Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 193 Ice and Fire Alchemy Body!

Chapter 193 Ice and Fire Alchemy Body!
Han Xiao hung an extremely weird black cloth on his shoulders, fully opened in the air, and landed slowly without rushing.

Stepping lightly on the ground, Han Xiao took back the aura cloak that turned into a parachute, "Let's go."


Dugu Bo was completely dumbfounded.

No matter how imaginative he was, he never thought that Han Xiao would fall in this way.

It was effortless.

"what happened?"

Han Xiao looked at Dugu Bo with some doubts.

"No, it's fine."

Dugu Bo wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to lead the way.

After all, this is a little monster, and you must not look at him with the eyes of a normal person.

The two walked a few more steps, and the scene in the valley suddenly became clear.

The hot springs in the valley in front of him were different from what he had imagined.The area of ​​the hot spring is not large, but it is divided into two parts. In the oval-shaped pool, the colors of the hot spring water are milky white and vermilion respectively.What's even more strange is that although they are in the same pool, they are clearly separated, they do not invade each other, and they always stay on their own side.

The billowing water vapor was produced at the position between the two hot springs, rising continuously until it dissipated at the mountain pass.

Looking at this weird hot spring, Han Xiao's eyes showed a hint of shock.

Leaving aside the hot springs, the exotic flowers and plants around it are already worth a fortune.

But to Han Xiao's pity, he didn't do much research on herbal medicine in his previous life.

These priceless and precious medicinal materials are like weeds in front of him.

"Don't try to get close to those two hot springs. Even I can't bear the scorching heat and extreme cold there for too long, and even I can't touch them for too long."

Dugu Bo warned.

It seems that because of these two hot springs, the surrounding flowers and plants are so lush?

Han Xiao thought carefully in his heart.

The red liquid looks calm, but it seems to contain extremely terrifying energy.

But the strange thing is that there is no breath of temperature on the calm hot spring water.

But Han Xiao couldn't be more clear, as long as he touches the water lightly, his fingers will melt instantly.

"During the past six months, we have come here to detoxify every once in a while, is there any problem?"

Han Xiao nodded. He had already made arrangements in all aspects of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the other party declared that he would go home to visit his seriously ill father.

It was a coincidence that the head of the Lei family fell seriously ill just after Han Xiao announced the news to the outside world.

Han Xiao looked around the hot spring, and saw a simple hut built in the distance.

For the past six months, it seems that I have to spend time with these flowers and plants.

"Let's start detoxification."

Dugu Bo sat cross-legged on the ground and spoke.

Around this weird hot spring, the toxins in his body can be well suppressed, which is why Dugu Bo insisted on bringing Han Xiao here.

Han Xiao nodded, and a ray of star power injected into Dugu Bo's body.

Feeling the power of the stars roaming wantonly in his body, Dugu Bo let out a soft moan in comfort.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the sun was rising. Han Xiao withdrew the power of the stars and let out a breath of foul air.

Dugu Bo opened his eyes, and there was a flash of clarity in his eyes.

After just two detoxifications, he already felt that a lot of the toxins in his body had disappeared.

If he continues to persist, the toxins in Dugu Bo's body may really be wiped out in less than half a year.

"Let's go."

Dugu Bo looked at Han Xiao with a radiant look.

His ginger-colored face turned a little rosy.

"Although this is a geomantic treasure, it will be extremely dangerous if you stay for a long time."

Dugu Bo explained to Han Xiao.

He once saw with his own eyes a poisonous six-headed lizard enter the range of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, and within a few hours, it exploded and died.

Even though Han Xiao had already been warned thousands of times not to set foot in the range of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang, Dugu Bo was still worried.

After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the boy in front of him can be said to be his hope.

In case Han Xiao committed suicide, or accidentally walked inside and died, what should he do with his poisonous body?
"I want to stay here."

Han Xiao said with a blank face.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's complexion changed: "You know..."

"I know." Han Xiao interrupted the second half of Dugu Bo's sentence.

"This place can not only help you relieve the pain caused by the toxin, but also help my star power."

Han Xiao could feel that the closer he was to the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan, the more excited the power of the stars became.

"you sure?"

Dugu Bo confirmed again, and after getting the same answer, he had no choice but to leave alone.

If you treat Han Xiao as a child, you will make a fatal mistake.

After Dugu Bo left, Han Xiao fell into deep thought as he looked at the terrifyingly calm pool of water in the distance.

He has been thinking about how the power of the stars produced after practicing the Huntian Star Chart came from.

After various experiments, Han Xiao came to a conclusion.

This powerful force does not belong to anyone, it belongs to nature.

if it is like this……

Han Xiao slowly stepped forward, walked towards the hot spring, and slowly wrapped the power of the stars around his body.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and suddenly the surface of the fire spring boiled, and bubbles burst out.

Those jumping bubbles seemed to be welcoming Han Xiao's arrival.

Han Xiao looked at the pool quietly, as if he was waiting for something.

After a while, if Ghost Douluo was here, he would be too shocked to speak.

The toxins contained in the air seemed to be deliberately avoiding Han Xiao's body, and his body did not change at all.

You must know that as a titled Douluo, he can only hold on for a while at most.

Is it really the same as I guessed?

As early as when he was detoxifying Dugu Bo, Han Xiao felt that his star power had a certain reaction with the strange hot spring in the distance.

This also means that Han Xiao can now pick these flowers and plants at will.

However, unexpectedly, Han Xiao just glanced at the flowers and plants lightly, then he didn't even look at them, and began to take off his clothes.

Although Han Xiao's Huntian Star Chart can be immune to severe poisons, he still doesn't plan to eat these fairy grasses that are readily available.

At least not now.

Because Han Xiao is going to do an extremely crazy thing next.

I saw him take off his shirt and pants, and his perfect muscle lines were exposed in the air.

Then Han Xiao took a deep breath, took a deep leap, and jumped into this weird hot spring.

If someone else does it again, they will definitely feel that Han Xiao is desperate.

But after thinking about it, Han Xiao decided to see how this weird hot spring was formed.

When he fell into the hot spring, he didn't feel the extremely painful burning and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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