Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 190 The Soul Bone Fragment of the Ancient Dragon King!

Chapter 190 The Soul Bone Fragment of the Ancient Dragon King!
At this time, three dragons had gathered on his cloak, and he didn't know what would happen to the pattern on the back of the aura cloak after absorbing the spirit ring.

"Go ahead."

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Yu Yuanzhen closed his eyes.

At this time, he completely gave up his desire to survive.

Han Xiao looked at Yu Yuanzhen and said expressionlessly: "Sect Master Yu, are you ready?"

In the following long hours, Yu Yuanzhen experienced the pain that life would be worse than death.

Han Xiao was like an anatomy expert, removing Yu Yuanzhen's limbs one by one while he was trying to stay awake.

This kind of pain comes from the spiritual level, and it is a great insult to this titled Douluo for Yu Yuanzhen to watch his body disintegrate little by little.

"Kill me."

Yu Yuanzhen was on the verge of collapse.

Looking at the two tempting soul bones on the ground, Han Xiao let out a long breath.

Anatomy not only requires extremely subtle knife skills, but also requires extreme concentration, which is also a test for the spirit.

"Sect Master Yu, is there only the last piece of skull left?"

Han Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said lightly.

The arm bone is fine, just remove the arm, but what about the skull?

Once the skull is smashed, even Title Douluo will definitely die.

Yu Yuanzhen sneered, "Do it."

I have to admit that Yu Yuanzhen's will is stronger than his bones.

During this time, no matter how tortured Han Xiao was, he didn't make the slightest sound.

Regardless of Yu Yuanzhen's actions, his strong willpower is indeed respectable.

"Sect Master Yu, I want to make a deal with you."

Han Xiao was not in a hurry, poured a glass of vintage wine, and took a sip gracefully.

"You still want to make a deal with me?"

Yu Yuan laughed terribly, as if she had aged ten years.

Now that he has become like this, it can be said that Han Xiao created it all by himself.

Now this man is still looking normal and wants to make a deal with him?
Even if Han Xiao let him go now, Yu Yuanzhen would still want to die.

For him who is so arrogant to the bone, it is absolutely impossible for him to allow himself to live without humans and ghosts.

How can there be weakness when death has become less scary?
Han Xiao took out a goblet, poured wine for Yu Yuanzhen, and placed it in front of him:
"Sect Master Yu, if you tell me the secret of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect's treasure, I can bring your corpse back to Longshan."

Hearing this, Yu Yuan's pupils trembled: "How do you know?"

Longshan is the sacred place of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. The corpses of the past suzerains are buried there. It can be said that it is their final destination, and it is also a great honor for these suzerains.

"Although this is the secret of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, I don't think it's too difficult to find out if you use the information network of the Spirit Hall."

"Oh." Yu Yuanzhen looked at Han Xiao with contempt: "I forgot, you are the dog of the Wuhun Palace."

There was no change in the expression on Han Xiao's face, and he said: "Sect Master Yu, if you tell me this secret, I can guarantee to help you splice the body together, and even treat all the wounds, and return to Zanlong Mountain in a smooth manner."

Looking at Han Xiao in front of him, Yu Yuanzhen opened his mouth, only feeling that this is a devil.

What he said really made Yu Yuan's heart flutter.

You must know that for this kind of old people, returning to their roots and keeping their bones safe is their last wish.

And if there were no mistakes, Yu Yuanzhen's body should have been stripped of its soul bones in the end and sent to the group of martial arts researchers in the Wuhun Temple to study the characteristics and weaknesses of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Based on your experience, although in the past few years in charge of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, the development of the sect has stagnated and even started to decline.

However, protecting the entire sect with one person alone against all the major forces will definitely be a heavy stroke in the future development history of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.It has been praised by thousands of future generations. "

Han Xiao continued to seduce.

Yu Yuanzhen smiled disdainfully, and said, "Oh, it is indeed as you said, but if I tell you the biggest secret of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, wouldn't I be infamous forever?"

"Sect Master Yu, you don't need to worry about this at all."

Han Xiao shook his head, "I can completely keep it a secret for you, and even this secret is only known to you and me."

"Do you think I, Yu, is a fool?" Yu Yuanzhen smiled coldly, "Who knows if you will tell Wuhundian when you turn around?"

"Sect Master Yu, if you don't trust me, no matter how much I promise, it will be useless."

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen fell into deep thought.

Indeed, as Han Xiao said, how can a deal be reached without trust between the two parties?

"Soul bone fragments of the ancient dragon king."

After a long time, he looked at Han Xiao with sharp eyes like a knife.

"With the help of this thing, I can make my strength reach the level of a demigod in a short period of time."

Ancient Dragon King?

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

If one's aura cloak can absorb all kinds of dragons and use them for oneself, then can this ancient dragon king also be able to?
"Can I see that fragment?"

Han Xiao asked.

"The fragment was right where my heart was, and it had to be dug out."

In the battle with Sword Douluo and others, Yu Yuanzhen forcibly absorbed a fragment of the ancient Dragon King.

Once the fragments enter the body, they cannot be removed again.

There are nine types of fragments of the ancient dragon king, which are sealed in the nine mountains of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Only by breaking through to level ninety and at the same time maintaining the purity of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex can one step into these mountains.

However, such strict conditions are only the conditions for entering the mountain. If you want to find these soul bone fragments, you must be selected by these soul bone fragments.

And Yu Yuanzhen can be said to be the only one who has been recognized among so many Thunder Douluo.

"Be patient."

Han Xiao took out two sharp scalpels and gently scratched Yu Yuanzhen's chest.

He showed his superb knife skills, clipped out a colorful fragment, and then sewed it on Yu Yuanzhen's chest.

As soon as the ancient dragon king's soul bone fragments touched the air, Han Xiao felt a dragon roar echoing around him.

And the aura cloak was trembling slightly, not because of fear, but as if excited.

"This is the soul bone fragment of the ancient dragon king."

Han Xiao's eyes widened, staring at the fragments in his hand.

He could feel the horror of this spirit bone, just a fragment contained much more energy than other spirit bones.

"Each fragment of the ancient Dragon King's soul bone contains spirituality. If it is forcibly absorbed without his approval, it will only self-destruct."

Yu Yuanzhen explained in a weak voice.

This is why he is willing to tell Han Xiao this secret treasure.

Because for so many years, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has not let outsiders try to gain the approval of these spirit bones.

But the final outcome was without exception, these titled Douluo couldn't even enter the holy mountain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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