Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 199 The medicine garden was destroyed, and Dugu Bo was furious!

Chapter 199 The medicine garden was destroyed, and Dugu Bo was furious!
He thought for a while before hitting the ground with a fist.

The fire spread to the surroundings in an instant, and the flower garden that had been ruined by Han Xiao instantly became a sea of ​​flames.

Han Xiao's mind moved slightly, and he tried again.

I saw these raging flames entrenched on his arms again as if they were extremely obedient.

This is the fire control ability given to him by Huoquan.

And the other hand was also covered by layers of solid ice under Han Xiao's attempt.

Han Xiao clenched Taotie in his hands, and stabbed directly at his right arm without blinking.

A clear sound echoed in the valley, and there was only a slight gap left in the frost armor covering the arm.

You must know that Taotie's sharpness is already much stronger than some weapon spirits of the same level, but even so, it can't cause a little damage to the Frost Armor.

With these two powerful forces, Han Xiao is invincible in the same realm.

Even in the face of the soul king, he is completely capable of fighting.

However, Han Xiao frowned.

He always felt something was wrong.

For some reason, Han Xiao always felt that his body had undergone indescribable changes.

This change did not come from the Binghuo Liangyiyan and the Golden Iron Claw Spider.

It was only at this time that he noticed that the scene around the hot spring, which should have been a scene of fighting for beauty, was only left bare.

"I ate all these flowers?"

Fragmented memories flickered in Han Xiao's mind, and it was only at this time that he had difficulty remembering what the aura cloak had done.

But what puzzled Han Xiao was, why couldn't he perceive the changes in his body after eating so much fairy grass?
Could it be that they really only played a role in dissolving the power of the golden iron pincer spider?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao raised his hand to release the aura cloak, but no matter how he communicated, it didn't respond at all.

It was as if he didn't have a second martial soul at all.

"Is this falling into a deep sleep? I said why it always feels a little strange."

Han Xiao shook his head, not too worried about the aura cloak.

After all, this thing can swallow even Title Douluo's attack.

Han Xiao moved his body, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and felt refreshed all over his body.

At this moment, Dugu Bo's figure slowly descended from the valley.

"not good!"

Han Xiao secretly said badly.

Looking around, the originally harmonious and beautiful flower garden was ruined by the golden iron pincer spider, and what was even more frightening was that the ice-fire hot spring full of the aura of heaven and earth had become no different from ordinary hot springs at this time.

Dugu Bo landed on the ground with brisk steps.

In just three months, he could feel that most of the stasis in his body had been cleared away, and his cultivation had advanced by leaps and bounds, and he had even faintly touched the threshold of level 92.

I didn't expect it to be like what this kid said, it would take half a year to clean up these toxins.

But when Dugu Bo saw the scene in front of him, his beard trembled slightly.

Is this still his well-tended flower-bed?
Seeing Han Xiao who was about to flee in the distance, Dugu Bo reacted instantly.

"Brat, pay me for the flower garden!"

With a loud shout, he turned into a green shadow and floated in the direction of Han Xiao.

And Han Xiao didn't dare to be careless, he could see that Dugu Bo was already furious, and if he really fell into his hands, he didn't know what would happen.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quickened his pace.

If you really want to explain, you have to wait until Dugu Bo calms down.

"Stop for the old man!"

Dugu Bo followed Han Xiao at a frighteningly fast speed.

However, what surprised him even more was that Han Xiao's footsteps were tossing and turning like ghosts.

The two chased after each other, even going around in circles in the valley.

Dugu Bo also gradually calmed down, although it can be said that it is easy for him to catch up with Han Xiao.

But he didn't grab Han Xiao directly, but watched Han Xiao's movements with great interest.

This body technique is extremely weird, he doesn't play cards according to the routine at all, Dugu Bo stretched out his hand to grab him a few times, but he dodged in an unconstrained way.

"Today I can help you get rid of the poison, and I will treat it as compensation for your flower garden."

Seeing that Dugu Bo calmed down, Han Xiao said.

"You really are an old man, I don't know what to do?"

Dugu Bo shouted angrily: "I also know a thing or two about the value of that flower garden."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "Unless you teach me this method of movement, then let this matter go."

Han Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Dugu Bo to fall in love with Anfeng Wuying.

"You protect my organization, I will not only teach you this movement method, but also help you clean up all the toxins in your body today."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo smiled disdainfully: "Don't say it's the backing of your power, Prince Xue Xing gave me unimaginable treatment, but I was rejected by the old man."

For Dugu Bo, he values ​​freedom more than life.

Even if he became the royal guest of the Heaven Dou Empire, it was because of Prince Xue Xing's repeated concessions, a helpless move.

Dugu Bo basically had a name, so he watched on that day, and the Tiandou imperial family had no choice.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to give up freedom because of one condition.

"All I need is your name as Poison Douluo, that's all. You don't need to help me solve anyone."

Han Xiao said.

It's like paying big bucks for Buffett's dinner.

Dugu Bo's eyes flickered, and he secretly weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

During this period of time, there was a request owed to Han Xiao that made him a little concerned.

After all, ever since he saw Han Xiao kill Yu Yuanzhen with a knife, he really panicked.

What if one day Han Xiao made a request for a hidden blade?
And in front of him, if he agrees to Han Xiao, he can write it off, and at the same time, he can also learn this weird movement technique.

From this point of view, I don't seem to be at a loss.

Even if you lose a medicine garden, you can find it yourself.

Dugu Bo didn't know how rare the Binghuo Yinyan Eye was.

"I have to learn this technique first."

In less than a minute, he made a balance in his heart.

However, Han Xiao shook his head: "I comprehended this movement method myself, and I have no intention of passing it on to others. I can only tell you my method. Whether you can learn it depends entirely on your understanding."

The Shadowless Bee is understood by Han Xiao by observing the trajectory of the Hummingbird, which can be said to be indescribable.

Understand it by yourself?
Dugu Bo was secretly surprised, the little monster in front of him was not only frighteningly talented, but also extremely savvy.

"You just need to tell me the method, and the rest is up to me."

He smiled coldly and said.

In terms of understanding, he is still very proud.

After all, to be able to reach Title Douluo requires more than just martial soul strength and talent.

Han Xiao nodded and stopped.

"The little monster is really cautious."

Dugu Bo sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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