Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 201 Puppet Sovereign, Ambitious Han Xiao!

Chapter 201 Puppet Sovereign, Ambitious Han Xiao!
But who knew that Han Xiao had a soul king and a soul emperor in his family.

If you force your way, the result can be imagined.

So Yu Tianqing simply didn't want to face, and started to make things difficult for others.

On the other side, Chen Mo and others were also very helpless.

If it was normal, they would have started fighting with Yu Tianqing and others with their character.

But Han Xiao had told them before leaving that if Yu Tianqing came here, he must not be driven away.

This made it difficult for everyone, and they could only watch the swarm of mosquitoes dangling in front of their eyes.

"Everyone, please let me go."

At this moment, an extremely familiar voice came.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Han Xiao pushing away the crowd.

"Lei Xiao, you dare to come!"

Yu Tianqing's eyes turned red in an instant, and he released his martial soul directly, rushing towards him desperately.

"not good!"

The faces of Chen Mo and others changed drastically, and they wanted to step forward to block it, but it was already too late.

When they rushed over one after another, Yu Tianqing was almost in front of Han Xiao.

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly. With Han Xiao's current strength, how could he resist the full blow of the soul king?
Ye Lingling has silently summoned the Nine Heart Begonia, ready to heal Han Xiao at any time.

However, to his surprise, Han Xiao stood on the spot, looking coldly at Yu Tianqing who was rushing towards him, with his body turned slightly to one side.

This side seems to have no technical content at all, but Chen Mo and Zhou Tong have seen the clues. They are so wonderful that they just escaped Yu Tianqing's full blow.

"how is this possible?!"

Yu Tianqing's pupils shrank, unable to believe it.

At this time, he has fully understood that this Lei Xiao is definitely not an ordinary merchant family.

"Mr. Yu, can't we go back to the house and talk about something? Don't let the cunning inspector catch something. It won't be good if you use this to blackmail your Blue Lightning Overlord."

Han Xiao leaned into Yu Tianqing's ear and whispered.

Hearing this, Yu Tianqing's expression changed.

Now his position in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is already very embarrassing. If something happens again, he may not even be able to do the small steward.

Yu Tianqing snorted coldly, with an extremely ugly face, and walked into Han Xiao's mansion.

"Everyone, please stop, I still have something to discuss with Mr. Yu alone."

Han Xiao cupped his hands at the disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect who followed, and smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Yu Tianqing's expression changed: "What are you going to do?"

In fact, Yu Tianqing was still a little hypocritical after seeing Han Xiao.

After all, this man is playing around with him, and if he really kills himself, Han Xiao's method can completely prevent him from leaking.

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, everyone is a civilized person."

"I still have a deal here, and I want to talk to Mr. Yu."

Hearing this, Yu Tianqing flashed an angry look on his face: "I have no deal with you!"

"No, no, Mr. Yu, I believe you will be interested in this transaction."

Yu Tianqing gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, "You guys are waiting outside."

After saying this, he flicked his sleeves and walked in.

Surrounded by the crowd, the two sat down in the familiar meeting hall.

Han Xiao beckoned, and the good tea was served.

"No, just say what you have to say!"

Yu Tianqing said coldly without even looking at the tea in front of him.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, picked up the teacup, and gently blew on the tea noodles.

After being away from home for half a year, he really misses the good tea that Xue Qingwu made.

"Lei Xiao!"

Seeing Han Xiao's appearance, Yu Tianqing was angry.

Taking a sip of tea, Han Xiao said casually, "I wonder if Mr. Yu is interested in the position of the master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bolt from the blue, and even Chen Mo and others looked at Han Xiao in shock.

Are you kidding me?
Although the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is different now, many territories are divided between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family.

But no matter what, he used to be one of the top three sects, and there were many Contras in the sect, so how could it be his turn to be the suzerain?
Simply whimsical.

Yu Tianqing could no longer suppress the anger in his heart: "You let me come here alone just to make fun of me!"

Although he was ambitious, he never dreamed of becoming the suzerain.

Han Xiao put down his teacup and tapped on the table lightly: "Mr. Yu, don't be angry, I'm not joking with you."

Yu Tianqing snorted coldly, had no patience, and was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

"If you can do your best, take your crimes and make meritorious deeds, and recover the old suzerain's body, will it be enough to get into the eyes of those elders?"

Han Xiao's words made Yu Tianqing pause in place.

His complexion became strange.

Even though the sect is about to split, these elders have a common goal, which is to recover Yu Yuanzhen's body.

This can be said to be related to the face of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Now outsiders have begun to spread rumors that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has declined to such an extent that even the body of the Sect Master who died fighting to protect the sect could not be found, and everyone in the world ridiculed it.

This battle is really too useless.

"Even if the body of the old suzerain can be recovered, it is absolutely impossible to become the suzerain with my strength."

Yu Tianqing sat back again, but his face was still ugly.

Recovering the corpse would at most count him as a sinful meritorious service, and given the position of an elder, there is still a huge gap from becoming the suzerain.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, waved his hand, and Xue Qingwu immediately added another cup of hot tea to Yu Tianqing.

"Mr. Yu, let me tell the truth, in the past, no matter what glorious things you did, you would not be able to become the suzerain."

Yu Tianqing glanced at the hot tea and snorted coldly. What Han Xiao said was indeed true.

"But now, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is a special period, isn't it?"

Now the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is determined to split, apart from the most authentic Yu Luomian as the leader, there is also a Contra named Yu Qingkuang who has formed his own faction and has a very high voice in the sect.

But it was extremely difficult for him to become the suzerain.

The reason for the difficulty is precisely because he has no reputation at all.

Yu Yuanzhen's attitude towards Yu Qingkuang was not friendly before he was alive, maybe he had already seen the rebellion in the back of the other's head.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, Yu Yuanzhen hadn't passed the first seven, and in the name of revitalizing the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, he wanted to become the suzerain.

Yu Yuanzhen's younger brother, Yu Luomian, was of course not willing to hand over his brother's hard work to this troubled thief, so the two sides have now reached the point where their swords are on the verge of breaking out.

And what Yu Qingkuang is most worried about now is that he has no name or status. If he really wants to rebel, the world will definitely poke him in the back.

Power and fame, he wants it all.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, with a knife in his eyes: "If I use Yu Yuanzhen's notes to write a final letter and make you the suzerain, do you think he, Yu Qingkuang, will help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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