Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 212 The Blacksmith's Death!

Chapter 212 The Blacksmith's Death!

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Bibi Dong in surprise.

They never thought that this was actually Bibi Dong's solution.

The age of the All-Soul Master Elite Competition is under 25 years old, so it is not a problem for Han Xiao to participate.

But what capacity will Han Xiao participate in?

Wuhun Academy?Absolutely impossible.

You must know that this year's Wuhun Academy's lineup can be said to be the golden generation.

After a year, the strength of the three of them can completely reach the soul king.

Although Han Xiao's current level is not as high as the three of them, you must know that he has not practiced for two years.

If there are two more years, Han Xiao may be the Soul Emperor now.

If such a terrifying ghost joins the Wuhundian academy team, will the teams of Xingluo and Tiandou still be able to fight?
"Han Xiao, you can join any academy or organization to complete this competition. This is also the last mission given to you by Spirit Hall."

Bibi Dong smiled slightly and spoke.

Is it the last mission?
Hearing this, Han Xiao looked a little dazed.

He still remembered how he looked when he first came to Wuhundian.

So many years have passed in a flash.

"This task, I took it."

He looked directly at Bibi Dong and spoke loudly.

"This is the first place in the All-Soul Master Elite Competition, and I, Han Xiao, will take it for you."

Hearing these words, Bibi Dong smiled, and she was full of flair in an instant.

"The All-Soul Master Elite Competition can not only test a person's strength, but also test his talent."

"If Han Xiao can win No.1, it is enough to prove that he has the ability to provoke the relationship between the sects. Do the elders have any objections?"

Bibi Dong put away her smile, and looked around the crowd, without getting angry.

These elders who were still looking angry lowered their heads one by one.

They are all good people, so they can naturally see that their leaders and others have reached a consensus, so what else can they say?
If he wanted to refute at this time, it would be against Bibi Dong.

Under the leadership of the guards, Han Xiao left the conference hall.

"Everyone, let's disperse and act separately."

Han Xiao looked at the familiar and unfamiliar buildings around him, and said.


Everyone laughed, they also have friends and family members in the Wuhun Temple, and they couldn't help but miss them for a long time.

After all, from now on, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to meet each other.

Xue Qingwu wanted to follow Han Xiao, but was dragged away by Tang Tang helplessly.

After everyone dispersed, Han Xiao walked alone in the streets of Wuhun City.

Soon, a familiar building appeared in front of Han Xiao's eyes. It was the blacksmith shop that Han Xiao went to when he first came to Wuhun Palace.

It was a dilapidated duplex cement house, the wall skin was peeling off, exposing the gray cement hidden inside, as if it had aged for a certain period of time.

Next to the house stood a huge chimney, but there was a lot of black dust piled up on it.

Looking at the house number with a hammer engraved on it, Han Xiao frowned.

The information from the outside told him that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

What about the old blacksmith?

Han Xiao suppressed the doubts in his heart, and pushed open the door of the blacksmith's shop.

As soon as he entered the room, the musty smell and dust that hit his face made Han Xiao frowned.

I saw a distraught young man sitting on the stairs not far away.

"Are you OK?"

He didn't seem to notice that Han Xiao came in, but just sat there, staring at the scroll in his hand in a daze.

The content in the picture scroll is nothing more than a simple picture of dried shrimps, which cannot be exchanged for even a meat bun on the market.

After Han Xiao's gaze paused on the scroll for five seconds, he moved to the young man.

It is somewhat similar to the old blacksmith, with bronze skin, strong muscles, and a rough face.

He could already guess the relationship between the two.

Han Xiao was not in a hurry either. He looked at the furnishings in the room and found that there was not much reference to his memory.

"You... who are you?!"

The man only discovered Han Xiao at this time, and was taken aback.

Han Xiao didn't answer him directly, his fingers brushed over the dusty desktop.

Presumably this blacksmith shop has been abandoned for a long time, and the dust alone has accumulated a thick layer.

Han Xiao thought for a while, then turned his head to look at the corner full of moulds, and pulled out the bottom mould.

All of a sudden it was dusty.

"Ahem, cough, who are you?" The young man looked at Han Xiao vigilantly, "I'm going to call someone to arrest you!"

Sure enough?
Looking at the familiar sword mold, Han Xiao's mouth curled up.

"Where is the owner of this blacksmith shop?"

He turned to look at the man and asked.

After a few years, I didn't expect that things have changed.


The man was about to speak when he realized that he was being led away by Han Xiao unknowingly.

"Tell me first, who are you?"

This blacksmith shop has been abandoned for so long, and there is no one else except him who comes here occasionally.

Han Xiao was expressionless, and said eloquently: "Many years ago, I made an agreement with the former owner of this blacksmith shop."

This dates back to when Han Xiao left the Spirit Hall, and the two agreed that when they meet again, the blacksmith will succeed in forging the sword.

However, after so many years, Han Xiao has not received a letter from the blacksmith.

This person was like a stone sinking into the sea. It wasn't until Han Xiao came here that he realized that the largest blacksmith shop in Wuhun City had closed down.

"It's you?"

Hearing this, the young man had an angry expression on his face.

Little by little, he moved to the table full of tools, picked up a rusty ax and rushed towards Han Xiao.

"I am going to kill you!"

Looking at the young man rushing up desperately, Han Xiao was expressionless, turned his body slightly to one side, and dodged directly.

There is no fluctuation of soul power on this person, and he looks like an ordinary person.

Seeing that he still wanted to make a move, Han Xiao kicked the ax with precision, made a graceful appearance, and inserted it precisely at the door.


The young man's pupils trembled, and he looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

"Now can you tell me why you want to kill me?"

Han Xiao looked calm and asked.

The young man looked at Han Xiao with hatred, "Master was killed by you, what else can I talk to you about?"

Hearing this, Han Xiao's heart moved slightly, "Is your master dead?"

The young man snorted coldly, and looked at Han Xiao with hatred.

Seeing that the young man kept silent, Han Xiao smiled coldly: "I think so, after all, your master's skills are not good enough."


"My master is the best blacksmith in the world!"

Han Xiao smiled, and said, "Since you admire your master so much, why do you dare not say it?"

He has always disliked using the aggressive method, but after all, this person can still come here to miss the blacksmith after his death, so the relationship between the two of them is also very deep.

As expected, the young man was just as Han Xiao had guessed.

"Then tell me, what happened?"

The young man gritted his teeth and fell into the memories.

(End of this chapter)

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