Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 185 The knife is about to be unsheathed!

Chapter 185 The knife is about to be unsheathed!
At the same time, Yu Tianqing who was sitting opposite also heaved a sigh of relief.

Face to face with a strong man like Ghost Douluo, feeling the pressure of the other party, negotiating is even more uncomfortable than a big battle.

"Since that's the case, I'll stay soon, and now I'll bring the results of the negotiation back to the sect."

Yu Tianqing said impatiently, and left in a hurry with his two disciples.

He said so, but Yu Tianqing was more afraid of Ghost Douluo's aura.

Seeing the three people leaving, Ghost Douluo said sullenly: "Next, only the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family are left."

Han Xiao nodded, "The next two scenes are up to you."

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo grinned bitterly.

Seven Treasures

Ning Fengzhi looked at the scenery outside the window, his face was gloomy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just now, Ghost Douluo's visit caught him by surprise.

"Uncle Jian, what do you think of this matter?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at the haggard old man and asked.

The old man squinted his eyes, "The move of Wuhundian is nothing more than an attempt to kill people with a knife, it depends on whether you are willing to be the sharp knife in his hand, the suzerain."

They are not fools, so how could they not know the meaning of Wuhundian?
While Blue Lightning Overlord Zong was relaxing, stabbing him hard in the back was enough to make Yu Yuanzhen spit out half a mouthful of old blood.

Ning Fengzhi was a little moved.

Although the relationship between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Wuhun Palace is not bad, it is still the same.

Once it cooperates with Wuhundian, when the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect declines and the Haotian Sect goes into seclusion, it is self-evident who will be the No. [-] Sect in this world.

"Sovereign, I don't think it's a good thing to cooperate with Wuhundian."

The silent Bone Douluo expressed his opinion.

"Tell me."

"Although this cooperation is extremely beneficial to our sect, and can even change the current situation in the mainland, once the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School becomes the number one sect, what will Emperor Xue Ye think?"

Bone Douluo was thoughtful, and everyone realized something was wrong as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

Ning Fengzhi gasped, Wuhundian's move, how many birds per stone?

If the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School really becomes the number one school in the world, the balance of the three pillars of the Heaven Dou Empire for many years will be broken.

At that time, Emperor Xue Ye might be on guard against him from starting the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Who is this person who advises Bibi Dong?
It can not only weaken the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but also drive a wedge between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, it is really terrifying!
Jian Douluo shook his head, and smiled slightly: "Old Gu, don't forget that Emperor Xue Ye doesn't care about us now."

Because of the campaign planned by Han Xiao, Emperor Xue Ye promulgated a new law in order to stabilize some low-level soul masters and black market dealers.

The Heaven Dou nobles have already started to put pressure on them because of this matter.

On the other hand, the agreement with the merchant was also spread under the impetus of interested people.

Emperor Xue Ye is so busy now that he may not even have thought of this aspect.

"Sovereign, at this time, Emperor Xue Ye has no scruples to check and balance, and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has been pushed to the forefront. This is definitely the best opportunity for our sect!"

Jian Douluo said earnestly.

This time Bone Douluo didn't refute.

Ning Fengzhi frowned, feeling something was wrong.

It's a bit of a coincidence that this one thing is connected together.

First, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect controlled the merchants, then the riots at the bottom, and then the Wuhundian sanctioned them.

One link after another, it seems that there is a behind-the-scenes manipulator secretly manipulating the entire process.

"Pass it to Wuhundian, I, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, accept this matter!"

A flash of determination flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes.

Having served as suzerain for many years, although Qibao Liulizong has flourished under his governance, it has also been labeled as indecisive by the elders.

And this precious opportunity in front of him was just a chance to impress those stubborn elders.

This transaction kicked off under the turbulent undercurrent.

As for the Tiandou imperial family, they were already thinking about how to kill the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and when they heard that Wuhundian was willing to help, they agreed without thinking.

Dugu Bo looked at the letter on the table, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"This little devil is so powerful that he wants to slay a dragon."

The content of the letter is very simple: the second condition is to encircle and suppress Yu Yuanzhen.

Some time ago, Dugu Bo wanted to take Han Xiao to his lair to get rid of the poison, but the other party said he had something to do.

Fortunately, Han Xiao also kept his promise and helped him complete the first detoxification.

For the past few days, Dugu Bo'an hasn't had enough sleep yet, yet Han Xiao is going to do something shocking.

"Good boy, have guts."

Dugu Bo admired Han Xiao's actions very much.

His desire to turn Han Xiao into his grandson-in-law became stronger and stronger.

"Grandpa, what are you doing, it's time to eat!"

At this moment, Dugu Yan, who was wearing a nightgown and coiled her black hair behind her ears, poked out her small head and complained.

If it is said that the Dugu Yan who is outside is full of beauty, then she is Xiaojia Biyu at this time, she is even more playful.

"Yanzi, have you reached the age of love?"

Dugu Bo asked with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Dugu Yan looked vigilant.

Dugu Bo chuckled, "What do you think of that kid Han Xiao?"

As soon as the words came out, that pretty face instantly turned bright red, and the crackling pots and pans greeted Dugu Bo directly.

"You shameless old Deng, what are you talking about!"


On this day, Yu Tianqing came to Han Xiao's mansion with a happy face.

"Good news, great news!"

Yu Tianqing had an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"Brother Lei, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect are no longer suppressing our peripheral merchants!"

It has to be said that Wuhundian's handling efficiency is extremely fast. In just one week, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and Qibao Glazed Tile School have extended their business routes.

Yu Tianqing's complexion was ruddy, as if he had aged several years.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, "Then congratulations to Mr. Yu."

"It's just that I asked nearby merchants recently, and their opinions seem to be very big."

"Heh, for those profit-seeking businessmen, making them work overtime is like a dead mother." Yu Tianheng sneered disdainfully.

In order to speed up the establishment of the business empire, Yu Tianqing had to speed up. This time, not only the merchants, but even the civilians in the city were dragged to arrest the young men.

This time, not only the merchants, but even the civilians were completely offended by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

But what is the Blue Lightning Bawangzong afraid of?
Behind them is the support of Wuhundian.

Neither the Heaven Dou imperial family nor the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect dare to complain, you, a commoner, are worthy of speaking?
Han Xiao frowned, hesitating a little: "Isn't this going too far?"

Yu Tianqing shook his head, and patted Han Xiao's shoulder quite maturely: "You are still young, there is no way to do this kind of thing, only the fist is hard, which is the most important thing."

"Once my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect returns to its peak, what dare those pariahs and merchants say?"

After listening to Yu Tianqing's great truth, Han Xiao suddenly realized, "Mr. Yu, I have been taught."

After pretending to be aggressive, Yu Tianqing left satisfied.

"The time is ripe."

A ray of sharpness radiated from Han Xiao's pupils.

"Can you make those two move?"

Ghost Douluo unexpectedly appeared behind Han Xiao at some point.

Han Xiao nodded and looked at Zhou Tong: "I have a crime against the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, you send it to Xiao Qinglong and let him send all the news posts, I will let everyone in the empire know tonight. "

"Master, the entire empire may be a little..."

Zhou Tong was in a bit of a dilemma, the Heaven Dou Empire was too big, plus the Douluo Continent was blocked, it would take at least a week for everyone in the empire to know.

"It's not easy, just have someone copy dozens of copies and let the branch halls of the Wuhun Temple post them on the gates."

Hearing Ghost Douluo's words, Zhou Tong suddenly realized that he hadn't returned to Wuhundian for so long that he even forgot about it.

Han Xiao looked at the Heaven Dou Empire, which was shrouded in darkness outside the window, and the corners of his mouth curled up inexplicably.

"Yu Yuanzhen, I hope you can get good news when you wake up tomorrow."

From the moment he came to the Heaven Dou Empire, Han Xiao made arrangements little by little.

Like a chain of iron chains, the chain is interlocking, pressing step by step, for now!

Now the knife is ready to be unsheathed.


Yu Yuanzhen woke up to the sound of chaotic footsteps and frantic quarrels.

"The suzerain is sleeping, please wait a moment for Yu Guanshi!"

The maid's soft voice came from outside.

Yu Yuanzhen frowned, "Let him in, what's the matter with being frizzy?"

Before the maid opened the door, Yu Tianqing broke in from the outside, and with a plop, he knelt down on the ground.

"Zong... Sovereign, no no no no good!"

Yu Tianqing trembled all over, the expression on that face seemed to be the end of the world.

"Calm down!" Yu Yuan sank to his dantian, and there was a trace of soul power in these two words.

It was like a heavy punch had hit Yu Tianqing's heart.

He took a deep breath, with a look of despair on his face, "Sect Master, something serious happened."

"Say something!"

Yu Yuan said angrily.

If it wasn't for seeing Yu Tianqing's appearance, something big had happened, or Yu Yuanzhen would have kicked him away.

"Just this morning, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and the Tiandou Imperial Family announced this article to the world, and now the sect is in chaos."

Trembling, Yu Tianqing held up a stack of articles and buried his head very low.


Yu Yuanzhen grabbed the article and spread it out to read.

As he read, his huge body began to tremble violently, like a struggling old dragon.

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes seemed to be able to shoot fire.

At this time, the soft white paper seemed to be a sharp knife to kill the heart.

I saw a few large characters written on it like dragons and snakes dancing together: The Seven Deadly Sins of Blue Lightning!

Headed by arrogance, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is arrogant in the world, defiant, ruthless in dealing with things, and violates the way of soul masters.

The rage is two, absurd, killing innocents indiscriminately, and raping the weak.

Greed is the third, annexing the merchants in Zhoucheng, using them for their own purposes, and wanting to monopolize the market.

Jealousy is four...

These crimes turned into sharp knives, stirring fiercely in Yu Yuanzhen's heart.

"Who, who?!"

At this moment, he could no longer control his emotions.

"Wuhundian, what are those noble wastes doing?!"

According to the agreement between the two parties, Wuhundian should help the Blue Lightning Bawangzong deal with these public opinions.

Yu Tianqing's eyes dodged, and he shrank like a quail: "This... this is taken from the bulletin board of the Wuhun Palace."

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen lay down on the bed like a drained balloon.

After living for 80 years, he has fully understood that he is being played around by others.

"My lord, do you need me to go to Lei Xiao to inquire about the situation?"

Yu Tianqing asked tremblingly.

"Lei Xiao?" Hearing these two words, Yu Yuanzhen immediately sat up, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"I'm screaming at your mother!"

He raised his hand with a big pocket, and flew the Yutianqing fan into the air and rotated 360 degrees.

Although this attack did not use martial soul power, it did not hold back either.

Yu Tianqing opened his mouth, and all his teeth fell out from the beating.

"Idiot, have been fooled for so long and still kept in the dark?!"

He reprimanded with hatred.

This slap directly woke up Yu Tianqing: "I was cheated?!"

"Damn it, I'm going to settle accounts with that grandson!"

Yu Tianqing's blood rushed to his head, and he didn't care about the pain of losing his teeth, so he rushed out to find Han Xiao to settle the score.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get out."

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen had calmed down, and drank the spirits on the bedside table in one gulp.

Sure enough, before Yu Tianqing became suspicious, two elders of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect broke in.

"Sect Master, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect have already surrounded the mountain gate tightly, and they are clamoring to crusade against the evil thieves."

The two gritted their teeth when they said this.

Yu Yuanzhen clenched his fists and his chest heaved violently: "A villain? When did my Blue Lightning Overlord become a villain?!"

"How is the strength of the comer, can you see it?"

He asked in a muffled voice, with a terrifying fighting intent in his eyes.

There is no one in the world who can invade the territory of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!

"Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect brought Sword Bone Douluo, besides the guests, and the Heaven Dou Royal Family invited Jade Phosphorus Douluo, Dugu Bo."

The speaker was Yu Luomian, Yu Yuanzhen's younger brother.

"Why is he here too?"

Yu Yuanzhen's face was gloomy, Dugu Bo's appearance seemed to surprise him.

"Sect Master, let's go out together, the disciples are ready to die for the sect at any time!"

These elders are already red-eyed.

However, Yu Yuanzhen shook his head and sneered: "I'll go out for a meeting first, what's the rush?"

Before, he was blinded by interests because he wanted to bring the Blue Lightning Overlord School back to its peak, so he fell into Han Xiao's trick.

Yu Yuanzhen, who was now awake, knew very well that if the Qibao Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family really wanted to destroy his Blue Lightning Overlord School, they would have already destroyed the door, and rushed in swarming.

This group of people is still afraid of him, the late old dragon.

"Sovereign, the suzerain is out!"

As soon as Yu Yuanzhen walked out of the room, the surrounding disciples immediately surrounded him.

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as I, Yu Yuanzhen, are here for a day, these Xiao Xiaoxiao will never even think about stepping into the mountain gate!"

With a height of two meters, he just stood there, like a sea-fixing needle, and with just a few words, he calmed down the anxious people in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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