Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 156 Dugu Yan's Shock!

Chapter 156 Dugu Yan's Shock!

"Damn it, how did you lead the way, and you can lose it?"

The group of people came to the entrance of the alleyway where Han Xiao was hiding, and stopped.

"Boss, Tiandou City is too complicated today, who knows how those people got away, they disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Is it from Xiaoqinglong?
Han Xiao listened to the conversation between the two and thought to himself.

This group of people is different from the soul masters hired by Nick, they have not received professional training, and their discipline is extremely poor, so the possibility of this kind of auto-loss is considered normal.


Since it's from the black market, why don't you know the way to Tiandou City?
"But you kid is really well-informed. You actually predicted that there will be riots in Tiandou City tonight. We can take this opportunity to make a fortune."

As soon as the words came out, Han Xiao understood instantly.

This group of people did not belong to Xiao Qinglong's black market at all, nor were they Nick's mercenary group.

They didn't know where they heard the news of the riots in Tiandou City, and they wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get a share of the action.

Han Xiao clenched the Taotie in his hands. There were five people in total, three soul masters and two great soul masters.

In contrast, Han Xiao only has one soul master and one great soul master.

There is an absolute gap in strength.

Moreover, this group of people lived a life of licking blood, and it can be said that they were much more decisive than Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

It is necessary to think of a method that can control the enemy one by one.

Just when Han Xiao was thinking carefully, the stone at the foot of Dugu Yan next to him seemed to be unable to support it, and it shattered instantly with a snap.


The sudden movement was magnified countless times in the depths of the alley, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Damn it, I just said what's going on, I always feel that someone is always there."

The five looked at each other, released their martial souls at the same time, and walked towards Han Xiao eagerly.

"Let me see which little mouse is eavesdropping."

The voices of this group of people were somewhat excited, and Dugu Yan's face was already full of horror.

"not good!"

When the five people got closer, Han Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, and his muscles exploded instantly.

From their point of view, Han Xiao seemed like a black shadow suddenly appeared from around the corner, slamming into the chest of the man in front.

By the time the leading man came to his senses, his complexion had already turned pale.

"Kill, kill him!"

He tightly clutched his chest, but the scarlet blood was still gushing out.

The moment Han Xiao bumped into the man just now, he didn't know when he sent Taotie into his chest.

Han Xiao was surrounded by this group of people, and the seriously injured man stepped aside to start healing.

At least one is solved first, not too bad.

Although it didn't kill him in one blow, it was enough to delay for a while.

This is enough for Han Xiao.

"What are you doing in a daze, come on!"

None of these people dared to take the lead.

Han Xiao's eyes are too terrifying, like a poisonous snake.

Gritting his teeth alone, "Brothers go together, with his soul master's strength, is it possible that he can still win against three?"

The three understood, and instantly attacked Han Xiao from different directions.

However, at this moment, Dugu Yan suddenly appeared, and the first and second soul rings instantly released dazzling light.

"Quick, my first and second soul skills can increase your attack power, speed and defense power at the same time!"

"Little girl, wait for me to deal with him first, and then I will teach you well."

A man didn't expect Han Xiao to have accomplices, and when he saw Dugu Yan looking so glamorous, he immediately became lustful.

And the moment he spoke, Han Xiao had already come in front of him.

It has to be said that the improvement brought about by Dugu Yan's one or two soul skills is indeed great.

The speed and attack power can be increased by 20.00% at the same time, and Han Xiao's Taotie glows faintly green under the enhancement of the Jade Phosphorus Snake.

And the 30.00% increase in defense is even more terrifying.

Han Xiao flashed to the man's side, and instantly sent out the Taotie in his hand, piercing his nine weak points within a second with lightning speed.

The man's complexion changed drastically, and with the blessing of Dugu Yan's boost, Han Xiao's speed was terrifyingly fast.

What was even more frightening was that the dagger in Han Xiao's hand stabbed at him almost instantly.

This made him unable to react at all.

"Third brother, don't panic!"

Just when Han Xiao's Taotie was about to pierce his body, a loud roar suddenly sounded.

Han Xiao turned his head suddenly, only to see that the big man had already jumped on top of his head, and his fists were about to hit heavily like meteor hammers.


Dugu Yan's complexion changed, and he rushed up to join the battlefield.

But the distance between the two is too close to help.

However, Han Xiao seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and his right leg glowed with a dark light.

Like a cannonball that had been poised for a long time, Han Xiao's right leg hit the man's fist heavily.

"Two soul bones!"

Dugu Yan blinked his big eyes with disbelief on his face.

She didn't expect Han Xiao to have two soul bones with one soul master.

One must know that even her grandfather, Dugu Bo, only possessed one soul bone, and that soul bone was still his ultimate skill.

However, the young Hunzun in front of him actually owns two pieces at such a young age!


The soul master's complexion changed drastically, he only felt that his hard arm bones began to slowly shatter, spreading little by little like a spider's web.

How can it be? !
His martial soul is a strange force bear, and what he is most proud of is his powerful strength.

It can be said that this Martial Soul is useless except for its strange power.

However, when he confronted Han Xiao with full confidence, he found that his full strength had become so vulnerable.

Are you kidding me, this is the soul bone of the soul two-headed wolf.

Just saying that such a soul beast is already rare, not to mention the soul bone that fell out of it.

No kidding, maybe this is the only one in the whole continent.

The strong man fell heavily, his arms hanging to the ground like plasticine.

Under the powerful force of Hun Mingpo, his arm bones had already been reduced to pieces.

At the same time, Han Xiao's Taotie also cut the throat of the soul master in front of him at this moment.

In less than ten seconds, Han Xiao ended up with the two of them at an extremely fast speed, and the situation of the scene was instantly reversed.

"catch him."

Seeing that there were only two soul masters left who were about to flee, Han Xiao said expressionlessly.

"Master, please forgive me, please, please forgive me!"

Seeing that their way was blocked, the two had no choice but to kneel down and beg for mercy.

However, Dugu Yan didn't give him a good face at all: "Who is your uncle!"

"Big... big sister!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Dugu Yan kicked him hard in the chest with a heartwarming foot.

"Don't kill me, I still have something to ask."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Dugu Yan hesitated for a while, and finally put down the long legs hanging in the air.


She gave Han Xiao a dissatisfied look.

Obviously, this man doesn't need their protection at all, and Han Xiao's strength has long since recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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