Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 177 See you at Han Xiaotu!

Chapter 177 See you at Han Xiaotu!

Han Xiao coughed lightly, and said loudly: "First of all, bring the black market to the fore, dispatch special personnel to manage the black market, and admit its existence."

Emperor Xue Ye seemed to have misheard, and asked again: "What did you say?"

Han Xiao said every word, loudly: "Admit the existence of the black market."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Emperor Xue Ye, even the guards around him became extremely weird.

Acknowledging the existence of a black market means that shady deals will be publicized.

How would outsiders evaluate the Heaven Dou Empire?
"Your Majesty, listen to me."

Seeing that Emperor Xue Ye opened his mouth to refuse, Han Xiao said, "Your Majesty doesn't know, half of the people you saw came from the black market."

"They have lived underground for too long. If they go on for a long time, I believe you must understand what kind of behavior they will do."

"If you want to completely resolve these concerns, the best way is to justify the names of these people."

Han Xiao persuaded respectfully.

Hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye's expression moved slightly.

Although he handed over all these affairs to Prince Xue Xing, he was also very aware of the importance of the black market to these nobles.

Han Xiao's words have clearly told him that these untouchables who wiped the ass of the nobles are not satisfied now, they want to eat more and be fuller.

If you insist on going your own way, the black market will break down and prices will be driven up, and the nobles will inevitably complain.

After thinking for a moment, Emperor Xue Ye weighed the pros and cons: "I promise you."

It's just giving those nobles some power, but they can't accomplish anything.

After all, what Emperor Xue Ye is best at is conferring titles.

Seeing that you have some strength, what kind of king will you be named, and some things will be given to you, which can not only win people's hearts, but also bind it with the Heaven Dou Empire.

So bringing the black market to the table is not necessarily a bad thing.

The reason why he didn't think about it before was because no one told him about such insignificant things, and he didn't bother to take care of them.

And now that this group of people had come before him, he knew he couldn't ignore it.

"Young man, what's one more thing?"

Emperor Xue Ye asked with a kind face and a smile.

This group of untouchables were easier to satisfy than he imagined, and they didn't say any excessive demands that made him embarrassed.

Han Xiao secretly sketched an arc, and he was waiting for the moment when the other party relaxed.

"Please Your Majesty justify Sir Snowflake's name!"

As soon as the words came out, the audience fell into silence for an instant.

"Who is Sir Snowflake?"

"It seems to be a duke who is implicated."

Someone is whispering.

The expression on Emperor Xue Ye's face became extremely ugly.

This matter has become the secret of the Heaven Dou Empire, he never thought that Han Xiao would dare to bring it up directly.

"This is not right."

Emperor Xue Ye didn't even think about it, and directly rejected Han Xiao.

What is Sir Snowflake's crime?
Deliberate rebellion!

If you tell the world at this time, what happened at that time is a misunderstanding.

Then how would others view the Heaven Dou imperial family, and how would they view Emperor Xue Ye?

He wouldn't take the risk to do this kind of thing.

Now that Emperor Xue Ye has entered his twilight years, he does not want his reputation to plummet because of Sir Xue Hua, and he will end up being infamous as a faint king.

Han Xiao had long thought that it was impossible for Emperor Xue Ye to admit his mistake, so he said, "What if Sir Xue Hua had no intention of rebelling at all?"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Mo beside him took a step forward and handed a booklet to the guard in front of Emperor Xue Ye.

Looking at the contents of the booklet, Emperor Xue Ye's face gradually turned livid.

"Your Majesty, this villain obtained all the doubts about Sir Snow Flower's family after passing the investigation. I believe that based on the relationship between you and Sir Snow Flower, you must also want to vindicate him, right?"

Han Xiao looked expressionlessly at Emperor Xue Ye.

All these materials came from Xue Beng's mouth, and even the discussion between Tuzu Emperor Xue Ye and Xue Beng Xue Qinghe the night before yesterday was clearly written.

Emperor Xue Ye was about to squeeze the booklet into a ball, his body was shaking violently.

"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself."

The attendant on the side was crying and persuading in a low voice.

Threats, naked threats!
Emperor Xue Ye is not a fool, he is very clear about Han Xiao's purpose.

Although Han Xiao seemed to want to help Emperor Xue Ye rehabilitate Sir Snow Flower.

But the records in this booklet are too detailed, it is short of recording when Emperor Xue Ye went to the bathroom and when he fell asleep.

Let me ask you, when such a brochure is presented to anyone, who can accept it?

"What if I don't help?"

Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Han Xiao bowed his head respectfully: "Whether the name is corrected or not depends entirely on your Majesty's thoughts, but this booklet has been lost, and I am afraid that this matter will become the talk of the people tomorrow..."

After the words had been spoken, Emperor Xue Ye no longer concealed the murderous intent in his eyes.

If Han Xiao's threat was a bit scruples just now, it is already naked now.

If this matter really made everyone in the Heaven Dou Empire know, then there would be too many hats on his Xue Ye's head.

Killing his brother, killing the nine clans, unwarranted charges.

Blood Adi could even imagine how his own people would poke him in the back.

"good very good."

Emperor Xue Ye's voice trembled a little.

"Young man, do you dare to take off your mask and let me see what you look like?"

Han Xiao shook his head, "Your Majesty, you are ugly. You have been shocked enough today, so I won't disturb you anymore."

If he really took off this mask, he might have to run to the Spirit Hall tomorrow.

At that time, only Bibi Dong can protect herself.

"Come here, draw up an imperial edict!"

Emperor Xue Ye closed his eyes, as if draining all the strength from his body, he waved his hand weakly.

In the end he chose to compromise, at least it was better to justify Sir Snowflake's name than to be exposed that day.

At least even if the name of Sir Snow Flower is justified, it will only be put back into the mourning hall of the Xue family after death.

This family, big and small, even the slaves have all died, even if the name is rectified, it is impossible to make any waves.

As for the public opinion at that time, just use some scandals of famous singing and dancing prostitutes to cover up.

Under the witness of everyone, he raised his pen tremblingly and wrote a letter of rectification for Sir Snow Flower's family.

However, what Emperor Xue Ye couldn't think of was that not far away, the last orphan of Sir Xue Hua stood in the crowd and watched him silently.


Emperor Xue Ye snorted coldly, and threw the written rectification book into Han Xiao's hands.

His complexion was extremely ugly.

Although he didn't lose much as an emperor this time, what made Emperor Xue Ye most upset was that he was actually threatened by a pariah.

(End of this chapter)

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