Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 173 Anxious Atmosphere

Chapter 173 Anxious Atmosphere

"Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be decisive!"

A guard wearing gold-blue armor and armed almost to the teeth shouted loudly, the sound penetrated the clouds and exploded in everyone's ears.

Spreading to both sides with him as the center, stood rows of guards in blue armor. They looked solemn and held long guns, like robots.

When this group of people fight here, it symbolizes the authority of the Heaven Dou imperial family.

Everyone knew very well that this was the last boss they would meet tonight.

Nick walked to the front of the team, gritted his teeth and tried to negotiate with this group of Heaven Dou Imperial Guards: "We are all businessmen from the small towns around Tian Dou City, and the purpose of coming here is to meet Emperor Xue Ye, please... ..."

"You don't deserve it!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by this group of proud soldiers.

Although they were expressionless, the occasional body movements of raising their chins and curling their lips secretly revealed their contempt for this group of businessmen.


Nick's face flushed and his fists creaked.

When he saw this group of defenders, let alone him, even with so many people, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Seeing the beauty of the Heaven Dou Empire on their armor, this group of people seemed to have been injected with tranquilizers.

"I'll give you 5 minutes to disperse the crowd immediately, otherwise..." The garrison officer smashed his spear, and the ground trembled suddenly: "Kill without mercy!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately started talking.

"It's time to withdraw, if this continues, the Heaven Dou imperial family should really intervene."

"Yes, if you don't withdraw, you won't be able to run away."

"But what are we doing here tonight?"

Everyone's discussion made Nick a little confused.

He gritted his teeth tightly, still waiting at the front.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

According to the instructions on the envelope, when they arrive at the Heaven Dou Palace, Han Xiao will appear to guide them to the next step.

But until now, Han Xiao has not come.

"hold on."

Nick made a decision in his heart, and he planned to trust Han Xiao again.

The captain of the imperial guard sneered, opened his right hand, and a pocket watch hung down in the air.

In front of the huge Heaven Dou Palace, there was a huge crowd standing, but the air was terribly silent, only the sound of the second hand clicking.

After the minute hand moved five times, the imperial guard took back the pocket watch, nodded slightly after confirming it: "Do it."



As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of crying and howling in the crowd.

"what happened?!"

Nick looked flustered and turned to look at the crowd behind him.

I saw this group of soul masters fell to the ground one by one like cutting leeks. In less than a minute, the luxurious DL stone floor tiles were already stained with blood.

"They have already secretly inserted people into the team."

Nick only felt a chill creeping up from the soles of his feet.

This group of imperial guards is worthy of being professional, and they have long thought of the most efficient solution.

The sound of people falling down sounded one after another, and these guards hiding in the crowd were like assassins in the dark.

"Calm down, everyone calm down!"

Nick roared loudly, but at this moment he was in a mess.

The guard commander looked at the chaotic crowd with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

After all, they are a group of idle soul masters, and there is a big gap compared with them who have received rigorous training.

Next, all you need to do is scare off these untouchables, and then you can go home.

The guard commander raised his arm and shouted loudly: "Everyone, get ready!"

In an instant, this group of sculpture-like guards raised their spears in unison.

The sound of the armor colliding was deafening, like a wake-up call to everyone's hearts.

If this group of spearmen charges them next...

At this moment, a green shadow flashed in the sky.

Dugu Bo descended from the sky.

"Your Majesty Bi Phosphorus."

The guard commander didn't dare to be careless, and quickly bowed.

Dugu Bo didn't even look at him, his eyes swept towards the mob like a poisonous snake.

"'s Poison Douluo!"

"It's really him, it's over, we are all going to die."

"Run, everyone, run!"

In front of life, what kind of bullshit freedom and dignity is there?

At this moment, this group of people had been frightened out of their wits, they couldn't care about anything, only the idea of ​​running for their lives was left.

Nick's body was cold and stiff. He looked at the fleeing soul masters, and his heart seemed to stop at this moment.

Is this campaign really going to end in failure?

He was not reconciled, he had already come here.

"Your Majesty, there should be no need for you to do anything here."

The guard commander said respectfully.


Dugu Bo half-closed his eyes.

He had no intention of doing anything when he came here.

Now what makes Dugu Bo even more curious is how Han Xiao will solve the riot next.

"Nick, don't think about it, that kid is unreliable at all, let's run!"

"Run now, maybe the tolerant emperor will forgive us, those who know the current affairs are heroes!"

Seeing that the building was about to collapse, everyone couldn't care about anything else, and tried to persuade them.


Nick slowly got so angry with his right hand that his teeth were almost crushed.

Just when he was about to give an order, there was a loud noise in an instant.


There was another loud noise. The fleeing mob, the crowd with guns, and the guards hiding in the crowd all stopped and looked at the source of the sound.

I saw that on the high platform in the distance, five figures could be seen in the music, and they all wore uniform weird masks.

And the man standing at the front pointed his pistol at the sky. If he guessed correctly, the loud noise came from this little thing.

"who is this?"

"Is it an enemy or a friend? What are you here for?"

"He's not..." Some people recognized Han Xiao's mask, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that everyone was arguing again, Han Xiao pulled the trigger again.

No matter what era or world, gunshots always seem to be the best solution to shock the crowd.

"Shut the fuck up for me!"

Chen Mo shouted loudly, his voice was like thunder.

Everyone was silent for a moment, staring blankly at Han Xiao and the others.

When everyone stopped panicking, the group of imperial guards hiding in the crowd did not dare to do anything again. They knew that once they did, they would become the most dazzling existence and be attacked by this group of mobs.

"Now everyone is exchanging secret signals with the surrounding crowd. If the other party fails to respond, immediately solve it on the spot!"

Han Xiao's words made everyone look at each other.

Password, what password?
They didn't remember Nick giving them the code before they came.

However, at this moment, several figures suddenly appeared from the crowd at the same time.

"Young master is wise, it really exploded."

Zhou Tong chuckled and looked at the people who were fleeing in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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