Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 210 Get off the horse!

Chapter 210 Get off the horse!
He shook his sore muscles, and suddenly a sharp pain made him grin: "Come again!"

Xie Yue tacitly agreed, did not speak, and put on a fighting stance.

"Hey, is there still one month left?"

Hu Liena looked at the sky in a daze, and suddenly said such a nonsensical remark.

The two stopped what they were doing at the same time, their expressions a little heavy.

"What, Yan, are you afraid?"

Xie Yue, who has never liked to talk, joked.


Yan hammered his chest, full of momentum: "Xieyue, do you know that all my dreams in the past few years have been to fight him."

"I was not his opponent five years ago, and now I must beat him."

When Yan said this, a strong fighting intent burst out in his eyes.

Xie Yue nodded, with an arc drawn at the corner of her mouth: "Me too."

The two good brothers reached a unity at this moment, and Qi Qi looked at Hu Liena who had been silent all this time.

I saw the girl crossing her legs, staring at the blue sky absent-mindedly.

"Nana, she hasn't come back yet, why has her soul been taken away?"

Yan stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, jokingly said.

"What are you talking about, who misses him!"

Seeing that both of them were looking at her teasingly, a blush appeared on Hu Liena's face.

Yan giggled, and it turned out to be a bit wretched: "The three of us have thought about it, but can your thinking be the same as ours?"

Hearing this, Hu Liena was furious, and when she caught up with Yan, she beat her up: "See if I don't tear your stinky mouth apart today!"

Seeing the two chasing and beating them, Xie Yue smiled helplessly.

Time is a very strange thing. It can not only dilute the joy of youth, but also catalyze the longing in a person's heart.


"Young master, you will reach the boundary of the Wuhun Palace in the future."

Zhou Tong looked at the boundary marker in the distance, with joy in his voice.

As soon as these words came out, three heads emerged from the carriage.

"Hey, five years later, this old tree is still there."

There was unconcealable surprise in everyone's eyes.

After all, they have stayed in Wuhun City for a long time, and since they haven't seen each other for such a long time, it is naturally full of memories.

Han Xiao sat in the carriage with his eyes closed and rested, tapping on the table lightly.

Along the way, as Han Xiao had guessed, there was no news of Anshao being killed.

Who on earth wants him to return to the Wuhun Palace so much?

Han Xiao thought secretly, the person who wanted him to go back the most must be the first person who appeared in front of him.

It seems that in the past five years, many things have happened in the Wuhun Hall.

"Master, we are here."

The carriage stopped slowly, Chen Mo opened the curtain and said respectfully.

Han Xiao nodded, got up and got out of the car.


The two guards stood in front of Han Xiao like sculptures.

Han Xiao slowly raised the token that Ghost Douluo had given him, and gestured to the two of them.

Looking at the pattern on the token, the expressions of the two changed, "Please."

As soon as he stepped into Wuhun City, Han Xiao instantly felt the sights from his surroundings.

The three soul masters looked unhappy and surrounded Han Xiao.

Looking at the three of them, Han Xiao looked cold: "What's the matter?"

The leading man looked at Han Xiao and smiled coldly: "You, are you Han Xiao?"

Han Xiao nodded and was about to speak, but he didn't expect the three of them to rush towards Han Xiao without saying a word.

The martial soul was released, and the strength of the three of them turned out to be that of the soul sect.

The three of them cleverly blocked all the routes that Han Xiao could escape, and they used all their strength when they shot, as if they were going to let Han Xiao die.

"You dare!"

Chen Mo roared and was about to release his martial soul, but Han Xiao waved his hand to stop him.

An unbelievable scene happened, and the full blows of the three of them missed Han Xiao's cheek by an inch.


A soul master's complexion changed drastically.

However, this thought was instantly wiped away by him. How could a soul sect's full blown attack not even hit the target standing in place.

When they carefully observed Han Xiao's movements, there was deep shock in their eyes.

It seemed that Han Xiao's body didn't move at all, but if he watched intently, he found that he was shaking in place at an extremely fast frequency.

It was precisely because of this extremely fast frequency that he didn't seem to move at all, and escaped the full blow of the three of them.

This level of evasion can be achieved by a soul sect?

However, before the three of them were shocked for a long time, Han Xiao's figure had already arrived at the nearest soul master.

"Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring!"

Looking at the color of Han Xiao's fourth soul ring, the three of them were scared out of their wits.

Han Xiao didn't intend to continue playing with them, and directly released the fourth soul skill, Jing Ke offered a dagger.

In an instant, the smell of death filled the surroundings instantly.

"not good!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was watching from a distance, changed his face drastically, and appeared in front of Han Xiao in the blink of an eye, grabbing his wrist.

In an instant, countless scenes from childhood to adulthood were played back in his mind one by one.

Ju Douluo's complexion instantly turned pale, what a weird soul skill!

You must know that with the gap of five realms between the two sides, even if Han Xiao's knife really stabs him, it will not cause the slightest harm.

However, Ju Douluo just grabbed Han Xiao's wrist, which made him feel a breath of death.

Ju Douluo's soul power flowed through his limbs, his eyes became clear again, and he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Elder Ju."

Everyone looked at the person who came, and their expressions changed.

Han Xiao took a step back and looked at Ju Douluo expressionlessly.

Sure enough, as expected, the moment he stepped into the Spirit Hall, there must be someone watching him secretly.

So this is also the reason why Han Xiao directly used his strongest killer move, forcing the dark man to appear with his life, which saved the trouble in the future.

What Han Xiao didn't expect was that the person monitoring him would be Ju Douluo.

Could it be that he secretly shot and killed those secret sentries?

Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, Ju Douluo is already on Han Xiao's blacklist at this time.

Ju Douluo looked at Han Xiao and snorted coldly: "Follow me."

Under the leadership of Ju Douluo, the two walked towards the Pope's Palace all the way.

"The rest are not allowed in."

Ju Douluo looked at the people behind Han Xiao and said in a cold voice.

Han Xiao looked directly at Ju Douluo, and smiled slightly: "I think Ju Douluo should know better than me, the identity of me who came here today, right?"

Hearing this, Ju Douluo's complexion sank, and he looked at Han Xiao with complicated eyes.

"go in."

After looking at Han Xiao for a moment, he snorted coldly and walked in first.

Behind them, Chen Mo and the others looked at each other, not knowing what charade they were playing.

"Come in with me."

Han Xiao remained expressionless and spoke lightly.

Everyone's complexion changed, Zhou Tong looked at the plaque on the gate, and said cautiously: "Master, this is the Pope's Palace."

Wuhundian has strict rules, all disciples of Wuhundian are not allowed to enter the Pope's Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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