Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 186 Siege Yu Yuanzhen!

Chapter 186 Siege Yu Yuanzhen!
Under the mountain gate of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Ning Fengzhi and his group looked at the empty mountain gate.

Beside him is a luxurious configuration composed of Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, and Poison Douluo.

Not only that, behind the three Titled Douluo, the Contra Heaven Dou royal family alone brought out seven, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also brought three people.

"Dugu Bo, I didn't expect that you, who have always been withdrawn by nature, would participate in this kind of thing. I think you owe a favor?"

Jian Douluo's thin body was hidden in the black robe, and a little wine pierced it.

"Heh, I don't need to tell you what I do."

Dugu Bo's voice was a little guilty.

Obviously they are old acquaintances, but unexpectedly, the domineering Dugu Bo has changed his previous image.

After all, after stepping into the Titled Douluo Realm, every level of improvement is equivalent to crossing a realm.

It's exactly like this, even though they are both Title Douluo, the gap between level 91 and level 99 is probably like the gap between a soul master and a Title Douluo.

So in front of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Dugu Bo, a level 91 Title Douluo, seemed a bit weak.

Ning Fengzhi seized the time and suddenly raised his head to look at the distant mountains: "Here we come!"

I saw a bolt of purple lightning strike down from the sky, like a god descending from the earth, Yu Yuanzhen descended from the sky, his beard danced wildly, and glared angrily.

The three titled Douluo instantly became vigilant, staring fixedly at Yu Yuanzhen.

"If you want to find the old man, the old man will come."

Yu Yuanzhen looked around at Sanming Titled Douluo, with a look of disdain for the world.

As Yu Yuanzhen said, these big forces and even Han Xiao, the goal from the very beginning was Yu Yuanzhen.

This is the only titled Douluo of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

If Yu Yuanzhen dies, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will no longer be able to compete with the upper three sects and other major forces for at least 50 years.

At that time, no matter how strong the Martial Soul of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is, he can't help but be pushed by the crowd. At that time, the various sects will consciously share the dragon meat and suck up the dragon's blood without being dispatched by the Martial Soul Hall.

Slow death is the most suitable for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Anyway, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is also one of the three oldest sects, Guangshantou occupies two of them, not to mention the specially designated Soul Beast Forest.

If you eat too fast, you will choke on it. How can the bone marrow in the beef bone be delicious if you swallow it in one breath?

Break it into pieces and insert a straw to taste the marrow.

"Sect Master Yu, everyone knows what you have done these years."

Surrounded by Sword Bone Douluo, Ning Fengzhi said loudly.

"I've also seen the Seven Deadly Sins. Although it's exaggerated, there's something in it. It's undeniable, right?"

"So what?" Yu Yuanzhen sneered coldly, "Ning Fengzhi, let alone being used by the Spirit Hall, do you really consider yourself an angel of sanction?"

"The black money you have laundered, and the threats and lures you have made to monopolize the aristocratic industry are still few?"

Indeed, as Yu Yuanzhen said, this sect can develop to such a large scale, how can there be no dirty scene behind its glamorous side?
Ning Fengzhi shook his head and sighed: "Sect Master Yu, it seems that there is no need to talk more, you haven't realized where you went wrong."

"I didn't intend to talk to you guys when I came here, what about Spirit Hall?!"

He shouted loudly, and the sound was so powerful that it ruptured the eardrums of some low-level soul masters.

"Old Dragon, long time no see."

A voice lingered in the air for a long time, as if emanating from all directions, it was eerie and terrifying, and it directly dissolved Yu Yuanzhen's roar of sound waves.

"Whether it's a person or a ghost, you can tell it's you just by hearing the voice."

Yu Yuanzhen sneered, and looked at Ghost Douluo who appeared in front of everyone at some unknown time.

The four titled Douluo, probably only experienced such a terrifying battle in the soul hunting operation ten years ago.

"You two Chrysanthemum ghosts, one is neither human nor ghost, and the other is neither male nor female, so they are a perfect match." Yu Yuanzhen seemed to have great resentment towards the Hall of Spirits, "Why, the Moon Pass didn't come?"

Ghost Douluo didn't care about Yu Yuanzhen's ridicule, and sneered: "Dragon Slayer, that's enough."

To know everyone present, Dugu Bo is level 91, Gu Rong is level 95, Ghost is level 95, and Chen Xin is level 96.

In addition, standing behind them was a super powerful auxiliary spirit.

And Yu Yuanzhen, level 95.

It stands to reason that this should be a crushing confrontation.

But unexpectedly, no one dared to take the lead.

Because they all know very well, how can they reach Title Douluo without one or two hole cards?

"Damn it, they are all human beings."

Looking at the vigilant crowd, Dugu Bo gritted his teeth.

Now that Han Xiao has agreed, he must first break the deadlock.

"Yu Yuanzhen, let me come and meet you, the number one beast spirit in the world!"

Dugu Bo shouted loudly, turned into a green phantom, and rushed directly to Yu Yuanzhen.

"Old poison, you deserve it too!"

Yu Yuanzhen sneered, standing in place like a statue, and stomped his feet lightly.

In an instant, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit was released, and his body underwent shocking changes.

Dragon claws, dragon wings, dragon legs, dragon horns, dragon armor!
It is said that the higher the level of the Martial Soul of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the more powerful it is.

And now the complete body of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is only possessed by Yu Yuanzhen in the whole world.

The moment the martial spirit was released, Dugu Bo's speed slowed down.

Although both of their spirits are of the dragon species, the purity of their blood and their spirit power are still far behind.

Just releasing the coercion of the blue electric tyrannosaurus rex, Dugu Bo was overwhelmed.

And some low-level soul masters fell to their knees, trembling and unable to move.

"Are you here to crusade or to watch a show?!"

Dugu Bo's faint green light bloomed again, forcibly resisting Yu Yuanzhen's coercion.

"Please trouble Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone."

Ning Fengzhi spoke.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin nodded, and at some point there was a huge sword behind him.

This giant sword is two meters long and half a foot wide, without any gorgeous decorations on the sword god.

If one looked at it from a distance, one wouldn't think that this sword was the title Douluo's martial spirit.

However, if the eyes stay on the giant sword for a long time, the sharp edge of the sword will sting from the eyes.

"Old poison, resist for another two seconds."

Chen Xin opened his mouth lightly, and dragged the huge sword towards Yu Yuanzhen, not rushing.

Seeing Chen Xin approaching slowly, Yu Yuanzhen's pupils shrank, and his fighting spirit burned immediately.

"Chen Xin, I heard that you claim to attack the strongest Titled Douluo?"

Yu Yuanzhen smiled disdainfully, dodged Dugu Bo's snake bite, crushed the loess, and went straight to Chen Xin.

"I'd like to see if I have the most powerful beast spirit in the world, or the sword in your hand!"

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Yu Yuanzhen swung his claws fiercely at Chen Xin.

With this claw, the sky and the earth change, yin and yang brighten and extinguish, as if there is a faint sound of dragon roaring in response.

"Good come!"

Chen Xin's pupils shrank, and she held the Seven Killing Sword horizontally in front of her.

In an instant, killing intent raged and everything withered.

The giant sword in Chen Xin's hand was wrapped in a strong murderous aura, and that terrifying power seemed to be able to cut through everything.

I saw Chen Xin's muscles soared, and he suddenly raised the giant sword in his hand, setting off a wind and sand.

It is different from Yu Yuanzhen's gorgeous and terrifying thunder strike that caused the vision of heaven and earth.

Chen Xin's sword did not add any modification, but it was just a movement of raising his head, and the castration contained in it seemed to be able to cut everything.

The epee has no sharp edge, and it doesn't work!
The pupils of Han Xiao, who was hiding in the crowd watching the battle in the distance, shrank suddenly.

Let's not talk about the extremely pure sword power contained in Chen Xin's sword.

The terrifying aura emanating from that giant sword resonated with the star map in his lower abdomen.

Seven kills, Ziwei Doushu belongs to gold.

Han Xiao put his hand on his lower abdomen, his heart beating fast.

Is there some kind of connection between this Seven Kills Sword and the Seven Kills Realm of the Huntian Star Chart?

For some reason, when Han Xiao saw the Seven Killing Sword, he always had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Good come!"

Yu Yuanzhen was wanton and carefree, causing thunder to fall from the sky, and his long hair crackled.

His dragon claws were wrapped in more and more lightning.

Chen Xin, all in white, with her sleeves facing the wind, her white hair three thousand feet long, and her loose white robe swelled and bulged under the gusts of Yu Yuan's blow.

But even so, his thin and tall figure was like an old tree rooted in the ground, motionless.

The two collided like a comet hitting the earth.

The two of them had a good understanding, and neither of them used soul skills. This attack was due to their exquisite control over the martial soul and the strength of the martial soul.

Chen Xin's complexion changed, and under the powerful shock, his figure retreated, and two deep marks were drawn on the ground.

His complexion was a little pale, he adjusted his disordered breath, and stabbed the Seven Killing Sword hard into the ground, only then did he stabilize his figure.

On the other side, Yu Yuanzhen was much more miserable. He snorted, bloodshot eyes hung from the corner of his mouth, and his blue-purple dragon claws trembled at a very high frequency.

Only Yu Yuanzhen knew that his entire right arm was almost numb, as if tens of thousands of ants were eating on his arm.

That was the killing intent of the Seven Killing Sword.

"Sect Master Yu, even though you and I cannot reach that level, at your age, it is entirely possible to step into the pinnacle of Titled Douluo."

Chen Xin stroked his white beard, not concealing his admiration for Yu Yuanzhen.

There is a 20-year age difference between the two. If Yu Yuanzhen had an epiphany in his later years, or had a chance encounter, there is every chance.

The numbness gradually subsided, and Yu Yuan cupped his hands in shock: "As expected of the strongest attack, Yu recognized it."

The meeting between the two of them is like friends discussing martial arts, not at all like they are here to hunt down villains.


Jian Douluo shook his head and let out a long sigh.

In terms of strength alone, he still admired Yu Yuanzhen very much. If the other party hadn't wasted time for trivial matters of the sect, he would have achieved higher achievements.

But today, no matter what, this generation of overlords will eventually fall in front of the mountain gate of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

"Chen Xin, the move has already been tried, can we do it together?"

Ghost Douluo said sullenly.

While talking, Gu Rong and Dugu Bo appeared on both sides of Yu Yuanzhen at some point, completely blocking his escape route.

"Is my Yu the kind of person who can run away?"

Looking at the two, Yu Yuanzhen sneered.

"Go ahead!"

He slowly closed his eyes, and the huge soul power around him was gathering at an extremely fast speed.

Chen Xin sighed and nodded slightly.

In the next moment, four Title Douluo shot at the same time, and surrounded Yu Yuanzhen from four directions.

Each of them used their ultimate moves, without holding back a bit.

This is fighting, not sparring.

Yu Yuanzhen felt the killing moves coming from all directions, and even opened his eyes suddenly when he had nowhere to escape.

He was like a soldier fighting before his death, laughing wantonly:
"Everyone in the world says that the Clear Sky School has the Nine Unique Skills of Haotian and the special skill of exploding rings, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has the special skill of Qibao Linglong Heart and Appreciation of Treasures, but for me, the Blue Lightning Overlord School has only one martial soul."

"But do you really think that my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect doesn't have any hole cards?"

Even under the terrifying coercion of the four Titled Douluo, he still stood there calmly.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Different from the other two sects, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is a sect that is extremely focused on its own martial soul.

This is why they have failed to preempt commercial farming for many years.

However, under the corrosion of history, such cases will eventually become time-honored brands that no one cares about.

But is that really the case?

Everyone underestimated the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

I saw that the soul power in Yu Yuanzhen's body continued to expand, and then his temperament began to change.

Right at his heart, an incomparably terrifying energy suddenly burst out.


Dugu Bo's complexion changed drastically, and he also ran the fastest.

Where is Yu Yuanzhen at this time still a level 95 Title Douluo?
He exuded an incomparably domineering and terrifying aura that made people want to bow their heads and surrender.

"Demi god!"

Chen Xin and Gu Rong's pupils trembled, and they said in unison.

As the oldest Titled Douluo here, they have also witnessed the appearance of a demigod before.

I still remember the terrifying aura that made people turn into dust.

"Dragon, always be a dragon!"

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen's pupils were filled with blue-purple lightning, like a god above the world: "Want me to die? Use your lives to be buried with me!"

"It's a false demigod, he seems to be unable to control the power of the light in his chest!"

After observing for a while, Chen Xin suddenly spoke.

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Yuanzhen's momentum and coercion have reached the threshold of a demigod, but his strength seems to be limited by his body, and he cannot break through the demigod in a short time.


Everyone took this reassurance and rushed towards Yu Yuanzhen again.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are on and off, and the galaxy is reversed.

The battle between the five titled Douluo is something outsiders can't intervene at all.

However, even if Yu Yuanzhen relied on the secret treasure of the sect, he could not resist the repeated bombing of the four titled Douluo.

His movements became slower and slower, and there were more and more bloody wounds on his body.

But even so, Yu Yuanzhen's waist was still tall and straight, and the fighting spirit in those darker eyes became stronger and stronger.

Han Xiao shook his head, "It's the end of the battle."

The battle is almost over.

However, under the siege of four Titled Douluo, it is almost a miracle that Yu Yuanzhen can persist until now.

"Yu Yuanzhen, His Majesty the Pope is merciful to the world, and promises that if you are willing to abolish your martial soul, you will save the lives of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

Ghost Douluo took out a large piece of flesh and blood from Yu Yuanzhen's body with one hand, and said grimly.

"I am a dragon, not a dog!"

Yu Yuanzhen convulsed all over his body, and swung his claws slowly towards Ghost Douluo, but the opponent's figure disappeared long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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