Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 208 Five years later, the countermeasure of Wuhun Temple!

Chapter 208 Five years later, Wuhundian's countermeasure!

One must know that Sir Snowflake has been vindicated now.

If Han Xiao didn't kill him, Qian Renxue would definitely kill him.

In case the two sides really want to stand against each other in the future, the insults of the guards today are very likely to become Han Xiao's means of winning people's hearts.

At that time, the reputation that Xue Qinghe had built up with great difficulty will inevitably collapse in an instant, and he will be criticized by thousands of people.

This is the cruelty of the royal family. After weighing the pros and cons, even if what you do is right in the eyes of everyone, the ending will become fertilizer buried under the crooked neck tree.

"Master, isn't this his Hongmen banquet?"

Zhou Tong frowned, and asked with some concern.

The Tiandou imperial family's festival has strict rules and regulations, all participants can only bring one guard, even Xue Qinghe is no exception.

Han Xiao shook his head, Qian Renxue is not a fool, at least she knows very well that she must not become an enemy with Han Xiao now.

With his help, a total of three nobles directly related to the Heaven Dou Imperial Family died suddenly during the Heaven Dou Imperial Family Ceremony.

Emperor Xue Ye was furious, and even directly sent two task force to thoroughly investigate the matter.

However, Han Xiao's killing method and the destruction on the scene were too perfect. With the current technology in this world, it is impossible to find a clue.

After getting help from Han Xiao, Qian Renxue was more convenient and able to carry out her plan without any scruples.

In three years, Han Xiao helped him eliminate countless nobles.

However, Qian Renxue didn't know that the reason why Han Xiao was so willing to help him hunt nobles was also to help himself.

The nobles on Qian Renxue's list are basically stubborn conservatives, and these people will become his biggest obstacle in the future.

And in these three years, Han Xiao has completely become the boss behind the black market.

Xiao Qinglong was busy socializing, and bought almost all Tiandou officials related to the black market.

Under Zhou Tong's powerful rule, the Brotherhood has become a feared organization in the black market.

On the other hand, Nick also joined forces with Tang Tang to continuously expand the business and fully integrate the resources of some small cities.

Now, even without the financial support from Spirit Hall, Han Xiao can fully afford his house in Heaven Dou City just by relying on the monthly profit share from these merchants.

Everything is developing as Han Xiao expected.


Three years later

This is an unknown alley in Tiandou City, the mottled walls are peeling off, and the ruined walls are a bit dilapidated. There was a fight.

In the depths of the alley, a young man was covering his mouth tightly, his eyes filled with fear.

Standing not far away were three or four men wearing soul master robes. Their gazes flicked to the hiding place of the young man from time to time, as if they had already discovered it and planned to play with him.

"Little friend, as long as you tell me the location of the Brotherhood's dark web, uncle can protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life."

The middle-aged man chuckled, pretending not to notice the boy, and said seductively.

The boy's body couldn't help trembling, and he clenched the blood-soaked armband tightly.

The armband was engraved with the symbol of the Brotherhood, and his three companions had already died before him.

"Okay, stop playing."

The old man standing in the middle of the three frowned, as if he was the captain of the team.


The two soul masters did not dare to be careless, and appeared in front of the young man in an instant.

"Son, obediently go and accompany your friends."

The man's expression was ruthless, and he grabbed his neck without holding back.

The boy was lifted up slowly like a little chicken, he struggled desperately, but how could he take out the palm of the soul master?
Seeing that face getting more and more purple, the soul master beside him frowned: "Wait, he seems to have something to say."


The soul master let go of the young man, and looked at him with great interest, "Good boy, as long as you can tell me everything you know about secret whistles, what uncle just said still counts."

The corner of the boy's mouth curled up, and his voice was extremely weak: "Wan, Wan..."

When the two heard this, they cheered up instantly: "What?"

"Everything is empty, everything is hidden!"

"I'm going to your mother!"

As soon as the words came out, the soul master slapped the young man's face fiercely.

The strong shock directly damaged the boy's brain. After two seconds of convulsions all over his body, he never moved again.

"Li Xiong, I told you to be gentle with this kind of child."

The old man stepped forward and frowned.

The soul master named Li Xiong spat, with a helpless expression on his face: "Elder Wen, it's not like you don't know that these kids are so hard-spoken that they all fucking say this before they die. Who can bear it?" what."

Elder Wen looked at the boy's body and frowned: "Let's go to the next location."


The two soul masters chuckled and wiped the blood-splattered badge.

What is engraved on it is the logo of Wuhundian.


Rootmore Tavern, basement.

Looking at the corpse lying on the operating table, Zhou Tong frowned.

"Is this the tenth of this month?"

Xiao Qinglong standing beside him nodded, with a heavy face: "Yes."

A month ago, the Darknet of the Brotherhood was suppressed crazily by the Wuhundian, and the number of secret whistles who died under their hands could not be counted on one hand.

Han Xiao put down the scalpel, walked in front of the two, and slowly took off the mask.

There was no wave on his face, it was extremely calm.

But both of them knew that this was a sign of Han Xiao's anger.

Behind him, the already rotten and disfigured face of the boy on the operating table was restored to life.

"Prepare the carriage and go to Tritter's house."

Han Xiao walked out of the basement without looking back.


Zhou Tong didn't dare to be careless, and quickly followed Han Xiao's pace.

Looking at himself in front of the mirror, Han Xiao checked his clothes.

In three years, he has become a tall and handsome young man.

The only constant is the temperament of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Let's go."

Sitting on the carriage, Han Xiao slowly closed his eyes.

Now there are only two months left before the five years of the mission. Could it be that this is a demonstration given by Wuhundian?

Bibi Dong will definitely not take action against Han Xiao's forces, so it seems that only Qian Daoliu is really motivated.

But according to Qian Daoliu's character, he would never use this method.

Han Xiao frowned, feeling more and more that something was wrong.

His keen sixth sense told him that this trip back to Wuhundian was definitely not that simple.

"Master, here we are."

Zhou Tong's voice came from outside.

If people found out that Yan Wang Zhou, who was frightened by rumors in the black market, had actually become a coachman, they would be shocked.

Han Xiao got out of the car and walked towards the doorman with a standard smile: "Please let me know, and let Lei Xiao see you."

(End of this chapter)

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