Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 161 The Royal Fighting Team Crisis!

Chapter 161 The Royal Fighting Team Crisis!

"Tianheng, why don't we change the route."

Dugu Yan suggested.

"Tell me."

Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

"Tianheng, you have solved so many mobs, you should have discovered it too?"

Yu Tianheng nodded: "Although this group of mobs are powerful, they seem to have a sense of proportion and don't take the initiative to provoke people."

Everyone has already understood that this riot does not seem to be as serious as imagined.

"No matter what the mob is here for, at least their threat is not that great."

"But according to Ye Lingling and I's investigation, we found that some villains took advantage of this chaos to hide among this group of people, burning, killing, and looting."

Hearing Dugu Yan's words, everyone's expressions changed.

"Where are they?"

Oslo asked in a deep voice.

Ye Lingling spread the map on the ground, Dugu Yan was very fast, and marked all the locations in his heart.

"It's not too late, let's start looking for it from the nearest place."

Yu Tianheng nodded, already aware of the seriousness of this matter.

"But Yanzi, where did you two go? How do you even know about this?"

Along the way, Yufeng finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

"Say a few words, you can die, right?"

Seeing Duguyan's charming little face pulled down, Oslo quickly winked at the side.

"Why are you all teammates, you don't even have any trust?"

Yufeng complained a few words, then turned to look at Ye Lingling, and said with a smile: "Lingling, tell me about it."

However, what Ye Lingling responded to him was a look that was so cold to the bone.

For Dugu Yan, when she mentioned this matter, she didn't know what was going on, and she would always think of Han Xiao's expressionless face.

Thinking of his face, Dugu Yan always felt an inexplicable sense of grievance and anger for some reason.

That's why she didn't want to mention it.

But for Ye Lingling, she simply didn't want to tell others about it.

"Yufeng, why don't we practice?"

Dugu Yan's voice was somewhat cold.

"Don't, don't, I can't handle your jade phosphorous snake venom."

Yufeng quickly waved his hands, feeling miserable.

In this team, what he fears the most is not Yu Tianheng, but Dugu Yan.

The terrifying green phosphorous snake venom is simply a kind of torture.

"There was a fight here."

Yu Tianheng looked at the ruins and said in a low voice.

"Where's the corpse?"

Dugu Yan asked quickly, and Ye Lingling also looked at her with concern.

Oslo came from a distance, and said out of breath: "There are five corpses in total, all of them died in a terrible way, and all of them were thought to have cut their necks."

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng suddenly shrank his pupils.

Cut the neck.

Could it be him?
However, this small detail was only noticed by Yu Tianheng.

Yufeng shook his head, "What's so terrible about cutting your neck, I've seen much worse death than these corpses."

Hearing this, Oslo resisted the discomfort and pointed to the distance: "Yufeng, go there and have a look."

"Tch, look at your promise."

Yufeng smiled disdainfully, and walked towards the direction Oslo pointed.


A series of vomiting sounds came from a distance.

When Yufeng came back again, he had already vomited out all the dinner he had eaten.

"Blood... blood man."

Yufeng trembled with fear on his face.

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng frowned and walked quickly towards the corpse.

"My goodness."

Looking at the corpse on the ground, everyone's faces became a little uncomfortable.

The clothes had been turned into pieces and hung on the body of the corpse. Not a single piece of his skin was intact, and the numerous cuts made people shudder.

Even more frightening was the expression on the corpse's face.

Is this the expression a person can show?

Despair, anger, fear, all negative expressions seemed to be written on this face.

This terrifying expression is even scarier than a ghost, it is the kind of existence that will cause nightmares just by looking at it.

"Boss...boss, why don't we retreat."

Yufeng's voice trembled a little.

The eyes of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling became extremely complicated.

They finally understood why Han Xiao had to act alone.

Such a terrifying death scene, no matter who takes a look at it, it may be remembered for a lifetime.

But for Han Xiao, it was like a routine.

Everyone fell into a brief silence.

Obviously, this team was wiped out, and judging from the wounds, it was done by one person.

"Let's keep going."

After thinking for a while, Yu Tianheng made a decision.

"That is, with so many of us, what are we afraid of?"

Oslo said boldly.

Everyone nodded. Although their expressions didn't change much, they didn't have a bottom in their hearts.

"Let's go."

After Yu Tianheng checked the condition of these corpses again, he stepped forward.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and at some point, six people were standing not far away, looking at them jokingly.

This group of people was uniformly dressed in black outfits, their faces were full of flesh, and the exposed skin was exaggerated to the point of frightening tattoos.

"I didn't expect that the thin tiger would be dealt with by this group of boys with no hair yet, tsk tsk tsk."

The man standing at the front had long hair hanging down to his shoulders, and there was a scantily clad woman tattooed on his neck.

This man is like a venomous snake, looking greedily at Yu Tianheng and the others.

"Boss, look at this outfit, fat sheep."

Ma Zai on the side said enthusiastically.

The poisonous snake man finally fixed his eyes on Ye Lingling and Duguyan, looking back and forth, stretched out his slender tongue and licked his lips, like a poisonous snake spit out a letter.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

he asked sullenly.

Hearing this, everyone trembled in their hearts.

Although they also witnessed murder, several of them committed suicide themselves.

But when I saw this group of lunatics, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart.

After all, they are still a group of underage children.

"Tianheng, what should we do?"

Dugu Yan was the first to calm down and asked in a low voice.

After all, her grandfather was the fearsome Jade Phosphorus Douluo Dugu Bo, and Dugu Yan had been influenced by him since he was a child.

"Why don't you two report to the house."

Yufeng's voice trembled a little.

He had a hunch that this group of people would really kill them.

If the famous names of Blue Lightning Bawangzong and Dugubo were directly reported, this group of people would definitely not dare to do anything again.

"I do not!"

There was a flash of fighting intent in Dugu Yan's eyes.

"Where's Lingling?"

Yufeng looked at Ye Lingling, who didn't speak, but put on a fighting stance directly.

From now on, she will continue to hone herself and improve her soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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