Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 209 Re-chapter Wuhun Palace!

Chapter 209 Return to the Hall of Spirits!
The old porter frowned, "Who?"

"Lei Xiao."

Hearing these two words, his complexion changed, and he quickly shook his hands: "Master is not at home, please come back another day."

Zhou Tong's face darkened, "What did you say?"

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura emanating from him, the old man trembled: "My lord, our master is really not here."

Zhou Tong wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Han Xiao on the side.

This is not much different from what he guessed.

Now that a certain high-ranking member of the Wuhun Temple has already started to restrict him, it is not just about killing the secret sentries he has planted everywhere.

If you guessed right, those Tiandou officials who were dealt with by Han Xiao are also now uniformly avoiding Han Xiao like the plague god.

Who is it?

Han Xiao had a sneer in his heart, since the object reached out to him, he naturally wanted to accompany him to the end.

In the middle of the night, Tritter looked at the delicate maid in his arms and was so upset that he couldn't fall asleep.

He got up and poured himself a glass of wine, and the sour taste of the wine immediately cleared his mind.

When you suffer from insomnia, a glass of red wine can often bring you to sleep faster.

"The new bed warming maid?"

A voice suddenly rang in his ear.

Tritter's pupils shrank suddenly, and the red wine in his hand almost spilled.

He was all too familiar with this voice.

His big greasy face was dripping with sweat.

"Master Lei?"

Tritter trembled tentatively.

Han Xiao put Taotie gently on his neck, and said in a calm voice, "Last year you changed to a bigger house and moved the whole family to the core area of ​​Tiandou City. It stands to reason that with the pitiful money you receive every month Salary, you can’t buy a house here in a lifetime.”

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, you bought two more watery women to warm your bed in turn."

"Trett, in this position, you can get more oil and water than I imagined."

Although Han Xiao's voice was not at all cold, it had already scared Cui Tekuai out of his wits.

"Young Master Lei, my subordinates dare not. If you can get so much money, wouldn't you still be hugging your thigh?"

Tritter's voice trembled, and he forced an ugly smile.

"So you push your thighs out when you gain weight?"

Han Xiao intensified the force, and Taotie clung tightly to Trite's neck, and a bloodstain slowly appeared.

"Trett, aren't you afraid that I will make that matter public?"

Hearing this, Tritter's face completely lost its color. He wanted to turn his head, but realized that he was being held by a knife.

"No, you said that you must never tell the Tiandou royal family about Cross's death. I also followed your instructions on the night of the exercise. This is a deal, you can't..."

Cross was the first person that Bibidong asked Han Xiao to come to the Tiandou royal family to investigate.

After Han Xiao's investigation, he was surprised to find that Cross' death was closely related to Tritter.

The purpose of Bibi Dong asking him to investigate was not to complete the task, but to give him a pawn named Tritt, and from then on he began to break into the inner circle of the Heaven Dou nobles.

It's just that Han Xiao didn't use this pawn until Tiandou Riot.

"Who told you that I have to abide by the trading rules?"

Han Xiao interrupted coldly.

Now that Tritter is planning to quit, Han Xiao doesn't mind letting him spit out all the cake he ate.

"My lord, please, if they really know the inside story of that incident, I will die."

Cui Te begged bitterly, hugging Han Xiao's shoes tightly: "I still have a family, if I die, they will be gone."

Some time ago, one of his maids just gave birth to an heir.

"Then tell me, who gave you the confidence?"

Han Xiao had a knife in his eyes, full of murderous aura.

"Wuhundian, it's Wuhundian."

Tritter said with a trembling voice.

"Who is in the Spirit Hall?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, I'm just a small captain, how dare I lie to you?"

Han Xiao withdrew Taotie and walked out of the window with cold eyes.

Feeling the disappearance of the threat of death, Tritter fell limply to the ground, panting violently.

"Starting tomorrow, all transactions will go underground. Take care of your people, if there is another interception."

Han Xiao gave Tritter a cold look.

"Young Master Lei, but that Spirit Hall..."

Speaking of this, Tritter showed a touch of fear on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it myself."

Inside the mansion, everyone was silent.

"Get ready, go back to the Spirit Hall in three days."

Han Xiao's words made everyone's expressions change instantly.

Although there is only one month left in the five years, Han Xiao chose to go back early, which was beyond their expectation.

"Young Master, this trip to the Spirit Hall is probably extremely dangerous."

Chen Mo frowned, and said with some worry.

They all understood now that although Bibi Dong supported Han Xiao, there were also different voices in the Spirit Hall.

Han Xiao didn't speak, his eyes were low, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

During these three days, Han Xiao visited the so-called friends of the Heaven Dou Empire and told them to go home to visit his seriously ill father.

Three days later, everyone drove out of Tiandou City early in the morning and headed towards the Wuhun Hall.

"Elder, they really set off."

In the shadows in the distance, the three silently watched Han Xiao's carriage driving into the distance.

"Okay, the elder told me to let those people stop, and remember that you must never touch this kid's subordinates again."

The old man waved his hand and let out a long sigh.

"Isn't it just a little soul sect, isn't it?"

The young soul master next to him was puzzled.

"Little soul master?" The old man smiled coldly, "Have you ever seen a little soul master whose first soul ring was a thousand years old?"

As soon as the words came out, the two were instantly shocked, and looked at the old man in disbelief.

"You should be aware of the weight of this spirit ring. His Highness the Pope doesn't know what happened to us in Tiandou City. You all know what to do next, right?"

The old man glanced at the two of them and said coldly.

The expressions of the two changed, and they nodded quickly.

The first soul ring is a thousand years, who dares to move it?
If the Pope really wants to know what they did in Tiandou City, the result can be imagined.



"Come again!"

Yan fell heavily to the ground, his expression extremely ugly, and he roared in a muffled voice.

Standing opposite him was the expressionless Xie Yue.

"Yan, you lost again!"

Hu Liena lightly jumped down from the stands, laughing.

After the baptism of time, Hu Liena at this time has become a beautiful girl.

Especially those plump long legs, slender and well-proportioned, the thighs are full of sensuality, and the calf muscles are slightly tense, full of explosive power, definitely a big killer for men.

"Hmph, I was just being careless for a while."

Yan snorted coldly, a little annoyed.

After Han Xiao left, the three of them practiced desperately and grew up with each other, and now they seem to have become the fortieth-level soul sect.

(End of this chapter)

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