Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 183 Five Years of Blessing!

Chapter 183 Five Years of Blessing!
If it were anyone, even a Titled Douluo who said that he wanted to form a new force, he would never believe it.

However, for some reason, there was no sense of disobedience when these words came out of Han Xiao's mouth.

Han Xiao shook his head and began to negotiate: "You know better than me why the Wuhun Palace can stand in the nature of all empires on the mainland."

Wuhundian is equivalent to the Holy See in the Middle Ages. As long as there are soul masters born in this world, Wuhundian will never disappear.

With such an existence, it is absolutely impossible to attack any force. On the contrary, Wuhundian must also be the peacemaker in the battles of various sects.

Because once the shot is taken, the nature of Wuhundian will change, from a holy place where thousands of people pilgrimage to an empire.

But as the pope, Bibi Dong went against the original intention of Wuhundian.

This is also the reason why she has more titled Douluo than all the empires combined, but she did not expand her territory and became the king herself.

So what should Wuhundian do if it wants to turn this seemingly peaceful continent into a cloud of muddy water?
Only by borrowing a knife to kill.

This transaction is based on these prerequisites.

Bibi Dong needs a sharp knife to provoke these powerful sects for her, and Han Xiao can also become that sharp knife.

The price for obtaining this sharp knife is that the Wuhun Palace will protect Han Xiao for 20 years.

In the past 20 years, Han Xiao has continued to develop his own strength, and the Spirit Hall cannot stop him.

After 20 years, Bibi Dong could annex or destroy Han Xiao's power.

If it was placed in the previous life, this would be a gambling agreement.

Bibi Dong was able to continuously weaken or even destroy sects in various countries during these 20 years.

And Han Xiao can also continue to develop in these 20 years.

It's a win-win deal for both.

As for how big Han Xiao can develop in 20 years, it all depends on him.

"20 years is too long, ten years is the limit I can accept."

Bibi Dong looked directly at Han Xiao and said.

Han Xiao tapped the table lightly and fell silent.

He's not a fool, nor is he the instant Long Aotian, he knows very well the reason why his arms can't twist his thighs.

Bibi Dong wasn't a fool either, if they really didn't benefit the Spirit Hall, how could they allow Han Xiao to continue to develop his power?

You must know that the house where Han Xiao lives now is used by people from the Wuhun Palace.

Bibi Dong was already extremely tolerant towards Han Xiao.

One must know that this movement almost exposed Xue Qinghe's identity, so the elder who secretly protected Qian Renxue almost went back to the Hall of Spirits to complain in person.

If it were someone else, they might have been dealt with by the Court of Judgment already at this time.

But Bibi Dong still tried her best to keep Han Xiao alive.

"For 15 years, during these 15 years, I will try to weaken the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the Clear Sky School, the Blue Lightning Overlord School, and the Xingluo Royal Family, and even help Spirit Hall find some legitimate reason to exterminate them. "

Han Xiao threw out his chips.

If someone else was here, they would definitely laugh out loud.

A soul master wants to mess with the most powerful force in the world, what are you kidding?
However, Han Xiao has such confidence.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect condemned by the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is the simplest example.

All it takes is the flame of the Spirit Hall to completely ignite the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Boy Han, what's wrong with Wuhun Palace? If you can become the Son of Heaven by then, won't the whole world be yours from now on?"

Ghost Douluo gasped.

He was the one who discovered Han Xiao, so he naturally hoped that Han Xiao could become the sharp knife of the Spirit Hall.

It turned out that what Ju Douluo said sarcastically and sarcastically was about to come true, which made him unable to accept it for a while.

Han Xiao shook his head, but did not respond.

He is Han Xiao, the King of Assassins, Taotie. He did not belong to any faction in his previous life, and it is the same in this life.

If Han Xiao really wanted to rely on the Spirit Hall to avenge himself, it would definitely be much easier than it is now.

But he didn't even tell Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo that those killers were from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

He has to walk his own path step by step.

Even if it is full of thorns.

After thinking for a moment, Bibi Dong made a decision: "Deal!"

"The mission is not over yet. Five years is five years. After five years, Wuhundian will take back all the assets you bought with that card. Of course, you can also use the original price of the Golden Soul Coin as collateral."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong looked at Xue Qingwu who was guarding the door, and she was so hairy.

In other words, if Han Xiao has not earned enough to repay the debts in the past five years, Xue Qingwu will be taken away by the Spirit Hall.

In the blink of an eye, His Highness the Pope, who used to be both a teacher and a friend, became his biggest creditor. For some reason, Han Xiao felt refreshed.

"I, Lei Xiao, will definitely pay back the money I owe."

Han Xiao got off the package ticket, looked at the two with a smile and said, "Since the two of you are here, you might as well stay for a few more days to experience the customs of the Heaven Dou Empire."

Although Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo had visited the Heaven Dou Empire more times than Han Xiao, they basically came here to carry out missions or hold meetings, and had no time to linger at all.

Bibi Dong sighed helplessly, but didn't speak.

On the other hand, Ghost Douluo beside him seemed to have suffered a great deal of resentment, and snorted coldly: "Just solve it quickly, and I will go back to the Spirit Hall that you hate after I finish it."

Of course Han Xiao understood Ghost Douluo's dislike, and said, "Elder Ghost, don't worry, I, Han Xiao, am a person who knows how to reciprocate. Unless I touch the bottom line, I will never be an enemy of Spirit Hall."

"An enemy of Wuhundian? Heh..."

Before finishing the second half of the sentence, Ghost Douluo suddenly closed his mouth.

He originally wanted to talk about a little soul master, why should he be the enemy of the Wuhun Temple.

But thinking that he seemed to have been deflated by Han Xiao several times, he held back again.

Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo didn't intend to visit the Heaven Dou Empire, so they asked Han Xiao to arrange a meeting with Yu Tianqing.

After all, the two of them have important tasks in the Wuhun Hall, and they have a lot of work to do every day, so how can they have the desire to hang out?

Blue Electric Bawangzong

In the dark room, Yu Yuanzhen had his hands behind his back, his face was deep and he said nothing.

And Yu Tianqing knelt behind him with a look of awe.

"You mean, that Lei Xiao can help Wuhundian get online?"

Yu Yuanzhen's voice was so powerful that it sounded flustered even when he was speaking normally.

"Yes, suzerain, after all, everyone knows that the Lei family has a senior cooperative relationship with Wuhundian."

Yu Tianqing said respectfully.

He also doubted whether Han Xiao has such a great ability, but if he can really join forces with Wuhundian, it will definitely break the ice.

So Yu Tianqing is willing to throw everything for it.

"I didn't expect that my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would cooperate with Spirit Hall one day."

Yu Yuanzhen's voice was a little more sad.

"Sovereign, whether it is extremely peaceful or not, whether the sect can rise again depends on this time."

Before the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family sanctioned the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the business empire had already taken shape under rapid construction.

Han Xiao's plan is really possible to realize.

(End of this chapter)

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