Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 160 Die in despair, Yu Tianheng's change!

Chapter 160 Die in despair, Yu Tianheng's change!

"What happened?!"

Brother Hu's voice came from above.

"It's nothing, it's just that everyone around you is dead."

Han Xiao said casually while wiping the Taotie in his hand.

He looked at the frightened old monkey under his feet, turned around and walked upstairs.

"May I ask your Excellency, we didn't offend you, did we?"

Brother Hu's voice suppressed anger.


"Since there is no such thing, why is your Excellency so relentless? Don't you understand the reason why you should keep a line in your life so that we can meet each other in the future?"

"Who stipulated that you can't kill all of you if you don't offend me?"

Han Xiao's voice was very calm, and there seemed to be madness in that calm.

Crazy, this is definitely a lunatic.

How can a normal person say such things calmly?
Brother Hu looked out the window, gritted his teeth, and moved there quietly.

Since the opponent is so close to you, it must be impossible to snipe, right?

He is going to jump out of the window.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, Brother Hu gritted his teeth, turned his heart up, suddenly burst into flames, and ran towards the window.

His speed was very fast, the whole movement was done in one go, and he jumped directly from the second floor to the ground.

Right now, there is only one thought left in his mind, that is to escape, to escape from Heaven Dou City.

Just now he saw Han Xiao's face, it was a pair of eyes without any emotion, and his heart trembled when he saw it.

"Jumped out of the window?"

Looking at the wide open window, Han Xiao sneered inwardly.

The Taotie in his hand once again condensed into 98K, which was placed on the window sill.

Pull the bolt, aim, pull the trigger.

The whole set of movements was done in one go, and Han Xiao didn't even aim.

The red meteor cut through the darkness and shot directly at Brother Hu's head.

"Gravity suppression!"

Brother Hu shouted loudly, and the speed of the bullet slowed down instantly.

However, before he could take a breath, Han Xiao loaded the chamber again, and the second and third bullets were fired again.

More and more bullets stopped around Brother Hu.

He smiled coldly, "This trick is useless to me."

But suddenly, Brother Hu noticed something was wrong.

The bullets crushed by gravity turned into dense red nets.

These red nets were connected around Brother Hu, and finally formed a big net, covering his entire body in it.

Brother Hu opened his mouth, looking desperate.

He trapped himself in it.

Brother Hu knew that the red net condensed by the bullet was like a fine blade, and if it touched the skin even slightly, it would be cut.

Despair spread in his heart little by little.

Seeing that the area of ​​the red net was getting bigger and bigger, it was about to spread to his skin.

Doesn't this person's bullet need soul power? !

However, he did not know that these bullets of Han Xiao were all condensed from murderous aura, and only a little soul power was enough to maintain Tai Sui.

This is why Bibi Dong said that Han Xiao's strength will have a qualitative leap after obtaining the Killing God Domain.

This domain skill seems to be specially created for Han Xiao.

Coupled with the calming ability of Frost Crown, it can be said that Han Xiao's murderous aura is like the sea, never ending.

Poor Brother Hu has no way out, once the gravity is cancelled, he will end up being pierced by bullets.

If you don't cancel it, you will have to watch these murderous fragments cut yourself into pieces little by little.

Already, murderous fragments began to scratch his body, his clothes were torn, and small wounds appeared.

Although there was not much pain, the knife was tormenting Brother Hu's heart.

He was about to crush his teeth, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes: "I'm going to kill you!"

Brother Hu turned around and ran back in the direction of Han Xiao.

He could no longer bear this kind of torture. At this moment, he had only one thought, even if he died, he would bite off Han Xiao's leg.

Unfortunately, let alone a leg, he might not even be able to touch Han Xiao's hair.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, but Brother Hu's movements also began to slow down. At this moment, his body had turned into a blood man, his eyes were hazy, as if he was about to fall down the next moment.

A bullet hit him between the eyebrows.

Brother Hu no longer has the soul power to maintain gravity suppression.

He fell heavily to the ground, panting heavily.

He was obviously about to die, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

The footsteps were getting closer, Brother Hu turned his head with difficulty, and saw Han Xiao squatting in front of him.


Before finishing a word, Han Xiao inserted Taotie into his neck.

This is an assassin. Facing an opponent several times stronger than himself, without any direct confrontation, relying on sniping and psychological ability is enough to kill this group of people.

"The next team."

Han Xiao let out a foul breath, turned around and disappeared into the night.


"Yanzi, are you all right?"

The boy who spoke was named Oslo.

After Duguyan and Ye Lingling left Han Xiao, they finally found their teammates through the marks left by Yu Tianheng along the way.

"Where did you two go shopping?"

Seeing the abnormal expressions of the two, Yufeng asked with a smile.

He still didn't know that his own words just touched Dugu Yan's back.

"Don't take care of the eldest lady's affairs, you stinky bird!"

Looking at the sullen Dugu Yan, Yufeng shrank his neck.

He could feel that Dugu Yan was really angry now.

After all, even Ye Lingling, who was always quiet beside her, didn't know what she was thinking at this time, and her mind was wandering.

Yu Tianheng seemed to have changed, and said with a stiff expression: "Since there is nothing wrong, let's go."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence.

Although this team was formed some time ago, they are very aware of Yu Tianheng's deeds.

After all, he's a celebrity.

Yufeng looked at Yu Tianheng's right arm tightly wrapped in bandages, and gritted his teeth.

Yu Tianheng is not only a genius in cultivation, he is also very good at socializing, and was taken by Yu Yuanzhen to haunt various social places at a young age.

But until that day, everything changed.

There was a long and short wound like a poisonous snake on the boy's arm, and he never showed a smug smile on his face.

Since then, Yu Tianheng has become a lunatic.

"Damn it, don't let me meet that fucking dragon slayer."

Yufeng clenched his fists and said in a hateful voice.

Oslo frowned, and pushed his shoulder: "Didn't you say it's better not to mention it?"

"But I just can't swallow this breath!"

Although Yu Tianheng was rescued in time, his right arm was also permanently damaged because of this scar.

It is self-evident what this means to an aggressive soul master.


Yu Tianheng interrupted Yufeng, and said: "I said, this matter is over, and continuing to complete the task is what we should do now."

Hearing this, Yufeng didn't dare to say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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