Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 192 Han Xiao Goes to the Appointment, Dugu Bo's Forbidden Land!

Chapter 192 Han Xiao Goes to the Appointment, Dugu Bo's Forbidden Land!
What's more, you must know that Han Xiao's focus this year has not been on cultivation.

Chen Mo nodded, and said, "Young master's talent is really terrifying. Congratulations, you have truly stepped into the threshold of a soul master."

Zhou Tong chuckled, "Soul Sect is a hurdle, and after level [-], the speed of improving soul power is several times slower than before."

Indeed, as Zhou Tong said, it may even take four or five years for most people to break through to the soul king.

The soul king can be understood as the threshold of an ordinary person's life, and the life of an ordinary soul master, if there are no other adventures, no matter how hard he tries, the limit may be the soul king.

And every time you go up to a higher level, you have to rely on talent and adventure.

When it comes to Title Douluo, it may take ten years to improve each level.

And the improvement of this level depends more on understanding than hard work.

"Tonight, Dugu Bo will probably come to see me."

Han Xiao said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Only then did they remember the agreement between Han Xiao and Dugu Bo.

"Do you want to inform the Spirit Hall of this matter?"

Chen Mo's face was gloomy.

"No need."

Han Xiao shook his head.

Now he has already separated from the Spirit Hall. Although Bibi Dong will definitely help Han Xiao solve it, this is not what he thinks.

After all, if you want to develop your own organization, you must have a strong backing.

However, Ghost Douluo belongs to the Hall of Spirits, and Bibi Dong is even more impossible.

Although Dugu Bo is the weakest existence among Title Douluo, he has a long-standing reputation.

With the protection of Dugu Bo, there will be no worries for the first ten years.

"If Ye Lingling comes here, give this letter to her."

During this period of time, Ye Lingling did not come to find her, thinking about it, she was still struggling with her choice.

After all, for her, the next thing she has to face is the choice in life.

And she only had a relationship with Han Xiao once, so how could she easily hand over her future to Han Xiao?

After returning to the room, Han Xiao did not hesitate at all, and directly integrated the arm bone into his left hand.

Martial spirits of the space attribute are rare. Although most of them are auxiliary soul masters, they will become the absolute core of any team.

Possessing a space-type skill often masters the role that can determine the situation of the battle.

And the rarity of a space spirit bone is self-evident.

Feeling the soul bone integrated with his arm, Han Xiao released the soul bone skill towards the goblet on the table.

In an instant, a gap seemed to be torn open in the space, violently fluctuating.

And the goblet disappeared instantly after trembling for a while.

With a clear sound, the goblet appeared out of thin air and fell into pieces.


Han Xiao thought to himself, a little disappointed.

He originally thought that the skill of this spirit bone should be related to attack, and it could strangle the enemy by tearing apart the space.

But I didn't expect it to be an auxiliary skill like teleportation.

But even this skill is extremely powerful.

For example, after assassinating the target, it can disappear instantly in full view and escape.

It can also transmit the enemy's nirvana thousands of miles away at the most critical moment of the battle.

After several attempts, Han Xiao has fully understood the skills of this spirit bone.

The consumed soul power will be determined by the size and power of the transferred item.

The teleportation distance is not easy to grasp. Han Xiao used it on himself several times, and the teleportation locations were different. He even teleported to a maid's room once.

Fortunately, she slept enough to die, and Han Xiao slipped out.

"It seems that this spirit bone skill can't be easily used on myself."

If he wants to teleport to the sky above the canyon, wouldn't he be killed by himself?
Right now, he only has three spirit bones at the fortieth level.

Even some Title Douluo couldn't achieve this terrifying configuration.

For example, Poison Douluo only has one soul bone.

However, at this moment, a ray of green light shone in from the window.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Han Xiao looked at Dugu Bo who appeared in the room like a ghost, and thought in his heart.

"Little monster, is it time to fulfill our promise?"

Dugu Bo looked at Han Xiao with a complicated expression.

In fact, before coming again, he hesitated.

With the lessons learned from Yu Yuanzhen, Dugu Bo was afraid that Han Xiao would do something to him.

As soon as he got home, he began to examine himself extremely carefully.

After discovering that Han Xiao didn't trip his body, Dugu Bo let out a sigh of relief.

This little monster in front of him is really too terrifying. Although he doesn't know how Yu Yuanzhen offended him, Dugu Bo knows that people like Han Xiao can only make friends.

Even if you cannot make friends, you must not become enemies.

"Let's go."

Han Xiao said.

Dugu Bo nodded, picked up Han Xiao, turned into a green light and disappeared instantly, as if he had never been there before.

The sound of howling wind filled the ears, and Han Xiao's eyes became dark.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was a dense forest, and they were on a hill about 500 meters high in the forest.

Because it was night at this time, I couldn't see too much scenery outside.

"follow me."

Dugu Bo climbed up the mountain road as if walking on flat ground. He seemed to be walking very slowly, but each step was ten meters away, and the distance between each step was extremely even. It's like going up vertically.

Han Xiao followed in the footsteps of Dugu Bo.

Along the way, Dugu Bo was speeding up his steps intentionally or unintentionally.

However, what surprised him was that no matter how fast he speeded up, Han Xiao followed behind him without hesitation.

You must know that this place can be regarded as a natural danger, even some soul kings and soul emperors cannot go up.

This is also the reason why Dugu Bo chose this place.

Soon, Han Xiao arrived at the top of the mountain under the leadership of Dugu Bo.

In front of them was an inverted cone-shaped mountain depression. The top of the mountain where they were located was the edge of this mountain depression. Thick heat rose from the mountain depression. The heat was very humid and had a bit of the unique smell of sulfur.

Han Xiao was a little surprised. This place is somewhat similar to the mountain behind the Wuhun Palace.

"Little monster, the road ahead is not easy, why don't I take you with me?"

Poison Douluo looked at the cliff in the distance, and said with a sinister smile.

"No need."

Han Xiao looked calm.

He has walked the road to hell, so what is this little pass?
Dugu Bo nodded, jumped off the cliff, and his figure disappeared into the mist.

After falling into the mountains, Dugu Bo raised his head and looked at the sky covered by mist and shadows. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Han Xiao's figure, so he couldn't help feeling a little proud.

So what if the world is exhausted?If the strength is not enough, after all, there is no ability to protect itself.

Just when he wanted to go up and take Han Xiao down, his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw a black shadow slowly appearing in the sky and it became clearer and clearer.

(End of this chapter)

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