Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 176 Emperor Xue Ye Appears!

Chapter 176 Emperor Xue Ye Appears!


"I want to avenge my brothers!"

"Drop the ashes of these white butts!"

This group of people were already red-eyed, and rushed towards the crowd desperately.

And those guards who lost their backbone had no choice but to resist passively at this time.

"Master, is it too much trouble?"

Chen Mo looked at the crowd fighting together and asked worriedly.

Han Xiao shook his head and did not speak.

He used to think that as long as this group of soul masters were placed in front of Tian Dou Palace, Emperor Xue Ye would naturally make a compromise.

But now it seems that doing so is far from enough, the Tiandou imperial family cares more about face than he imagined.

In this case, Han Xiao decided to throw their faces on the ground and crush them severely.

Death, bleeding?

This is too normal, without the pouring of blood, how could the old emperor be sober?

At this moment, the gold-plated gate of Tiandou Palace has been soaked in blood, turning into a hell on earth.

At this moment, a melodious bell sounded in the distance, attracting everyone's attention.

"Finally can't stand it anymore?"

Han Xiao looked into the distance and sneered inwardly.

I saw an old man slowly coming here under the protection of a group of guards.

The man looked to be middle-aged, but his gestures and gestures were filled with the breath of twilight. He was wearing a gold silk nightgown, his slightly gray hair was scattered on his shoulders, and his eyes were listless.

It was as if he came in a hurry after being woken up.

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

Nick's complexion was complicated, of course he knew who the old man walking in the distance was.

Emperor Xue Ye really came.

Even if he really set foot in Wuhun City, he never thought that just relying on this group of people could really alarm Emperor Xue Ye.

I have to admit that this has a lot to do with the scattered route of the crowd, Han Xiao's decision-making, and the inner ghost in Tiandou City.

Nick knew that this riot was just a show, and the next thing was the most important thing.

"Who wants to see me?"

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at everyone indifferently, and the emperor's temperament naturally exuded from his body.

Although his soul power is not considered strong, just standing here is not angry and mighty, making people afraid to look at each other.

However, only Han Xiao could feel that he had made preparations before coming here.

Although the clothes were naturally disheveled, under Han Xiao's careful observation, Emperor Xue Ye's face was covered with a layer of white powder, and he even applied some blush.

Could it be that this majestic Emperor Xue Ye has a transvestite?

This weird idea was erased by Han Xiao, he knew very well the reason why Emperor Xue Ye "dressed up".

Among the several leaders assassinated by Han Xiao in the previous life, cosmetic boxes were also found in their rooms.

It's not a quirky quirk, but something bigger with their bodies.

In order to stabilize the national faction and put an end to panic speech, these people will turn their pale faces into a little rosy before attending some public events.

Emperor Xue Ye was ill, and he was still seriously ill from his appearance.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took a step forward, "Reporting to Your Majesty, it is the villain."

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Han Xiao lightly, and said indifferently: "I want to see you, is it necessary?"

Looking at the blood river in front of the palace gate, Emperor Xue Ye forcibly suppressed the murderous aura in his heart.

If this group of damned cheap merchants hadn't turned a blind eye, how would they have dared to come here?

Han Xiao glanced at Nick behind him. The latter understood and knelt down in front of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Your Majesty, if it weren't for us not being able to survive, how could we offend you in such a situation?"

Nick said bitterly.

"Oh? Tell me what's going on?"

Emperor Xue Ye raised his eyelids and glanced at him lightly.

Nick had a look of hatred on his face, and he almost wanted to grind his teeth: "The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is so tyrannical that it doesn't leave any way for people to survive. It forcibly annexes all the chambers of commerce in the surrounding cities, and the disobedient merchants will be killed directly."

Although what Nick said is a bit extravagant, the general situation is consistent.

Hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye was a little surprised, "Oh? Is this really the case?"

A coldness flashed in his eyes, he would jump over the wall if he was in a hurry, let alone this group of businessmen.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has always acted domineeringly, and Emperor Xue Ye has always turned a blind eye because of the opponent's powerful martial spirit and prestige.

But what he didn't expect was that the sect's ambitions were so huge that it even had the idea of ​​seizing business.

"Is the emperor clear about this?"

He turned to look at the servant beside him.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Emperor Master did not know about this matter."

Hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye fell into deep thought.

His face was extremely ugly.

"Please Your Majesty be the master for us!"

Nick cried with snot and tears,

Seeing this, the businessman behind him also knelt on the ground.

"Also ask Your Majesty to be the master for us!"

These businessmen have been able to get to this day, but they are all top-notch people. When it is time to ask, they cry more and more tragically.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at these poor businessmen and sneered inwardly.

These profit-seeking profiteers pay less and less salary every year, and now they come to sue when something happens.

But he is very clear that the Tiandou Empire has an inseparable relationship with these merchants.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xue Ye showed a kind smile, trying to appease everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, you are the foundation of the Heaven Dou Empire, and I, Xue Ye, will never sit idly by!"

He said solemnly: "Starting tomorrow, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family will cooperate with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to thoroughly investigate the Blue Lightning Overlord School together!"

The killing intent in Emperor Xue Ye's eyes flashed away.

It's time to sanction the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

For Emperor Xue Ye, he could not allow any sect to be above the imperial family.

And Yu Yuanzhen's actions like this undoubtedly violated his Ni Lin.

Not only him, I believe that Ning Fengzhi would not allow the Blue Electric Bawangzong to annex his commercial market.

"I have always kept my promises when I speak. Since you have already promised this matter, you will definitely not break your promise."

Emperor Xue Ye gave them a reassurance.

Nick was grateful, but sneered inside.

Of course he understood the reason why Emperor Xue Ye worked so hard, wasn't it because the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect also violated his interests?
Although the two sides have their own ghosts, at least they have reached an agreement in this regard.

"This matter has been given up, you can rest assured to go back and wait for my good news."

Emperor Xue Ye said with a kind face.

However, after a while, Han Xiao and the others had no intention of leaving.

"What else?"

Emperor Xue Ye frowned and asked.

He seemed to have anticipated that the campaign would not be so simple.

"Your Majesty, we have two requests here, and we hope to obtain your permission."

Han Xiao bowed down and said respectfully in a low voice.

"tell me the story."

Emperor Xue Ye looked a little unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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