Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 215 Blacksmith's inheritance, Han Xiao makes a move!

Chapter 215 Blacksmith's inheritance, Han Xiao makes a move!

"Zhou Tong, you can't talk nonsense. How can this be called robbery?"

"Then tell me, where did the 300 million gold soul coins come from?"

Zhou Tong smiled coldly and asked questions.

"This, this is what his blacksmith shop owes me!"

Zhou Tong's voice became a little trembling.

"What about the IOU?"

"I owe... an IOU?!"

Zhou Papiden trembled, and cold sweat instantly soaked his whole body.

He tore up the IOU in front of Han Xiao.

"I, me, me, how can you spit blood?!"

Zhou Papi pointed at Zhou Tong with a look of panic.

"Blood?" Zhou Tong sneered, "Let me tell you, this kind of gold card can only be used by those who have deposited tens of millions of gold soul coins, and the owner of each card can be found."

"Why, why don't we go and check together, is this card really yours?"

Looking at Zhou Tong who was approaching at every step, Zhou Papi was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Han Xiao who was leaning against the gate, his calm eyes became terrifying in Zhou Bapi's eyes.

This young man had set him up from the very beginning.

I really foolishly drilled in.

"Zhou Papi, according to the laws of Wuhun City, stealing 300 million gold soul coins, this number should be more than enough to sentence you to death, right?"

Zhou Tong smiled coldly, and grabbed Zhou Papi's wrist.

"Everyone, why is this so?" Zhou Papi forced a smile: "What do you want, I have the money, why do you have to poke it, it is a waste of money, it is not good for anyone, is it?"

He snapped a glance at the younger brother behind him, who understood instantly and took out a card.

"There are 50 gold soul coins in this card. It's not a lot of money, and it can't get into your eyes, but it's all the assets of my little brother."

Zhou Papi paid homage to Han Xiao, "I also ask this young master to show his respect and let the little brother go."

Doing these dirty business all the year round, Zhou Papi has developed a pair of piercing eyes, and he can tell at a glance that Zhou Tong is also the younger brother of the boy in front of him.

Han Xiao didn't even look at the card, and said coldly: "Send it in."


Zhou Tong nodded, dragged Zhou Papi and left.

"Let go of me!" Zhou Papi finally couldn't keep calm.

He was panting violently, struggling desperately, and his feet dragged out two tracks.

However, the strength gap between the two sides was too great, like an eagle catching a chicken, Zhou Tong lifted him up.

Zhou Tong leaned in front of him, with a gloomy look in his eyes, "Zhou Papi, my young master wants you to die, no one in this world can keep you alive."

When Zhou Papi heard this, his whole body went limp, and he would have collapsed to the ground if Zhou Tong hadn't pulled him.

He understood that Han Xiao really wanted him to die, and the amount of money didn't matter.

Seeing that the boss was being taken away, the horse boys around knew that he had kicked the iron, so they rushed away.


Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao, speechless for a moment.

"If you do this, no local hooligans will dare to bully you."

Han Xiao walked into the blacksmith shop and explained to him.

This group of local hooligans did not have much strength, relying on their strong family background to act as a dominator, and put away usury.

If Han Xiao really beat them up violently, although they can be driven away for a short time, what if it takes a long time?
He didn't intend to stay in Wuhun City forever.

Only this method can not only make Zhou Papi never get out, but also serve as a warning to other local ruffians.

"How do you plan to open this blacksmith shop?"

Seeing that Lin Ting was too frightened to speak by Han Xiao's methods, Han Xiao took the initiative to ask.

Lin Ting scratched his head, not daring to look into Han Xiao's eyes: "I'm stupid, and I haven't learned much from what my master taught me, so I can only take it step by step."

Han Xiao nodded, took out another card from his pocket and patted it on the table: "This card contains 50 gold soul coins, which are your start-up funds."

Even the blacksmith's income for one year is not enough to earn 50 gold soul coins.

"I, I can't have it!"

Lin Ting quickly waved his hand, shook his head and said, "I am not the one who cast the peerless magic weapon for you, but the master I said. Even if he loses his life because of this now, the money does not belong to me."

Looking at the determined Lin Ting, Han Xiao also understood why the old blacksmith wanted to train him.

Forging iron is an extremely painful thing with no hope in sight.

If you don't have an extremely firm will and dream, you will definitely give up halfway.

"Don't rush to refuse, just listen to me."

Han Xiao didn't take back the card, and said eloquently, "I'll give you two choices."

"The first choice is to buy 50 gold soul coins. To me, this is just a small amount of money. If you use it to rebuild the blacksmith shop, it can be regarded as comforting the spirit of the old blacksmith."

"However, after the money is given to you, it has nothing to do with how this blacksmith shop can develop. Even if it really closes down one day, it has nothing to do with me."

"The second option is that I borrowed the 50 gold soul coins from you. You must pay me back within three years. There will be no interest and no compound interest. At the same time, I will give you three atlases for your use You build it."

Seeing Lin Ting's hesitant expression, Han Xiao said, "You don't have to rush to refuse. For the old blacksmith, this blacksmith shop is the only thing he left behind. I don't want it to disappear because of me."

"And you, he treated you as his successor."

Han Xiao looked at Lin Ting expressionlessly: "For the old blacksmith, his lifelong dream is to create a magical weapon that can cut off martial souls. Now he has done it, so he is not dead, and his thoughts are all poured into him. On top of this fish intestine, accompany me to cut off each martial spirit."

"I hope you can inherit his will."

Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao with burning eyes, and secretly clenched his fists.

He took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely firm: "I choose the second condition."

"it is good."

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up, and he took out the three-point blueprint from the soul guide and placed it in front of him.

"The manufacturing process of these weapons is not difficult, but they are extremely delicate and require careful people to build."

Seeing Lin Ting pick up the atlas to watch, Han Xiao said.

He glanced at the steps in the map, his expression becoming more and more shocked: "This..."

"Hidden Blade?!"

This was the first time he heard this new term.

Looking at the difficulty of making this hidden sword, Lin Ting looked at Han Xiao with more and more complicated eyes.

"The Hidden Blade, as the name suggests, is the sword hidden in the sleeve."

Han Xiao nodded, and explained to him: "The current soul masters rely too much on the power of the martial soul, so they give up other aspects, causing all industries to stagnate."

"This kind of Hidden Sword is usually hidden in the sleeve, and it is impossible to see through it. At a critical moment, press the motivation to expand, and it will pop out instantly, which can be caught off guard."

Although some soul masters will be fully armed and prepare a dagger just in case.

But compared to the small, light, and unexpected Hidden Blade, it is still far behind.

You must know that at a critical moment in a battle, one second is enough to determine a person's life or death.

(End of this chapter)

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