Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 189 The third dragon of the aura cloak!

Chapter 189 The third dragon of the aura cloak!
He could only close his eyes and beg for death: "Kill me."

However, after waiting for a long time, Yu Yuanzhen did not feel the coming of death.

He slowly opened his eyes, and found that Han Xiao was close at hand, looking at him calmly.

It's like looking at a test object.

"I guess Sect Master Yu may feel that I should give you a happy performance for your performance that you would rather die than submit?"

Han Xiao's voice was so flat that it was terrifying.

Yu Yuan opened his eyes violently, his pupils trembling.

"Actually, you are stupid."

Han Xiao said lightly: "Because if you do this, you can't die happily."

Yu Yuan's pupils trembled, and then he snorted coldly: "If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want!"

Han Xiao smiled, and dragged out a huge box from the darkness.

When the box was opened, Yu Yuanzhen could only feel the muscles all over his body trembling.

There were three layers of torture instruments, large and small, neatly placed inside the box.

Among them, there are many instruments of torture Yu Yuanzhen has never seen before, and they were specially made by Han Xiao according to the memory of his previous life by the blacksmith.

Han Xiao first took out a can of healing medicine and began to gently clean the wound for Yu Yuanzhen.

Immediately, he first took out a knife about the size of an ear pick from the torture tool box.

"The human body is extremely complex, so we have to take our time and start with the simplest texture structure."

Han Xiao put on a mask and rubber gloves, and walked slowly to Yu Yuanzhen's side.

Insert the small knife bit by bit into the wound exposed to the air, and then gently move it.

Tiny beads of sweat dripped from Yu Yuanzhen's forehead instantly, his face was like gold paper, and he began to breathe quickly.

He only felt as if a long worm had crawled into his arm, slowly burrowing into the depths.

Time passed by every second, and this kind of pain seemed not enough to tear Yu Yuanzhen's heart, and coupled with the titled Douluo's foundation, he was not mentally sleepy at this time.

However, at the next moment, Yu Yuanzhen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he almost lost his voice: "What did you do?!"

"Don't make noise, it will be fine soon."

Han Xiao concentrated on the action at hand.

Immediately, the small knife was slowly pulled out from Yu Yuanzhen's arm, and at the same time, it was carrying a transparent strip more than one meter long.

When the strip was pulled out, Yu Yuanzhen only felt that his right arm lost consciousness instantly.

Han Xiao put the one-meter-long strip under the dim light to observe, and clicked his tongue:

"Sect Master Yu, this is the dragon tendon in your body. It is unimaginable that without it, your entire right arm would turn into mud."

Yu Yuanzhen couldn't believe that this thing was taken out of his body, and his body became a little trembling.

Han Xiao rubbed his eyes, "We will continue with the rest tomorrow."

Cramping requires a lot of mental energy, and such a complicated project cannot be completed in one day.

Seeing Han Xiao slamming the iron door shut, Yu Yuanzhen felt a wave of exhaustion at this moment.


Ghost Douluo looked at Han Xiao who was coming up, and asked.

"Give me a few more days."

Han Xiao's voice was terrifyingly calm.

"Yu Yuanzhen has a secret, a big secret."

Being able to forcibly break through the aura of the posture to the level of a demigod, any fool would know that Yu Yuanzhen might be hiding a secret treasure.

It's just that no one knows what this thing is.

Even the spies who had been lurking in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect for many years didn't know about it.

"As long as you can find the secret treasure on Yu Yuanzhen's body, His Highness the Pope has promised, you can pick two of the three soul bones on Yu Yuanzhen's body first."

Ghost Douluo said.

Two soul bones, Bibi Dong has to be said to be generous enough.

But these two soul bones are not worth mentioning in front of the method that can be promoted to a demigod.

After a moment of silence, Han Xiao said, "I see."

The door of the wine cellar screamed and slowly opened.

A ray of sunlight shone on Yu Yuanzhen's face, and he woke up slowly.

Sunshine has become a desire for him now.

Han Xiao walked in front of him, without saying much, and placed rows of hideous instruments of torture in front of him.

"Heh, there are other tricks, just try it out."

Yu Yuanzhen smiled coldly, his voice was terribly weak.

Han Xiao tightly clamped the two gate knives on Yu Yuanzhen's right arm, and exerted a sudden force.

With a snap, the arm fell to the ground.

In just five seconds, Han Xiao removed an arm.

But Yu Yuanzhen could only watch this scene helplessly, his canthus tearing apart.

The tendons in his right arm had been pulled out completely, and he couldn't struggle at all.

"Because of the martial soul and the strong soul power, has the human body been changed?"

Han Xiao frowned, thinking carefully.

He has been wondering since yesterday, how can someone's tendons be more than one meter long?
Looking at the structure of the entire right arm now, Han Xiao realized that the muscle texture inside Yu Yuanzhen's arm was completely different from that of a human, but more like an animal.

Throwing away the minced meat, Han Xiao took out a crystal clear soul bone and observed it carefully under the weak light.

"The gap in strength between us is too great. If I don't take out your dragon tendons, it's impossible to cut off your entire arm with a switch knife."

Han Xiao said lightly.

Immediately, he took out the torture tool as small as an earpick again, and approached Yu Yuanzhen step by step.

However, at this moment, Yu Yuanzhen suddenly exploded, and the whole arm instantly turned into a dragon shape, and the chains wrapped around it were absorbed by the purple electricity, and they were violently drawn towards Han Xiao who was close at hand.

He had already secretly lifted the restriction released by Bibi Dong, just waiting for Han Xiao to approach him suddenly and give him a fatal blow.

The air was crackled by the terrifying lightning, and the chain swept towards Han Xiao like a thunder dragon.

The distance between the two was less than two meters, and Han Xiao had nowhere to hide from this blow.

However, he had no intention of hiding, his face was terrifyingly calm, without any expression of panic.

In the next second, a lavender cloak suddenly appeared in front of Han Xiao, wrapping the thunder dragon abruptly.

Dense lightning flashes appeared on the aura cloak in an instant, and then subsided little by little.

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw: "How is it possible?!"

Just behind the aura cloak, streaks of lightning slowly emerged, and finally merged to form a dragon with wings spread.

Different from the blue dragon and the golden dragon, this blue-purple dragon is the western dragon, and it is confronting the double dragons.

The aura cloak hiccupped, drifted unsteadily behind Han Xiao, and landed on his shoulders.

"Can even the Western Dragon devour it?"

Han Xiao was a little surprised.

You must know that whether it is the aboriginal golden dragon on the cloak, or the green dragon entrenched on the Dragon Slaying Saber, they are all ancient oriental dragons.

But the prototype of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is more like an ancient western dragon, like a huge lizard.

Can it devour other creatures besides dragons?
Seeing the changes in the aura cloak, Han Xiao thought carefully.

After devouring the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the cloak of aura also changed significantly. From time to time, purple lightning radiated from the whole body, and the cloak also changed from dark purple to blue purple.

(End of this chapter)

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