is also an all-round genius, so naturally her body skills won't go anywhere.

It's just that Han Xiao is a ghost with a slanted sword.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and the muscles all over his body swelled instantly, and he threw out the gluttonous glutton in his hand.

The dagger seemed to only stab once, but in fact it was stabbed nine times.

This is Han Xiao's terrifying blow based on Tang Chen's Haotian Jiujue, plus his own experience and understanding.

The nine stabs were aimed at different and most vulnerable parts of the human body.

This terrifying speed and tricky angle, basically no one can avoid it.

Seeing that Taotie was getting closer and closer to Qian Renxue's body, Han Xiao's pupils glowed brightly.

This kind of high-frequency attack, even if the opponent is extremely tyrannical, can only dodge one or two stabs.

A total of nine stabs were made, all of which were vital points of the human body, so how could it be possible to avoid them all?

Unfortunately, the other party was Qian Renxue.

I saw her wings flapping rapidly, the whole person soared into the air, and quickly avoided Han Xiao's fatal blow.

Qian Renxue in mid-air stared solemnly at Han Xiao at her feet.

She knew very well that if her martial soul was replaced with another one, she would not be able to avoid this blow at all.

Thinking of this, she felt a burst of regret.

If Han Xiao can be by his side, then I dare not say that in 20 years, ten years later, the two of them will become the strongest existence on this continent.

At that time, what is the Heaven Dou Empire?
Randomly crushing your fingers can destroy it instantly.

But all of this is unimportant. For Qian Renxue, strength is the key, but tacit understanding is more important.

The reason why she is willing to bravely express her inner thoughts is because when she gets along with Han Xiao, she can feel that the two of them seem to be one.

Qian Renxue shook her head and stopped thinking about it, a killing intent appeared in her eyes.

Destroy it if you don't get it.

The more surprises Han Xiao gave her, the more Qian Renxue felt a sense of crisis.

She could even have a premonition that the biggest opponent of Spirit Hall ten years later would not be the Heaven Dou Empire or the Star Luo Empire, but this boy.

"Han Xiao, can you take my sword?"

Qian Renxue pointed her sword at Han Xiao, and the holy flame emanating from the sword became more intense.

Looking at Qian Renxue in mid-air, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up: "Let's take a look at yourself first."

As soon as these words came out, Qian Renxue subconsciously felt a sense of crisis.

Suddenly, a gust of dark wind blew, she turned her head quickly, her face paled.

I saw a gray-black cloak unexpectedly appearing behind him at some point, wrapping himself tightly in it at an extremely fast speed.

"This is impossible!"

Feeling that the soul power in her body seemed to be cut off, Qian Renxue couldn't believe it.

Her figure fell quickly and fell heavily to the ground.

It was the aura cloak that entangled Qian Renxue.

As early as the beginning of the battle with Qian Renxue, Han Xiao knew that even if the soul power of the two sides was quite different, he might not be Qian Renxue's opponent.

After his research during this period, he was surprised to find that this cloak wrapped around a person's body can not only isolate the soul power, but also change its color like a chameleon.

So he took advantage of the night to secretly send the aura cloak to the sky.

All the attacks were aimed at forcing Qian Renxue into the sky.

Now her body has been tightly wrapped by the aura cloak, and she has completely lost her ability to fight.

Looking at Han Xiao who was getting closer, Qian Renxue stared at him firmly.

"You're going to kill me?"

Her voice trembled a little.

Han Xiao held Taotie in his hand, exuding a scarlet light.

"Go ahead."

Qian Renxue closed her eyes, her voice was a little more decisive.

With a blank expression on his face, Han Xiao raised the Taotie and stabbed at Qian Renxue's chest fiercely.

Just when Taotie was about to stab in, a burst of golden light burst out instantly.

These golden energies formed a golden light shield, which forcibly blocked Taotie.

"did not expect……"

Qian Renxue shook her head, revealing a beautiful smile.

She now deeply believes that the Han Xiao that night is the real him.

Cold, heartless, like a statue.

Han Xiao took half a step back, he knew that this was Qian Renxue's first soul skill.

Han Xiao frowned. It stands to reason that Qian Renxue's soul power should not be able to be released under the barrier of the aura cloak.

"Your martial spirit is indeed very strong. It's very strange. If I'm not mistaken, this should be your second martial spirit, right?"

Qian Renxue's expression returned to calm, and she looked at Han Xiao coldly.

"I didn't expect that your second martial spirit could be used together with the first martial spirit."

Seeing Han Xiao holding Taotie, Qian Renxue's face flashed with shock.

After all, growing up in the Wuhun Hall, Qian Renxue's theoretical knowledge of Wuhun was of course given one-on-one guidance from the Titled Douluo.

"Your second martial soul is very powerful, but it's a pity that you haven't absorbed the soul ring yet. In addition, my martial soul is a seraph. Otherwise, I really fell into your way."

Qian Renxue got up gradually, and the aura cloak slowly fell off, bowed her waist, and came to Han Xiao's side as if she had collapsed.

Although the ability of the aura cloak is terrifying, if it is leapfrogged, won't it last for too long?
Looking at the extra scarlet on Qian Renxue's white robe, Han Xiao secretly thought.

If you didn't guess wrong, just now Qian Renxue broke through the [-]th level limit, relying on her powerful soul power to break through the control of the aura cloak.

But even so, the Lingguang Cloak briefly controlled Qian Renxue for a second, causing Taotie to hurt her skin.

"Han Xiao, this time, I won't hold back."

Qian Renxue pointed at Han Xiao with a murderous intent in her eyes.

"Attack is coming."

Han Xiao was not afraid at all, and took a deep breath.

Looks like I'm going to use that trick?
During this period of time in the Heaven Dou Empire, Han Xiao did not linger in the corrupt noble life.

He is constantly studying his two martial arts.

Although Taotie and the aura cloak are both powerful, Han Xiao found that they were not connected.

This is also the most troublesome place for Han Xiao.

It stands to reason that he has the terrifying ability to use two martial spirits at the same time, but he has never had a powerful combination skill.

After a year of pondering, Han Xiao gradually found the way.

It's just that it's possible...

(End of this chapter)

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