Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 200 Out of the valley, poor Yu Tianqing!

Chapter 200 Out of the valley, poor Yu Tianqing!
Han Xiao looked at the scorching sun in the sky and asked, "Is there a cave near here?"

"In the forest, there are naturally caves."

Han Xiao nodded, "Go and find some dusky hummingbirds."

Dusky Hummingbird?
That soul beast that couldn't even evolve for a hundred years?

Although Dugu Bo was puzzled, he still restrained himself and went out to search.

After a while, he descended from the sky with a huge cage in his hand.

"This little thing can't see the light, or it's annoying."

Dugu Bo also opened his mouth to explain.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up, just to make them scream.

Pulling back the black cloth, under the stimulation of the sun, the dusky hummingbird made an ear-piercing call.

Seeing Han Xiao kick over the cage, the hummingbirds flew out one after another as if they were drunk, Dugu Bo frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"From now on, catch these dusky hummingbirds without using your soul power." Han Xiao said expressionlessly.

"What did you say?"

Dugu Bo suspected that he had heard wrong, so he picked his ears.

This kind of little thing runs extremely fast, without even the slightest trajectory. It can escape under the hands in a wild way every time, and it can't use its soul power. How to catch it?
Isn't this making things difficult for his old bones?

Han Xiao nodded, and said again: "You heard me right, this technique is exactly what I learned from the flight trajectory of the Dusky Hummingbird."

Dugu Bo was completely shocked, and looked at Han Xiao with disbelief: "Don't try to please the old man, this dusky hummingbird has no rules to follow, so why..."

Halfway through the conversation, Dugu Bodun stayed where he was.

He suddenly discovered that Han Xiao's footwork was indeed somewhat similar to that of the Dusky Hummingbird.

The steps of both sides seem to be traceless, but there is a certain pattern in them, which is extremely strange.

Seeing Han Xiao standing in front of him expressionless, this time Dugu Bo really believed it.

"If you don't chase them, they will fly out of the canyon."

This group of dusky hummingbirds was extremely disturbed. Although they were slamming like headless chickens, they were getting closer and closer to the exit above.

Dugu Bo gritted his teeth, turned his heart to the side, and started chasing the Dugu Hummingbird with a deep leap.

Han Xiao, on the other hand, sat on the ground without any panic, and began to familiarize himself with the changes in his body.

Time flies, dusk is approaching.

"A bunch of beasts!"

There was only a roar from Dugu Bo who was still struggling to catch the Dugu Hummingbird above the valley.

The next moment, the entire valley trembled violently, and stones fell to the ground like rain.

This Lao Deng descended from the sky, his beard bristling in anger: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, it is impossible to catch this thing without soul power!"

He has been tortured by the Dusky Hummingbird to the point of doubting his life.

Although Dugu Bo's physique has reached the level of a Titled Douluo, one must know that he has been eroded by poison for a long time.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current physical strength is only comparable to that of Contra.

However, even so, it is only a powerful physique, which can only be regarded as brute force.

But to catch the Dusky Hummingbird, it is absolutely impossible to rely on brute force alone.

Looking at Dugu Bo who already doubted his life, Han Xiao didn't speak, and the dark bee was fully open.

When he appeared in front of Dugu Bo again, the group of dusky hummingbirds that made Dugu Bo doubt his life appeared in his hands.


At this moment, Dugu Bo felt the unprecedented humiliation, and his beard stood up in anger.

When did a Titled Douluo not even compare to a boy who just stepped into the Soul Sect?

"The old man stopped studying!"

He has a bad temper, and he was completely worn out in one day.

Han Xiao nodded, as if he had already guessed the result: "Let's start detoxification."

Once upon a time, Ghost Douluo also wanted to learn from the Dark Hummingbird, but even if he could easily catch the Dark Hummingbird with his own physique, he couldn't turn its steps into his own use.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly and sat on the ground.

Han Xiao didn't speak, and started to help him detoxify directly.

After breaking through to the Soul Sect, Han Xiao's control over the power of the stars can be said to be more and more comfortable.

But in just two hours, the remaining toxins were wiped out by the power of the stars.


Feeling the changes in his body, Dugu Bo felt a little unbelievable.

The stubborn illness that had plagued this person for too long was completely wiped out by Han Xiao in less than half a year.

It turned out to be a little soul sect who helped him solve it.

This feeling made him seem to be living in a dream.

"Senior, what I promised you has been completed, and it's time for you to fulfill the last promise."

Han Xiao exhaled a foul breath and said.

"I, Dugu Bo, always keep my promises, so I don't need you to remind me." Dugu Bo obviously still cared about the matter of the Dugu Hummingbird, and said angrily.

However, although he was depressed, he would not tear up the treaty because of this matter.

"It's a matter here, and this place has been ruined by you. You must know the way back to Tiandou City, so I won't take you away."

After saying this, Dugu Bo turned into a green light and disappeared instantly.

Touching the scene, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

As for the thousand-year-old soul beast in the nearby forest, it has nothing to do with him whether Han Xiao can go out or not.

Han Xiao looked at the dilapidated environment around him, and didn't plan to stay for a long time. He jumped lightly and jumped into the sky.

His speed was extremely fast, and he jumped out of the valley within a few breaths.


Heaven Dou City, the residence of the Lei family.

At this moment, the gate of the mansion was full of people, all of them were wearing blue robes, with the badge of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex hanging on their chests.

All of them looked angry, with extreme anger hanging in their eyes.

"Why, in broad daylight, you Blue Lightning Overlord Sect still dare to make a move in Tiandou City?"

The person who confronted them was Tang Tang, Chen Mo, Zhou Tongxue and Qingwu. In addition, there was an extra girl wearing a black veil.

She just stood there quietly, exuding an aura like a crabapple flower all over her body.

"Our Blue Electric Overlord Sect only needs one justice!"

The person standing in the front is none other than Han Xiao's good brother Yu Tianqing.

It's just that among this group of people, the hatred in his eyes is the greatest.

Zhou Tong leaned against the door rail and smiled coldly: "If you want to find justice, you go to the inspection hall, what are you doing here?"

These words were undoubtedly poking at the pain points of their Blue Electric Overlord Sect, Yu Tianqing's face froze.

"Where is Lei Xiao, I want to see him!"

Yu Tianqing simply stopped talking so much, but just looked at the crowd coldly, as if he would not leave without seeing Han Xiao.

Now that the Landian Overlord Sect lacks Yu Yuanzhen, the group has no leader, and several elders in the sect have revealed their true colors and want to split the sect.

The sect was in chaos, and as the steward of the Foreign Affairs Hall, he couldn't help, and even because of the decision to cooperate with Lei Xiao, they put him in the cold palace.

The depressed Yu Tianqing thought that what he did today was all caused by Han Xiao, so he couldn't help it, and squatted here since a week ago.

(End of this chapter)

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