Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 182 Deal with Bibi Dong!

Chapter 182 Deal with Bibi Dong!
Ghost Douluo blinked. If he didn't remember Han Xiao's previous appearance, he would hardly recognize the man in front of him.

There is no sense of disobedience with those Heaven Dou nobles at all.

"Your honorable masters of Wuhundian can come here, and my mansion will be full of splendor."

Xue Qingwu beside him poured good tea for the cups in front of them.

"Cough cough."

Ghost Douluo was made uncomfortable by Han Xiao's words.

And Bibi Dong next to her gave Xue Qingwu a sideways glance, neither salty nor indifferent: "200 million maids?"

Hearing this, Xue Qingwu frowned.

What she dislikes most is that when others say the word 200 million, there is a feeling of being labeled.

Quietly looking at Bibi Dong who had put on a veil before entering the door, although she couldn't see her face clearly, she was secretly startled by her disdainful demeanor.

As an aristocrat, she has seen many beauties with different temperaments.

But it was the first time I saw a woman with a domineering aura like Bibi Dong.

"Her name is Xue Qingwu."

Han Xiao took a sip of tea lightly and said casually.


The two were taken aback for a moment, realizing the unique surname of this person.

In the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue's surname is a noble surname, except for the occasional names given to officials by Emperor Xue Ye, no one dares to be surnamed Xue.

The two looked at Xue Qingwu with strange expressions.

Bibi Dong thought of something more, her pupils trembled: "She is..."

Han Xiao nodded and did not speak.

The two took a deep look at Han Xiao.

They are all smart people, and they can see through a little bit.

The purpose of doing this to Han Xiao is also clear.

This is to depose Emperor Xue Ye and make the little girl in front of him the king.

Bibi Dong looked at Han Xiao with complicated eyes.

Originally, upon receiving the letter, it was enough for Ghost Douluo to come to the Heaven Dou Empire to assist Han Xiao in completing the mission.

But after reading the contents of the envelope, Bibi Dong understood that Han Xiao wanted to come by himself.

And now, she has understood Han Xiao's thoughts.

But how can he accomplish his goal by relying on himself alone?

With a long sigh in her heart, Bibi Dong decided to help Han Xiao.

"Your thinking is a little unrealistic."

Bibi Dong glanced at Xue Qingwu, and said.

Leaving aside Qian Renxue from the Wuhun Palace, Han Xiao was not able to contend against the powerful guest ministers under Guangtiandou's royal family.

"Do you know what a chain reaction is?"

Han Xiao got up and gently pushed the wooden block. The next moment, the dominoes placed in a row were pushed down like a mountain.

"What I'm doing is just nudging this first domino."

"You have to think clearly, once you compete for the throne, the Wuhundian will become your strongest opponent."

Bibi Dong said.

"This is what will happen afterwards. You also know how difficult it is to infiltrate an empire. It may take ten years, or it may take 50 years."

"I'll talk about these things later. The two of you are called here today because I want to do business with Wuhundian."

One must know that the Heaven Dou Empire is an empire formed by many kingdoms, large and small.

How can it be so simple to usurp the throne?

At least for now, it is impossible, and his business empire and intelligence network only have a prototype.

But for Han Xiao, it is enough for a campaign to harvest the most solid foundation.

Next, all they have to do is to recharge their batteries and wait for a blockbuster.

"What deal?"

Bibi Dong asked with interest.

Ghost Douluo was in a daze, the relationship between them was more like a master-student last time they met.

However, in just one year, for some reason, Han Xiao was able to sit on an equal footing with Bibi Dong to discuss transactions.

This was something he never thought of.

"It's not that simple to make a deal with His Majesty the Pope."

Ghost Douluo reminded sullenly.

What gold soul coins, Tiancaidibao Bibidong has long been not interested in.

Even spirit bones are not that important in front of some things.

Bibi Dong was a little curious, what kind of chips Han Xiao would offer.

"Let's put the deal aside and talk about cooperation."

"I don't know if the Pope is interested or not."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, took out the elder token of the Wuhun Hall, and pointed to the logo of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect on it.

Blue Electric Overlord Sect!
"Han Xiao, don't make fun of this kind of thing."

Ghost Douluo's face darkened.

Even if the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect falls again, they will be able to enjoy the glory and wealth forever with their martial soul alone.

Such a powerful sect, at least for now, cannot be moved.

"Tell me."

However, Bibi Dong really thought about it.

She suddenly discovered that during this year in the Heaven Dou Empire, Han Xiao brought her more surprises than she imagined.

Han Xiao waved at Xue Qingwu, who nodded and closed the door.

After Han Xiao revealed the plan, Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo fell silent.

The action was too big for them.

In fact, in Bibi Dong's plan, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect had already been blacklisted.

It's just that this plan needs to be carefully prepared, at least ten years later, when the time is ripe, strike the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and kill him with a single blow.

"Why, isn't this exactly what Wuhundian wants to do?"

Seeing that the two were silent, Han Xiao's calm eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts: "Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use the two sharp knives of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to slay the dragon. many?"

"How did you know?!"

Ghost Douluo couldn't maintain his character anymore, and looked at Han Xiao in shock.

You must know that Bibi Dong's soul hunting operation at this time period is just an idea, and it has not been transformed into a plan.

She didn't even say anything about it.

"It does not matter."

Han Xiao and Bibi Dong looked at each other with calm eyes.

He once did a psychological profile of Bibi Dong, and deduced that this extreme anti-social personality even had the idea of ​​destroying the world.

For Han Xiao, Bibi Dong's thoughts are not important, what is important is that the cooperation between the two can bring huge benefits to both parties.

"I can accept cooperation, but the deal needs to be discussed again."

After being silent for a long time, Bibi Dong said, "I can't agree to the 20-year blessing of the Spirit Hall."

It wasn't because Bibi Dong didn't want Han Xiao to have five more years of development time, but because she wanted to put a little more pressure on Han Xiao.

Although Bibi Dong knew Han Xiao well, and knew that even if he was given 20 years, he would not neglect him in the slightest.

From another perspective, Bibi Dong actually had a glimmer of expectation for the force Han Xiao wanted to form.

Given 15 years to Han Xiao, will he be able to compete with the Spirit Hall, which has a hundred years of experience?
Hearing this, Ghost Douluo's complexion was complicated.

Although he had already guessed Han Xiao's idea of ​​leaving the Wuhun Temple before, but seeing Han Xiao's words with his own eyes was a bit mixed.

(End of this chapter)

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