Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 195 Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, Golden Pincer Spider!

Chapter 195 Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, Golden Pincer Spider!

Is this still my own geomantic treasure?
I saw that the hot spring with two heavens of ice and fire seemed to have lost its color, and the color became light red and light blue.

The last time I saw it, it was still the fairy grass that was fighting for beauty, but now they all lowered their heads.

What happened in this short month?
And looking at Han Xiao, I saw that he was like a savage, covering key parts with woven leaves.

"This this this..."

Dugu Bo was completely panicked.

"Little one, what have you done to my garden?"

Dugu Bo asked angrily.

Thanks to this month, he still worries about whether something will happen to Han Xiao from time to time.

It turned out that Han Xiao actually gave him such a big surprise.

Han Xiao was expressionless, and said, "The detoxification for you last time cost me too much, so I borrowed the aura of this hot spring."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's chest rose and fell, and he forcibly suppressed his anger.

Han Xiao said that, he really couldn't say anything.

People do this to help themselves detoxify, and the reason for this is fair and just.

"Let's start right away."

Dugu Bo's face darkened, he didn't want to stay in his bald paradise for another second.

Han Xiao nodded, this is what he thought too.

After Dugu Bo left, he would continue to sneak into the hot spring.

This time, the detoxification time was greatly shortened.

Han Xiao was surprised to find that his star power became more and more skillful after helping Dugu Bo detoxify these few times.

"You still want to stay here?"

Dugu Bo straightened his clothes and asked.

Han Xiao nodded.

Now he is still far from fully controlling the dual attributes of ice and fire.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Dugu Bo sighed, and said: "You have to be careful, I can feel that the influence of this ice and fire hot spring on the soul beast is becoming weaker and weaker."

Indeed, as Dugu Bo said, Han Xiao has always felt that there are many eyes staring at him in the darkness outside the valley these days.

"Didn't you specially set up a large formation nearby?"

Dugu Bo once told Han Xiao that outside of his poisonous formation, immortals cannot fly in.

"What is your eyes in front of the big formation?"

Dugu Bo smiled coldly.

If the terrifying toxicity of this hot spring is used as an eye to spread it, it will indeed become a forbidden place for soul masters.

What's more, his formation eyes can at most resist thousand-year-old soul beasts.

"But don't worry, although there are a lot of thousand-year-old soul beasts around this forest, it is precisely because of this that ten thousand-year-old soul beasts are not so common."

Han Xiao nodded, he had learned it from the theory of soul beasts.

When there are a large number of soul beasts of the same age in a soul beast colony, a healthy competition will be formed. These thousand-year-old soul beasts will even attack the promoted ten-thousand-year soul beasts at the same time in order to maintain this balance.

This is the cruel ecological chain.

For Han Xiao, it's not that he has never killed a thousand-year-old soul beast, but if he really encountered a group of them appearing at the same time, even the soul king would not be able to bear it.

"I see."

Han Xiao nodded, not wanting to leave.

It's not that he doesn't understand the principle of seeking wealth and danger, what's more, he happens to have a thousand-year-old soul beast as a soul ring, if he really comes to kill it.


Dugu Bo let out a long sigh and disappeared into the valley.

If he could absorb this resource, he would definitely not leave.

Dugu Bobi understands this truth.

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Xiao jumped directly into the Ice Fire Hot Spring.

This time he seemed to have become very proficient, and he persisted underwater for 15 minutes.

The distance from the bottom of the hot spring is only one arm.

Pulled back to shore by the aura cloak, Han Xiao took a deep breath and began to try to control his arms.

Finally, under his unremitting efforts for a month, the ice and fire on his arm could barely be controlled, and he retracted it into his body.

This speed is already extremely fast.

You must know that during this month, Han Xiao hardly had the slightest breath, and lived in the endless pain of ice and fire every day.

It can be said that even his tenacious temperament has almost collapsed.

"not enough."

Looking at the calm spring water in the distance, Han Xiao secretly thought.

Although the color of the hot springs is already pale and not decent.

But Han Xiao knew very well that this ice fire hot spring still contained extremely terrifying power that had not been exerted.

He wants to squeeze it out completely.

As for what if descendants come here, they find that the former Zhong Ling Yuxiu has become a barren place.

But what does this have to do with Han Xiao?
Han Xiao is not the Holy Mother, if he doesn't clean up the wool in front of him, there will naturally be descendants.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao once again condensed the power of the stars, planning to continue diving into the ice and fire hot spring.

But suddenly, his body tensed up instantly.

Over the silent valley, there were bursts of rapid clicking sounds.

The sound was like a dagger piercing into a rock, the frequency was extremely high, and it shuddered.

The sound was getting louder and getting closer to Han Xiao, but the valley above his head was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

With Taotie in hand, Han Xiao's body became tense.

I have to say that Dugu Bo is really a crow's mouth, if he guessed correctly, it was the soul beast that came.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Ordinary millennium soul beasts can completely deal with it with his current strength.

He slowly closed his eyes, and used his ears to feel the position of the sound, but the sound came from all directions, and he couldn't judge it at all.

However, at the next moment, the sound suddenly stopped.

have they gone?
Han Xiao arched his body slightly, but did not relax his vigilance.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply, his muscles exerted strength instantly, and he jumped with all his might.


A huge object suddenly landed from the sky and landed heavily on the place where Han Xiao was standing before.

With a bang, the ground instantly collapsed and shattered. If Han Xiao hadn't reacted quickly enough, it would have turned into a pile of mud at this time.

Han Xiao got up and quickly adjusted to the fighting posture, staring at the soul beast in front of him with burning eyes.

It was a spider about the size of a small boat, with gold stripes all over its back, and eight black eyeballs locked on its body.

The pair of jaws like iron pliers cracked even more, as if they could gnaw through everything in the world.

Golden Iron Claw Spider!
Han Xiao's heart sank.

He had seen the introduction of this kind of soul beast in the martial soul books about spiders.

This spider can be regarded as a different species in the spider family, different from those spider spirit beasts that can poison people to death with just a little bit of it.

There is no poison in its body.

But even so, this kind of spider is enough to make people frightened.

Those one-meter-long giant jaws could be easily cut off even by the top basalt turtles.

Therefore, this kind of spirit beast has become one of the strongest spirit rings of Qi Wuhun.

This is also the only spider spirit that is loved by Qi Wuhun soul masters.

(End of this chapter)

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