Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 196 Han Xiao's Tactics, Crazy Golden Pincer Spider!

Chapter 196 Han Xiao's Tactics, Crazy Golden Pincer Spider!

However, it is extremely difficult to hunt and kill this kind of soul beast.

Its whole body is covered with this kind of solid gold-patterned body, and it is impossible for the Wuhun under the soul saint to break through it.

There was a test before, even the Clear Sky Hammer, the world's number one martial soul weapon, under the test, had to swing the 81 hammer with all its strength, hitting the same landing point, and barely broke it.

However, although this kind of soul beast is terrifying, its character will not actively provoke humans.

It looks like he should be irritated.

Han Xiao suddenly thought of Dugu Bo telling himself that once a soul beast breaks through ten thousand years in this forest, it will be attacked by all the thousand-year soul beast group.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Han Xiao's heart sank, and he looked at the golden pattern behind it.

It is recorded in the book that when this group of golden-striped iron claw spiders were a hundred-year-old soul beast, the lines on their backs formed stripes, and after a thousand years, they evolved into patterns that looked like eyes. After ten thousand years, these patterns would spread out and form clusters cloud map.

Looking at the golden iron claw spider in front of him, Han Xiao's heart sank.

It really is ten thousand years!
Judging by the faint golden color, it should be not long after being promoted to ten thousand years.

Was it chased and killed by those soul beasts and fled here?

Han Xiao stepped back step by step, his heart sank.

Like human beings, the strength of ten thousand year spirit beasts is almost that of the top few existences in the world of spirit beasts.

And what about Han Xiao?

With his current strength, he doesn't even count as Soul Sect.

There is no need to fight, only to run.

Han Xiao is not a fool, he has made accurate calculations before each battle.

If he was facing other ten-thousand-year soul beasts, Han Xiao might give it a go. After all, he still has the life-saving skill of teleportation.

But this golden-patterned iron pincer spider is extremely restrained from his gluttony.


The sound of the iron tongs colliding was terrifying.

It didn't observe Han Xiao any more, but looked at the valley with its eyes.

When it saw those strange flowers and plants, it struck the iron pincers faster and faster, as if extremely excited.

After all, for soul beasts, they all like to guard and cultivate these exotic flowers and plants.

Unexpectedly, the golden iron pincer spider, which could be a blessing in disguise, lay on each fairy grass and sniffed carefully, as if it was a back garden.

The next step is to get rid of the borers in the garden.

Click click!

The golden iron pincer spider turned its gaze to Han Xiao and made the sound of a duel.

Then, like a chariot, it rolled up a field of weeds and rushed towards him.

With that terrifying speed, he crawled in front of Han Xiao almost in the blink of an eye.

Han Xiao had no intention of fighting, and retreated quickly, but the golden iron pincers chased after him, determined to drive Han Xiao away.

One man and one beast chased after each other, even running in circles around this small valley.

Han Xiao's figure became more and more embarrassing. The ten-thousand-year-old soul beast had a mind and knew that Han Xiao was running fast, so it picked up stones and threw them at him from time to time.

There is absolutely no way to go on like this.

Han Xiao panted violently, and jumped onto the smooth stone wall.

But this is just like walking on the ground for the golden iron pincer spider, his eight spider legs are inserted like blades, and the speed is extremely fast.

Seeing that the golden-striped iron claw spider was about to catch up with him, Han Xiao kicked towards the stone wall fiercely. The rabbit raised and fell, drawing a strange arc in the air, and stabbed the golden-striped iron claw spider fiercely at the back of the golden-striped iron claw spider. .

A clear sound echoed in the valley.

It can be said that Han Xiao used all his strength for this blow.

However, the golden-striped iron claw spider seemed to have nothing happened, and there was not even a single scar on its back.

This gap is really too big!
The weird sound it makes with its chest seems to be mocking Han Xiao's weakness.

Immediately watching Han Xiao, who was already at the end of his strength, shot out like a cannonball.

This blow, given the distance between the two sides, must be able to hit.

Once hit, Han Xiao will instantly turn into meat paste.

But suddenly something unexpected happened.

Han Xiao's figure turned into a phantom little by little, and then disappeared.

When it reappeared, it had already landed on the hot spring.

The gold-patterned iron pincer spider that missed a hit jumped anxiously, but even it was afraid of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye, so it could only watch Han Xiao jump into the hot spring.

Han Xiao, who dived into the water, calmed down, thinking about how to deal with this extremely difficult golden claw spider.

In the past month, he has dived into this hot spring hundreds of times, so he can fully adapt now.

The golden-patterned iron claw spider waited for a long time in the distance, seeing that there was no movement under the water, thinking that Han Xiao had been melted into blood, so he continued to play with those exotic flowers and plants.

However, just as it was greedily sucking the aroma of flowers, a scarlet muzzle surfaced.


The loud noise shook the valley.

This shot accurately hit the head of the golden-patterned iron pincer spider.

It's just that under the solid armor, this shot didn't cause any damage, and didn't even leave many traces.

The golden-patterned iron claw spider made an angry and strange cry, and saw Han Xiao drilled out of the spring, with its thumbs down.

Although I couldn't understand the meaning of this action, I didn't know why I became more angry.

But when it rushed towards Han Xiao, he took a deep breath and dived into the water again.

Looking at this scene, the small black bean-like eyes of the gold-patterned iron pincers showed great doubts.

It's just the beginning of spiritual wisdom, and now I just feel a little bit unable to turn my head.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Han Xiao didn't show his head, it seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and continued to run over to smell those precious flowers and plants.

However, Han Xiao seemed to have pinpointed the timing, and surfaced again, aiming and shooting.

The gold-patterned iron claw spider that was hit looked at Han Xiao with angry eyes.

It rushed towards Han Xiao again, waving its eight spider legs, trying to swallow this hateful human alive.

However, Han Xiao gave it another thumbs down and dived into the water.

The golden iron pincers that couldn't kill Han Xiao went mad with spider spirit, but they had no choice but to hysterically destroy the surrounding trees.

It feels like when you are about to fall asleep, a mosquito suddenly comes and buzzes in your ear.

Not to mention soul beasts, even humans would be pissed off.

However, Han Xiao is extremely patient. Once the golden iron pincer spider leaves, it will get out of the spring and fire a cold gun.

And every time he appears in a different position, like a gopher.

The golden iron claw spider can only guard Han Xiao with determination.

But it is helpless that it can't stay close to the hot spring for too long, otherwise the body will have backlash in the eyes.

"Isn't it enough?"

Although Han Xiao dived into the water, he was terrifyingly calm.

This time the sniper rifle in his hand changed and turned into a Maxim machine gun.

This machine gun is actually the original Big Pineapple, and it can be said to be the ancestor of the machine gun world.

The effective range is 2000 meters, and 1 rounds of bullets can be fired in [-] minute.

(End of this chapter)

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