Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 155 Han Xiao's Conjecture!

Chapter 155 Han Xiao's Conjecture!
Every night is a kind of hardship and torture for Ye Lingling.

In order to fill the pain in her heart, Ye Lingling saves people.

Even for a stranger like Han Xiao, she will try her best.

Only in this way can she get some comfort in her heart.

Hearing the words "Nine Heart Begonia", Ye Lingling's face was filled with sadness.

She nodded slightly, without speaking.

"It's painful, every night?"

After a moment of silence, Han Xiao asked.

His voice was very soft, like a feather slowly falling to the ground.

Even so, Ye Lingling's shoulders still trembled.

The feathery words were like a sharp knife stuck in her chest.

"Haven't you thought about solving this shortcoming?"

Seeing the girl lower her head and quicken her pace, Han Xiao secretly followed, chasing after her.

He suddenly thought of Yu Xiaogang, that poor guy living in his own world.

If he really devotes all his time to the study of Wuhun theory, why doesn't he try to help these poor people get rid of the backlash of Wuhun?
"You... please don't talk to me again."

She looked up at Han Xiao, her eyes were a little colder.

After all, it was the first time the two met, and it was good enough for Ye Lingling to have such a temper.

"What if I said I wanted to help you with this horrible evil?"

Han Xiao spoke.

"What did you say?!"

Ye Lingling stopped and looked at Han Xiao with disbelief.

We must know that many powerful people in Tiandou Empire have thought about solving the disadvantages of Jiuxin Begonia.

After all, if Jiuxin Begonia can be mass-produced, then the reserve forces of the Heaven Dou Empire will no longer have to worry.

But in the end, the ending is the same, so Ye Lingling no longer has any hope.

She took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart: "If you do this again, I will ask Sister Yan to drive you away."

"If I'm not mistaken, the research done by those Martial Soul theorists is all about the essence of your Martial Soul?"

"So what?" Ye Lingling said angrily.

Han Xiao shook his head: "Maybe their method was wrong from the beginning."

"I have also done some research on Jiuxin Begonia based on some secrets. This martial soul has not mutated, so according to common sense, those disadvantages do not exist at all."

You must know that the library of Wuhundian contains the secrets of the whole continent.

In order to understand the world more quickly, Han Xiao took the time to memorize all the documents in the entire library in his mind.

Although there are very few records about Jiuxin Begonia, Han Xiao still found a clue.


Ye Lingling shook her head with a look of disbelief.

Ever since she was a child, everyone has been instilling in her that Jiuxin Haitang is a terrifying martial spirit.

Now that Han Xiao told her that there was nothing wrong with this martial spirit, how could she accept it?

"According to my speculation, only speculation."

Han Xiao said softly: "Nine-heart Begonia is not only a generation of descendants. If you want to have a child, you have to pay the price of your mother's life. But if you want to pass on Nine-heart Begonia, you need a strong mother body."

"A powerful matrix?"

Ye Lingling was slightly taken aback, it was obviously the first time she heard this concept.

Han Xiao nodded, and continued: "That is to say, Jiuxin Begonia wants to produce offspring, and has extremely high requirements for the mother's physical condition, soul power and level."

"If the mother's body cannot meet the requirements of the offspring in all aspects, the fetus will subconsciously absorb the nutrients in the mother's body and save itself at the expense of the mother's life."

"Your that I killed my mother?"

Ye Lingling's voice trembled, her eyes were filled with mist.

Han Xiao shook his head and said blankly: "No, strictly speaking, you are not Ye Lingling in the mother's body, but a pure living body."

"You have no consciousness, no emotion, and the reason for doing this is just for self-preservation."

Although what Han Xiao said was not unreasonable, Ye Lingling seemed to be hit by a thunderbolt, and she was in a daze.

She couldn't believe that Wuhun, whom she had hated for so many years, was not the murderer.

The real murderer turned out to be herself.

For a moment, Ye Lingling couldn't accept this cruel fact, and lost her mind.

"Ye Lingling, cheer up!"

Han Xiao grabbed her little hand, and a blue frost crown bloomed on his forehead.

"Your mother is the same as you. What you should do is not to lose your soul here, but to find a way to solve the disadvantages of Jiuxin Haitang!"

Han Xiao looked at Dugu Yan in the distance, and scolded in a low voice.

Fortunately, there was noise all around, and Dugu Yan, who was focused on moving forward, didn't notice any movement here.

Ye Lingling gradually came back to her senses, and looked at Han Xiao at a loss: "What should I do?"

"It's very simple, improve your own soul power."

"To what extent?"

Ye Lingling asked.

When her mother gave birth to her, she was already a Seven Ring Soul Sage, but even so, she still died.

Han Xiao shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it's Title Douluo, maybe..."

Having said that, he pointed to the sky.

Become a god.

Ye Lingling smiled bitterly.

What a difficult thing this is, like the stars in the sky, out of reach.

What's more, Ye Lingling is also an auxiliary soul master.

In the history of Douluo Continent, there are very few assistant soul masters who become titled Douluo, let alone become gods.

"At least in Tiandou Royal Academy, this is very difficult to do."

Han Xiao looked at Ye Lingling with a bitter face, and said casually.

Indeed, as Ye Lingling said, Tiandou Imperial Academy is basically set up for the children of nobles, except for Yu Tianheng, there are very few geniuses.

"Not only Tiandou Royal Academy, maybe there are very few people on this continent who can really do this."

Han Xiao continued.

"But I can."

"You? A soul master?"

Ye Lingling looked at Han Xiao and asked in disbelief.

She was about to say something more when Han Xiao suddenly appeared in front of Dugu Yan in the blink of an eye and pulled her back.


Dugu Yan's face changed drastically, Han Xiao's speed was too fast, she didn't even react at all.

Just about to say something, Han Xiao covered her mouth and leaned against the corner of the wall.

He put his fingers up between his lips, and looked out coldly.

In the next second, a man suddenly appeared at the crossing.

Dugu Yan's pupils dilated. If Han Xiao hadn't held her back just now, they might have been discovered by now.

The place is intricate and complicated, with many forked roads, coupled with the extremely poor sightlines at night, Dugu Yan couldn't see the intersections on both sides at all.

But how could Han Xiao perceive it?
(End of this chapter)

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