Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 213 Excalibur is born!

Chapter 213 Excalibur is born!

"Everything has changed since you gave that blueprint to the master."

"He seemed to be possessed by a demon. He locked himself in the blacksmith room all day long, and he didn't come out once a month."

"I am an orphan and was raised by my master. To me, he is my father, and I want to share for him."

The young man looked sad and his voice trembled: "But he never let me see the blueprint, and once I even wanted to peek at it to help him relieve his worries, he beat me hard and drove me out of the blacksmith shop."

"Until a year ago, I was suddenly woken up by his wild laughter and hurried to the blacksmith shop."

The young man fell into pain, as if he would never want to recall this incident: "I almost couldn't recognize him. It turned out that he was strong and thin like a skeleton, lying on the blacksmith's table and laughing wildly. There was a centipede length on his wrist." The wound was bleeding continuously."

"Before he died, he gave me this thing and told me that if you come, he must give it to you, and asked me to send you a word."


The young man was already a little choked up: "He asked me to tell you that he succeeded."

Speaking of which, the young man slammed the scroll on the ground: "I'm afraid he's lost his mind, I've checked it countless times, and it's just an ordinary scroll, and he wouldn't take it if he threw it at a street vendor. That kind!"

Looking at the picture scroll rolled down at his feet, Han Xiao picked it up carefully, and gently wiped off the dust on it.

"I hate you, it's because of your drawings that he turns into a lunatic!"

The young man looked at Han Xiao, clenched his fists, and his pupils burst out with monstrous hatred.

Han Xiao looked at the somewhat damaged scroll, and was a little dazed: "You are wrong."

"did not expect."

Han Xiao's voice trembled a little, "He actually succeeded."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao spread out the scroll, grasped the handle of the scroll, and pulled it out fiercely.

"He perfectly created the world's number one magic weapon!"

In an instant, a dagger as thin as a cicada's wings was held in Han Xiao's hand, flicked softly in the air a few times, and finally stood proudly.

Under the sunlight, the sword body of this sword reveals colorful astigmatism, which is extremely beautiful.

Han Xiao pressed lightly on the sword body, and the dagger was slowly bent downward at an unreasonable angle.

When Han Xiao let go of his hand, it bounced instantly, and the surrounding wind seemed to be torn apart.

Han Xiao looked at the stone table aside, and gently waved the short sword in his hand.


In an instant, a clean and smooth crack appeared on the stone table, and it was split into two halves.

It is as soft as fish intestines, and it can cut everything in the world. Only then is the sword of courage, fish intestines.


The young man looked at the dagger in Han Xiao's hand in disbelief, and tears overflowed his eyes at some point.

He still deeply remembers the smile that the blacksmith showed before his death, it was unparalleled happiness.

"After everyone comes to this world, they will start to find the meaning of living in this world."

Han Xiao looked at the young man and said, "For your master, he has already found the true meaning of life, so even if he dies, even if he becomes a lunatic in your eyes, he will not hesitate to die to pursue it."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, the young man collapsed on the ground with a blank expression on his face.

He couldn't imagine that there was a peerless sword hidden in the scroll that he despised and even hated.

"Also, if I'm not wrong, your master is not afraid that you will steal the fish intestines production plan."

"In his eyes, you are still young and have a great time, which is different from him who is alone."

Han Xiao sighed lightly: "Maybe he is afraid that you will be like him, indulging in the supernatural production drawings, gradually losing yourself and becoming a lunatic."

"You... what did you say?"

The young man looked at Han Xiao, his voice trembling violently.

He never thought that the blacksmith would be furious because of this reason.

Recalling the scenes of the two living together from childhood to adulthood, the young man finally couldn't bear it and burst into tears.

Han Xiao waited for him quietly without speaking.

After a long time, the young man stopped sobbing and looked up at Han Xiao: "My name is Lin Ting."

He got up slowly, staggered to the door, and pulled out the ax stuck in it with all his strength.

Immediately, he picked up the broom and began to clean up.

"what are you going to do?"

Han Xiao watched this scene silently, and asked.

Lin Ting sniffled and forced a smile, "This place has been abandoned for too long, it's time to reopen."

Seeing Lin Ting cleaning silently, Han Xiao stood where he was and did not help.

After a while, a burst of chaotic footsteps came from outside.

Lin Ting's complexion changed, and he turned to look at Han Xiao anxiously: "Go quickly, they are here."


Lin Ting quickly explained: "During the time when the master was making weapons, all the orders had been stopped. In desperation, the master had no choice but to ask someone to borrow money. These people presumably came to collect money when they saw the shop open."

Hearing this, Han Xiao was relieved.

Since he owed money for making the sword, he paid it instead.

"Xiao Linzi, have you come to see your cheap master again?"

The voice came first, and then seven or eight people squeezed into the room, making the blacksmith shop extremely crowded.

These people are all wearing the uniform robes of soul masters in the Wuhun Temple, as if they are related to the family, and they are transferred to the fat job of collecting money.

"Go back, I've already sold all the houses, and I've already paid back everything that should be paid to you!"

Lin Ting gritted his teeth, looking at these foolish soul masters with hatred.

"is it?"

The leading man's complexion was vain and pale, and it looked like he had been indulging in womanizing all year round.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said with a smile on his face: "Hey, the money you paid back doesn't match the terms you signed with your master."

Seeing the IOU, Lin Ting clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"As I said before, today is the last day. If the money is not paid, we will forcibly confiscate this blacksmith's shop."

Saying this, the surrounding soul masters surrounded him with malicious intentions.

"Zhou Papi, you really came here to stare at my master's shop!"

Lin Ting said angrily.

This place is located in the center of Wuhun City, every inch of land is expensive, and the price is extremely high.

Bibi Dong once promulgated political laws to vigorously support the blacksmith industry, so for the blacksmith shop, only half of the annual rent needs to be paid.

This is why the blacksmith shop has not collapsed for many years.

For this group of people, once the land is won, it will be much more than his rent.

"Lin Ting, how can you talk like that? It's only natural to pay off debts. We are all legal, and we can go to the court to mediate."

Zhou Papi said with a cheap smile.

(End of this chapter)

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