Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 214 Loan usury, miserable blacksmith!

Chapter 214 Loan usury, miserable blacksmith!
Who doesn't know that these people have bribed those high-ranking officials long ago?


Lin Ting can be said to be unreasonable on both sides.

Zhou Papi's eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "If you don't pay the money, you will take the land deed to pay off the debt, everyone, demolish it for me!"

He didn't intend to give Lin Ting time to raise money at all.

However, when this group of people was about to rush into the blacksmith shop, Han Xiao blocked the door.

"Boy, good dogs don't get in the way!"

A soul master thug sneered, and immediately punched Han Xiao's face involuntarily.

However, looking at the fist mixed with the sound of the wind, Han Xiao just turned sideways lightly, then accurately dodged it, and immediately kicked him in the heart.


The thug's body flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground, feeling like his internal organs were about to fall out.

"Who are you, is it reasonable not to pay back the money you owe?"

Zhou Papi's complexion changed, and only then did he find Han Xiao who had been standing here.

"How much money I owe you, I will pay it back."

Han Xiao looked at Zhou Papi and said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, Zhou Papi's complexion changed.

Compared with this priceless apprentice, what is this rent?
With a gloomy voice, Zhou Papi said coldly: "From three years ago, including all the interest in arrears until now, the total adds up to 300 million gold soul coins."

"300 million?!" Lin Ting's complexion changed drastically, and he roared angrily, "Zhou Bapi, don't you really eat people without spitting out bones?"

"Lin Ting, my patience with you is limited, and asking you to take out the land deed to settle the debt is already my limit!"

No matter how valuable this piece of land is, it is absolutely impossible to have as much as 300 million.

Han Xiao can already imagine how the blacksmith spent these three years?
Perhaps the only thing that can support him is the determination to forge the best sword in the world.

The reason why Zhou Papi said this was to scare Han Xiao away.

"300 million gold soul coins?"

Han Xiao nodded, flipped through, and a gold card appeared in his hand.

"After I set up this card, it can just withdraw 300 million gold soul coins."

Everyone was completely dumbfounded looking at the gold card in Han Xiao's hand, and Zhou Bapi's jaw was so shocked that it fell to the ground.

"You, how can you guarantee that there are 300 million in this card?"

His speaking voice became limp.

"Why, can't you see the gold soul coin storage card that is commonly used in the Wuhun Temple?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly and said.

"You can't give him the money!"

Seeing that Han Xiao was coming to the truth, Lin Ting anxiously persuaded him.

He never thought that Han Xiao would be able to spend so much money casually.

"Do you want this money?"

Han Xiao squinted his eyes, looking at the uncertain Zhou Papi.

Zhou Papi gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

He stepped forward and grabbed the gold card in Han Xiao's hand.

"Why, you don't want to give it?"

Seeing Han Xiao take it back, Zhou Papi asked with a cold expression.

Han Xiao smiled slightly and shook his head: "It's only natural to pay back the debt, why don't you want to pay it?"

"I just want to ask, how much is the annual rent here, and it takes three years to owe 300 million."

"You must know that in the Tiandou Empire, even the most core streets of Tiandou City, plus the monthly security fee paid to the inspector, there are only 30 gold soul coins in total for three years. ten times?"

Han Xiao squinted his eyes, and the aura exuding from his whole body was like a deep dense forest, and he couldn't tell the depth.

"Hmph, don't you need interest when you borrow money?"

Zhou Papi snorted coldly, and said boldly.

How many people are there in the whole continent who can take out 300 million gold soul coins in one go?

He has already started to feel guilty.

But when he saw the shining gold card in Han Xiao's hand, he seemed to have lost his soul, and couldn't help reaching out to grab it.

"This card, are you sure?"

Han Xiao smiled slightly and asked.

"It's only right and proper to pay off debts!"

"Okay, here it is."

Han Xiao didn't even look at the gold card, and threw it directly into Zhou Papi's hand.

Lin Ting watched from the side, his face was ashen.

Looking at the gold card in his hand, Zhou Papi couldn't contain his excitement anymore.

There is nothing wrong with this card, it was made by the professional craftsmen of Wuhundian.

"let's go."

At this point he couldn't wait any longer.

"and many more."

Han Xiao looked at Zhou Papi who was standing there, and smiled slightly: "Can you tear up that IOU?"

Hearing this, Zhou Papi suddenly realized, and quickly apologized: "It's natural."

As he spoke, he tore the IOU into pieces and threw it into the air, like snowflakes scattered one after another.

Han Xiao nodded in satisfaction, "From now on, the debt between you and the blacksmith shop will be cancelled."

Zhou Papi smiled, and patted Han Xiao on the shoulder: "You're still a brother, you will come to trouble, if you have anything to do in the future, come to me Zhou Papi, don't worry about my work."

After finishing speaking, he led a group of younger brothers and left contentedly.

"Are you crazy?!"

Lin Ting said anxiously.

That's 300 million gold soul coins, he can't imagine such a terrifying number.

"Don't worry, the fun will begin soon."

Han Xiao was expressionless and extremely calm.

After leaving the blacksmith's shop, Zhou Papi and his party were all excited.

"Boss, this time we really got rich!"

A younger brother said excitedly: "Three million gold soul coins, that man is also a fool, isn't this money worth more than land?"

"Don't fucking talk, hurry up and go!"

Zhou Papi glanced around and said mysteriously.

He still understands the truth that wealth is not revealed.

However, when Zhou Papi raised his head, the face of the person walking towards him changed his expression.

Zhou Tong looked at Zhou Papi with a surprised expression on his face.

In Wuhundian, he had always been a loner, so he was the first to end his private affairs and rush to the blacksmith shop.

They agreed to meet here.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhou Baopi came out from there.

"Master Zhou, have you returned from your mission?"

Zhou Papi quickly apologized with a smile.

Zhou Tong has a rather vicious reputation in their circle, and he is the nemesis of these street sneakers.

"What did you take?"

Zhou Tong caught a glimpse of Zhou Papi holding the gold card and hiding behind his back, and asked with a sneer.

"No, nothing."

Cold sweat dripped down Zhou Bapi's forehead.

"Look at you like that, show me."

Zhou Tong said that he could not refuse.

"Master Zhou, it's really nothing. Why don't you tell my younger brothers when you come back, let us take care of you."

Zhou Bapi gritted his teeth and said boldly.

However, this time Zhou Tong ignored him at all, held his head down, and snatched the gold card.

"This is……"

Looking at the gold card, Zhou Tong's eyelids twitched.

Isn't this the master's card? !
Seeing Han Xiao walking out of the blacksmith shop, Zhou Tong instantly understood something.

After five years of working together, he instantly understood Han Xiao's intentions.

"Zhou Bapi, I really didn't expect it." Zhou Tong's face darkened, "I thought you were only doing some loan sharking things, but I didn't expect you to dare to rob!"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Zhou Bapi's complexion changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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