Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 166 Unreasonable Dugu Bo!

Chapter 166 Unreasonable Dugu Bo!

Along the way, Han Xiao's brows became deeper and deeper.

Although some houses along the street have been burned to black, but fortunately this group of people did not completely lose their minds.

Those civilian houses, they didn't move.

There were many dead corpses lying on the side of the road. Han Xiao could no longer tell which side these corpses belonged to, and the further he walked, the brighter the fire.

Dugu Bo's appearance and Qian Renxue's obstruction became the biggest variables in this movement.

If Emperor Xue Ye doesn't show up again and Dugu Bo poisons everyone to death, this plan will be in vain.

Plans can't keep up with changes, that's how it is.

The larger the scale of planning, the more variables that may arise.

Now for Han Xiao, how to stop the Dugu Bo massacre.

"come here!"

At this moment, a man in silk pajamas with a shiny face shouted impatiently at Han Xiao.

Beside him, there was only a luxury carriage with broken wheels, which was obviously ransacked by them on the way home.

Han Xiao stopped and walked to his side, just in time to ask about the situation.

"No matter what you do, I will give you 50 gold soul coins, and go and kill those untouchables!"

He lit the gold pipe angrily, and the smoke circulated in his lungs.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a pariah?"

Han Xiao asked with a blank expression on his face.

He didn't intend to be long-winded with this kind of nobleman, but then changed his mind.

"So what?" The man sneered, "Aren't you untouchables all for money?"

"I'll give you money to bite your kind, isn't it too much?"

The way he looked at Han Xiao was like looking at an ant.

"Since you are so rich, why don't I kill you now and take it for myself?"

Han Xiao looked at the nobleman, a little cold.

"Kill me? Hahaha!" The noble didn't have the slightest fear: "This is Tiandou City, not your sewer, find out who is the owner of this place!"

Obviously, this group of nobles has become a habit of ordering people.

For them, the two sides are not the same species, and it is only natural to order you.

This is the nobleman of Tiandou City, this greasy man is just a microcosm, at least 90.00% of the nobles treat their servants like this.

"Where did they go, and for how long?"

Han Xiao asked with a blank expression on his face.

The nobleman pointed to the front, "Go straight, it will take about half an hour."

Han Xiao nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

The nobleman frowned and said coldly, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Hearing this, Han Xiao turned his head and looked at him coldly.

Facing those eyes, the nobleman felt a chill in his heart.

"You said that you are the masters of Tiandou City?"

Han Xiao approached the nobleman slowly.

"You, what do you want?"

With a look of horror on the nobleman's face, he retreated subconsciously.

"Master of Tiandou, it's time to change."

In an instant, before the noble could react, the gleaming dagger was inserted into his aorta.

"how dare you……"

The noble's plump face was forever frozen in horror.

Withdrawing the dagger, Han Xiao continued on his way without even looking at the corpse at his feet.

It's okay to kill a noble or two occasionally.

Looking at the dark clouds in mid-air, Han Xiao pulled out a tube-shaped firework from the soul guide and pulled the letter open.

The white stars spread out in the sky and never disappeared for a long time.

Chen Mo, Zhou Tong, Tang Tang and the three looked at the sky at the same time, their complexions changed.

This is a secret signal between them, as soon as they see the fireworks, they must gather immediately.

Han Xiao stopped where he was. If the time was about the same, the mission over there should have ended.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly pierced into his neck.

Han Xiao only felt that the muscles all over his body stiffened instantly.

A strong sixth sense reminded him that a huge danger was approaching step by step.

Han Xiao held his breath, slowly bowed his body, and entered the highest alert.

His left hand slowly placed the flash bomb on his waist, and his right hand clenched Taotie across his chest.

The aura cloak quickly sneaked into the darkness, ready to escape with Han Xiao at any time.

Suddenly, a gloomy green light flickered in the darkness, and that light got closer and closer until it formed a figure.

It was like a javelin, with dark green beard and hair, and a pair of eyes shone like emeralds.The whole person gives people an unreal feeling, it seems like a phantom.

This person has no expression on his face, or his face is completely rigid, his cheeks are sunken, his green hair is messy, and his clothes are just a plain gray robe
Just standing here, he has a terrifying coercion on his body.

Han Xiao narrowed his pupils. If he didn't guess wrong, it was the Jade Phosphorus Douluo, Dugu Bo!

He once saw Dugu Bo's information in the titled Douluo roster of Wuhun Temple.

This person has been playing drugs all his life, so it can be said that his understanding of drugs is already at the master level.

His character is recorded in the roster, he doesn't take hard and soft, narrow-minded, and his form will not leave future troubles, and he will definitely kill the grass and roots.

If Wuhundian disciples meet this person outside, they must not look at him.

If you accidentally provoke this person, there are only two words on the roster, suicide!

The old man in front of him is an out-and-out lunatic, he doesn't care about Wuhundian.

As long as the disciples of Wuhundian displease him, Dugu Bo is just one word, kill!

As for why he didn't need to run away after offending this person, he committed suicide directly.

That's because Dugu Bo didn't kill decisively. On the contrary, he would take people back to his lair and use them as a guinea pig to continuously test and study the poison.

So compared to being a poison jar, it is better to commit suicide than to die.

Dugu Bo glanced at Han Xiao, as if he glanced at an ant.

However, just this one glance made Dugu Bo freeze on Han Xiao's body and could no longer move away.

In just a moment, he appeared in front of Han Xiao.

This terrifying speed was so fast that Han Xiao didn't even react.

A strong smell of medicine hits the face.

"What a strange little doll."

Dugu Bo stretched out a withered hand and grabbed Han Xiao's shoulder directly.

This movement seemed ordinary, but it was mixed with a terrifying aura. Han Xiao stepped back, but found that his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

One must know that both Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo tried their best to hold back Han Xiao.

But Dugu Bo was different, he didn't hold back at all.

As long as he moves his fingers, Han Xiao will be reduced to ashes.


Dugu Bo's complexion changed, and a look of excitement flickered immediately.

"Obviously only the bone age of nine years old, but the bones are far beyond that of some adults."

Dugu Bo's voice was as piercing as sawing wood, making one's scalp tingle.

He couldn't wait to raise his palm, and slapped Han Xiao's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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