Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 159 Soldiers are cunning, Han Xiao breaks the formation!

Chapter 159 Soldiers are cunning, Han Xiao breaks the formation!

"What the hell are you doing in a daze, run away!"

Brother Hu roared loudly.

"Boss, come here first."

The old monkey hid behind the door and waved to everyone.

Brother Hu didn't dare to be careless, and hid behind the door in fear.

"Boss, this grandson hiding in the dark is not that powerful."

The old monkey analyzed in a low voice: "From the very beginning, he was putting on airs, trying to use this invisible pressure to solve us one by one."

"If he is really much stronger than us, how could he squat patiently for half an hour?"

The old monkey's words made everyone suddenly enlightened, and Brother Hu's fists creaked.

"Damn it, I always say something is wrong."

When Han Xiao shot at him just now, if the opponent's strength is really stronger, then the bullet might be crushed?

"what should I do now?"

Brother Hu asked in a muffled voice, now he can't wait to tear Han Xiao who is hiding in the dark into pieces.

The old monkey shook his head with an ugly expression: "If I guessed correctly, the beast was in the opposite building just now, but he kept moving, and had already changed positions when the third shot was fired."

Brother Hu's face darkened.

If you say this, wouldn't it mean that you can only be tortured by the other party and die a little bit.

The old monkey rolled his eyes and said mysteriously: "Boss, I have a way, I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the old monkey's expression changed.

I saw a red light not far away, getting bigger and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, rushing directly towards his head.

As an agile soul master, Lao Hou reacted almost subconsciously.


A shrill scream echoed in the sky above.

Even though he was fast enough, he still couldn't help being shot through his entire ear.

The severe pain made the old monkey almost dizzy.

It was only at this time that they realized that at the time of the discussion just now, Han Xiao had already changed a sniper point.

At this moment, Brother Hu only felt that they were like food that had fallen into a spider's web. No matter how hard they tried to break free, they would only get closer and closer, waiting to be eaten away.

"I... let's go back to the room and discuss the long-term."

A young man's voice trembled a little.

Brother Hu and Lao Hou looked at each other and nodded: "Let's go."

After speaking, the two rushed to the house at the same time.

"Want to tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly.

The most clumsy strategy is to use two people to attract attention first, while the person hiding in the dark is constantly groping for the sniper's position. This can be said to be the easiest way to deal with the sniper.

The 98K in Han Xiao's hand disappeared and turned into gluttony.

His figure was hidden in the darkness.

The horse boy who stayed alone bit his lip, and quietly turned his head to look at the building where Han Xiao was hiding.

"Damn it, never mind!"

He shook his head, got up and was about to rush to the distant building.

However, before walking two steps, he suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.

A cold touch came from the neck, followed by wet warmth.

"What's your name?"

Han Xiao's cold voice came.

"Wang... Wang Li."

He subconsciously replied.


After confirming the other party's voice, Han Xiao pulled out Taotie, and Wang Li instantly collapsed on the ground.

"Are there only two left?"

Han Xiao looked at the buildings in the distance and thought to himself.


In the room, the atmosphere was so heavy that it was about to condense into ice.

Brother Hu looked around anxiously. The old monkey's ears had already been bandaged briefly, but the pale face still showed pain.

"Boss, I can rest assured that Wang Li will handle things."

The old monkey squeezed out a smile and comforted him.

Brother Hu shook his head, and responded in a deep voice: "I am also worried about Wang Li, but you know that grandson hiding in the dark is too evil, and you are afraid that something will happen to you."

Hearing this, the old monkey fell silent.

There were five of them when they came, but now there are only three left.

What's even more ridiculous is that Brother Hu and the old monkey who are Soul Sect are trapped here like this, not daring to move.

"Boss, where are you?"

At this moment, Wang Li's voice came from downstairs.

Brother Hu and the old monkey looked at each other with a bright light in their eyes.

While talking about Wang Li, he came back unexpectedly.

He was about to respond, but was stopped by the old monkey with a look.

"Wang Li, where are you?"

The old monkey didn't go down, and yelled vigilantly.

"People are down there."

Wang Li's voice came again.

"Brother is troubled, bring the body up."

The old monkey had no intention of going on.

There was silence in the air, and after a while, Wang Li's slightly angry voice came: "Old monkey, what the hell do you mean?"

"Brother, I took such a big risk to get someone. I almost died outside. It's good enough to drag the body back. You still ask me to carry it on your back, right?"

The old monkey froze there without speaking.

It wasn't that he didn't believe in Wang Li, but that something was wrong.

"Forget it, brother, don't mind, after all, the old monkey doesn't dare to be careless when it comes to life."

Seeing this, Brother Hu quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over.

After finishing speaking, he stood up cautiously and walked downstairs.

"Boss!" The old monkey grabbed Brother Hu and gritted his teeth: "I'll go."

He took a deep breath and took every step.

The short flight of stairs from the second floor to the first floor turned out to be so long at this time.

After walking down the last step, the old monkey heaved a sigh of relief: "Brother Wang Li, where are you?"

He scanned his surroundings vigilantly, and Wang Li's voice came after a while: "Just ahead, my leg was injured by that grandson, help me bandage it."

"You wait."

The old monkey nodded, and walked towards Wang Li very slowly.

However, when he was halfway there, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

When they connect, they always have to exchange code words.

However, until now, Wang Li has not said anything.

"Wang Li, what is our code word?"

The old monkey asked loudly.

The room fell into a brief silence, and after a while, Wang Li's voice sounded:
"The code word should die."

As soon as the words fell, the old monkey's expression changed, and he turned around and was about to run away.

I was still too careless, I forgot the code words when I was upstairs just now.

However, the moment he turned around, a powerful impact suddenly spread from the soles of his feet.

The violent noise made the whole tall building precarious and crumbling.

The old monkey flew backwards under the terrible impact.


His voice was extremely miserable, and one leg was already dripping with blood.

However, before he could catch his breath, Han Xiao appeared in front of him like a ghost at some point, and thrust into his neck.

The old monkey opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but Han Xiao clenched Taotie tightly, moved down, and then withdrew immediately.

Scarlet blood flowed continuously after the rupture of the aorta, the old monkey's body trembled twice, and finally went limp.

(End of this chapter)

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