Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 174 Wayward Dugu Bo!

Chapter 174 Wayward Dugu Bo!
"Hurry up."

Chen Mo said in a low voice.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two directly released their martial souls and rushed towards the guards disguised in the crowd.

"This... who are you, why haven't I seen it before?"

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered the guards who had mixed in.

Zhou Tong and Chen Mo's speed was extremely fast, and they killed the fleeing imperial guards in an instant.

"Master, there are still two that have not been caught."

The two returned to Han Xiao, Chen Mo said in a low voice.

The night was dim, and the two of them were considered strong enough to solve most of these problems.

"I know."

Han Xiao nodded, the pistol was transformed into 98K, he put his face on the butt of the gun lightly, and began to aim.

There was a loud noise, and a red meteor flew across, directly hitting a middle-aged man among the crowd in the distance.

The speed was so fast that before he could even react, the murderous bullet had already penetrated his forehead.

Han Xiao continued to pull the bolt and aimed at the next target.

"Boss save me!"

The garrison hiding in the crowd couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed towards the garrison line in the distance.

Seeing the Heaven Dou armband on the opponent's cuff, the soul masters around gave way one after another to let him pass.


The guard commander's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Have you forgotten the oath of dedicating your heart to Tiandou?!"

Looking at the guards who pushed away the crowd and fled wildly, the corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up.

This is what he wants.

Han Xiao didn't shoot this person directly, he seemed to be waiting for something.

"He's the one who killed my brother."

"I... my friend was also killed by him."

"Kill him, kill him!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, like sparks thrown into a gunpowder barrel.

"Go away, scumbag!"

The group of soul masters seemed to stop him with a tacit understanding.

The scolded soul masters didn't speak, and there was no expression on their faces.

"Untouchables, what do you want?"

His voice trembled a little.

There were more and more people around, three floors inside and three floors outside, and he couldn't breathe.

"Who, who kicked me?!"

The guard fell heavily to the ground, roaring fiercely.

However, after this fall, he could no longer stand up.

I don't know who started it first, like a flood that opened the gate, more and more people began to attack the guards lying on the ground.

From just daring to kick secretly at the beginning, to a full blow after releasing the martial soul.

"You dare to touch me? I am the Heaven Dou Imperial Family..."

His voice was getting weaker and weaker.

Everyone dispersed, where is the figure of the guard on the ground?

All that was left was a bloody splinter stuck to the ground.


The guard commander simply swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The expressions on the faces of this group of soul masters changed. Drenched in blood, they looked at him like bloodthirsty soul beasts.

Dugu Bo, who was standing beside him, looked at Han Xiao again with strange eyes.

Is this really a nine-year-old kid?
Han Xiao didn't kill the last exposed guard, but let the little fish get into the fish pond.

This is because although Han Xiao can solve it with one shot, it is only a solution.

After this person died, there were still many guards dormant among the mob.

And this group of mobs will not rekindle their fighting spirit just because of the death of two guards.

The best way is to let their hands be stained with their blood.

No matter when, blood is the most effective stimulant.

Dugu Bo couldn't help sighing secretly, Han Xiao's move killed two birds with one stone, not only took out a part of the guards, but also condensed the broken army's morale again, it can be said to be a ghost.

Han Xiao retracted the 98K and looked at Chen Mo beside him.

The latter understood and shouted: "All friendly soldiers have the logo of the Brotherhood in their pockets, please use this to identify them!"


Everyone was stunned for a while, and then they realized that in order to distinguish their teammates before setting off, Nick gave each of them a medal for easy identification.

It's just that it was too confusing just now, and I forgot it for a while.

"Yes, yes, the medal, everyone, take a look!"

Nick asked quickly.

Fortunately, Han Xiao calmed down the group of people, otherwise how could they check the armbands in an orderly manner?
"He has no armbands!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly broke out among the crowd.

Before the exposed guards could react, the mob swarmed up and devoured the bones.

Although the strength of these guards is very strong, they can only take two breaths in front of the crazy soul masters.

The scene turned in an instant, but it was all because of Han Xiao's random decisions.

"Your Majesty Bilin, you may be required to take action."

The guard commander looked extremely ugly and said in a low voice.

"Why, what about Tiandou's million spearmen?"

Dugu Bo raised his eyelids.

"The higher-ups have issued a death order, and it can't make too much noise. It can only scare this group of untouchables away."

He said in a muffled voice, sighing deeply.

If it wasn't for the instructions from above, he would have commanded the spearmen to disperse the group of people long ago, and still need to sneak into the crowd?

"It's said above that the front of the Heaven Dou Palace can't be stained with too much blood."

"Heh." Dugu Bo laughed when he heard the reason.

Why do these Heaven Dou nobles always like to know about it?

It's not because Emperor Xue Ye is their leader.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, Emperor Xue Ye turned a blind eye to these nobles in the wine pool and meat forest, it was because he was the same.

"As long as you take action, Your Majesty, this group of untouchables will definitely disperse."

The guard commander was a little worried and said hastily.

This group of untouchables became more and more irritable. If no strong person took action to suppress them, the result could be imagined.

"I reject."

Dugu Bo responded lightly.

The guard commander stared wide-eyed, looking at Dugu Bo with disbelief.

What's happening here?
This riot was unprecedented, and he was under great pressure. He was told that a Titled Douluo would come down to control the field, and he was given a reassurance.

But now who knows that this last reassurance would not play cards according to common sense, who knows how big the psychological shadow of the guard commander is.

The guard commander asked anxiously: "Your Majesty, why? Didn't His Excellency Prince Xue Xing tell you?"


Dugu Bo raised his eyelids and said lazily.

"But so what?"

"Do I, Dugu Bo, need a reason to act?"

These words almost choked the guard commander to death.

Indeed, as Dugu Bo said, even Prince Xue Xing just invited him.

Who can really control this Title Douluo?
Since this is the case, there is nothing to say.

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the guard commander: "Everyone, step forward!"

Even if the palace is dyed bloody, he can't let this group of untouchables take half a step.

The trembling ground attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing the guards approaching step by step, they panicked and turned to look at Han Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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