Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 165 Dugu Yan's Little Thoughts!

Chapter 165 Dugu Yan's Little Thoughts!
It records some unspeakable hobbies and deeds of most of the nobles in Tiandou City.

Because the records are all sensitive things, it is naturally impossible to sign this diary.

This is the fig leaf for the nobles of Heaven Dou.

Han Xiao secretly sighed.

If this diary can be used well, it will be a powerful weapon for Han Xiao in the future.

Putting all these plundered assets into his pocket, Han Xiao didn't even lift his eyelids.

He needs a lot of money now, so as to ensure that even if he leaves the Wuhun Temple one day, he can support himself.

He also wants to establish an assassin organization through the powerful news network of the black market in the future.

This organization already has a certain prototype, called the Brotherhood.

"Aba Aba."

Seeing Han Xiao accepting the soul tool, the poisonous snake man showed a flattering smile again, and bowed to him.

But what he never expected was that what Han Xiao responded to him was a shining dagger.

"Good job, this kind of person deserves to die!"

Dugu Yan ran to Han Xiao's side, and stepped on his corpse with great relief.

"Brother, your move is too cool, what kind of martial spirit?"

Yufeng leaned over and imitated Han Xiao's sniping movement just now, very familiar.

However, his words were directly ignored by Han Xiao.

Yu Tianheng looked at Han Xiao with a complicated expression.

If Yufeng knew that this boy was the dragon slayer, he didn't know what expression he would have.

"Thank you."

Yu Tianheng said stiffly.

Han Xiao glanced at him lightly, and his voice was a little cold: "You don't need to thank me, I just came to kill them, and I have no intention of saving you."

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

They didn't expect Han Xiao's words to be so straightforward.


Dugu Yan couldn't help but put his hands on his hips: "Has anyone ever said that you are like a statue?"

She originally wanted to thank Han Xiao, and even recommend her grandfather Dugu Bo.

But I didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant of flattery.

Han Xiao went straight to Ye Lingling and said, "Now do you understand?"

Everyone who said this was confused.

But only Ye Lingling knew what Han Xiao meant.

When facing the poisonous snake man, she suddenly realized how small she was, so small that she had no power to parry.

As the top auxiliary soul master in the mainland, she deserves to be protected.

But the protection of the Huangdou team is so vulnerable in front of this group of people.

"Hey, what are you talking to Lingling about!"

Seeing Ye Lingling's complicated and sad complexion, Oslo couldn't help saying angrily.

Han Xiao didn't speak, but just glanced at him lightly.

The latter closed his mouth instantly.

Oslo only felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and every pore on his body was trembling.

"I'm fine, Oslo."

Ye Lingling shook her head and said.

Why is Ye Lingling sad?

It was because she recalled the past, and she knew that her mother's greatest wish was to solve the disadvantages of Jiuxin Begonia, replace the Qibao Liuli Pagoda, and become the most powerful auxiliary spirit in the mainland.

Even for her own mother, she must follow Han Xiao.

When I think of this, I will naturally feel sad.

After searching the soul tools of these corpses, Han Xiao got up and prepared to leave.

Now he has to go to find Chen Mo and the others near Tiandou Palace.

He has been delayed for too long by the sudden appearance.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration.

Everyone looked towards the direction of Tiandou Palace in unison, with shock on their faces.

" seems to be my grandfather."

Dugu Yan suddenly had a bad premonition.

"I'm going, this matter is so big that even His Majesty Bi Lin has come forward?"

Yufeng dropped his jaw in shock.

Dugu Yan's expression was a bit ugly, and he said, "If grandpa comes forward, there may be dead bodies everywhere in Tiandou City."

Dugu Bo is murderous by nature, if he encounters this kind of situation, he will definitely be fierce and spread his Jade Phosphorus poison everywhere.

"Your Majesty Bi Phosphorus wouldn't do this, would you?"

Oslo said weakly.

Dugu Yan shook his head, "Grandpa always does what he wants, so he doesn't care about these things."

Let the murderous Dugu Bo care about this group of low-level soul masters, what kind of joke are you kidding? !

For him, these soul masters will become his guinea pigs for poison testing.

"Yanzi, what are you going to do?"

Yu Tianheng looked at Dugu Yan, his facial muscles were stiff.

How to do?
This matter has nothing to do with them at all, even from another point of view, Dugu Yan is still opposed to this group of mobs.

If Dugu Bo raises Gu and uses the lives of these mobs to test his new poison, it can not only improve Grandpa's strength, but also solve this problem perfectly.

You must know that in the past, she couldn't care about these things at all, and she didn't even care about this matter at all.

But for some reason, Dugu Yan hesitated today.

Looking at the surrounding crowd, only Han Xiao was missing.

"What about that person?"

she asked.

"Hey, yes, what about others, why did they suddenly disappear?"

Oslo also found out that Han Xiao didn't know when he disappeared, and was a little surprised.

"After hearing Bi Phosphorus's crowning, he left."

Ye Lingling, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Dugu Yan gritted his teeth when he heard this, "Let's go and have a look first."

She scolded herself severely inwardly.

I don't know what happened, until now the figure of Han Xiao is still appearing in Dugu Yan's mind.

The more she didn't want to think about it, Han Xiao's figure became clearer and clearer.

Dugu Yan was a little flustered, this was the first time she felt this way.

In her plan, she is going to get married, and the boyfriend she finds must be a strong man.

This will give her a sense of security.

It may be because her grandfather was a Titled Douluo, she was born to worship the strong.

Obviously, Han Xiao perfectly met her needs, but his temper was a bit stinky.

However, it may be this kind of temper that makes Dugu Yan still think about Han Xiao until now.

After all, although their family is not as good as the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, they are still very famous in the Heaven Dou Empire.

Since childhood, no man would treat her like this, and Han Xiao was the first one.

"Yanzi, what are you thinking?"

Yu Tianheng's words suddenly shattered Dugu Yan's fantasy.

"I am fine."

Dugu Yan lowered his head, looking flustered.

Seeing this, Yufeng comforted him: "It's okay, Yanzi, Bilin loves you the most, once you persuade him, he will definitely hold back."

It seems that this fool thought that Dugu Yan was worried about whether Dugu Bo would listen to his persuasion.


Dugu Yan nodded, but did not speak.

Only Ye Lingling behind her was watching Dugu Yan with those beautiful eyes like a deep cold pool.

(End of this chapter)

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