Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 220 Flender's Shock!

Chapter 220 Flender's Shock!

The two sat awkwardly like this, and the old man didn't sleep. For some reason, staying in the same room with Han Xiao felt uncomfortable.

Until the sun went down, bursts of noise came from outside.

The old man was overjoyed, he didn't expect them to come by such a coincidence.

"They should be back, I'll show you."

The old man left the room after speaking.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the academy, the old man saw a group of ten people walking towards the academy, talking and laughing.

These students are male and female, with different expressions, some are fighting together, and some are as quiet as virgins, with faces like cold pools.

"Mr. Li, you have worked hard."

The leading thin man bowed to the old man and smiled slightly.

This trip to the Star Dou Great Forest was fruitful, and Tang San, who obtained the fourth spirit ring, successfully absorbed a ten thousand year spirit ring.

They have seen hope in this group of children.

Oscar, who was born with full soul power, Ma Hongjun, a top-level attacking mutant martial soul, and a direct disciple of the Xingluo royal family, not to mention Tang San with twin martial souls full of soul power, and Xiao Wu with terrifying talent.

Flender didn't even know why this group of darlings gathered in this dilapidated college that couldn't even pay the teacher's salary. Novel dared not write like this.

"Dean, hurry to the living room, there are distinguished guests!"

Old Li said anxiously.

After a brief trial, he could feel that Han Xiao had extremely rich money in his pocket.

If such nobles can invest in Shrek Academy, then there is no need to worry about the cost of cultivating soul masters in the All Soul Master Elite Competition.

"Oh?" Seeing Lao Li's excited appearance, Flender asked curiously, "Why, is Sect Master Ning here?"

"No no no."

Mr. Li shook his head, looked at the curious students behind him, and grabbed Flender: "Come with me and you'll find out."

After all, as teachers, they naturally don't want students to know too much about the finances of these colleges.

Under the leadership of Mr. Li, the two rushed to the living room and saw Han Xiao with his eyes closed.

"Who is this?"

Flender frowned. Seeing that Han Xiao was young, he was a little puzzled.

Mr. Li was a little anxious, and didn't know how to introduce Han Xiao for a while.

"Is the dean short of money?"

Han Xiao looked at Flender and spoke lightly.

Seeing Han Xiao straight to the point, Flender's expression turned a little ugly.

Yu Xiaogang had also warned him before that the academy's savings were about to run out, but he was always unwilling to face it.

Flender still feels a little uncomfortable when he hears an outsider poke at the pain point directly.

"Is there anything you need?"

he asked in a low voice.

"I came here to invest in Shrek Academy."

Han Xiao said lightly.

invest? !
When Flender heard this, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Elder Li, who nodded secretly.

"Ahem, this...young master, how do you plan to invest?"

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Flender asked tentatively.

In fact, it's not like no one wanted to invest in Shrek Academy before, but they invested too few Golden Soul Coins and wanted too much return.

So even when he heard that Han Xiao was here to invest, Flender was not too excited.

In case someone came to make trouble, he would mercilessly drive Han Xiao away.

"I'll come up with this number."

Han Xiao raised two fingers and placed them in front of Flender.

"Twenty thousand gold soul coins?"

Flender frowned.

Twenty thousand gold soul coins is too much for them, at least it can last for two or three months.

The next step is to see if Han Xiao will open his mouth like a lion.

However, Han Xiao did not answer Flender, still holding up two fingers, shaking his head slowly.

"Two... 20?"

Flender's eyelids twitched, and his voice trembled a little.

If it was really 20 gold soul coins, Flender would be scared instead, he was afraid that Han Xiao would swallow Shrek Academy.

Han Xiao shook his head, took out a gold card from the soul guide, and placed it on the table.

"I mean, two million."

As soon as these words were uttered, it was like a boulder thrown into the sea, and the jaws of Mr. Li and Flender almost fell to the ground.

"You... How much did you say?" Flender finally couldn't suppress the trembling of his voice, "200 million silver soul coins or copper soul coins?"

Han Xiao frowned, and said word by word: "I mean, 200 million gold soul coins, can you hear me clearly?"


Flender's hand shook, and the cup fell to the ground.

"Are you planning to buy our Shrek Academy?"

You must know that 200 million gold soul coins are enough to buy this academy and even more than enough.

Flender never expected this. Could it be that the academy he opened up with great difficulty is coming to an end like this?
Han Xiao shook his head, "I have no intention of acquiring Shrek Academy, it's just an investment."


Flender looked at Jinka quietly placed on the table and rubbed his eyes.

Investing in their crappy school, a box of eggs and a barrel of beer is enough, come to you and take out 200 million gold soul coins?

"What do you want?"

Flender looked at Han Xiao warily and asked.

He never believed that pies would fall from the sky.

Since the other party can invest so much money, there must be some intention.

Han Xiao was expressionless, and said: "Just let me participate in this All-Soul Master Elite Competition as a college student."

Although Han Xiao doesn't know the strength of the students in this academy, he believes that there shouldn't be such rubbish students in the academy where Xiao Wu is, right?
What's more, if this group of students really can't compete with the Wuhundian team, Han Xiao will just play.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Looking at Han Xiao's emotionless eyes, Flender seemed to be living in a dream.

In all his life, he had never encountered such a situation.

To put it bluntly, isn't this equivalent to sending money?

"Of course, I have one more condition. Shrek Academy must win the first place in this All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

Han Xiao threw out the ultimate goal.

No.1, for Shrek Academy, is not unattainable.

"Other than that, are there any other requirements?"

Flender couldn't believe it, and asked again and again.

Han Xiao nodded helplessly.

Originally, he didn't plan to participate in this All-Soul Master Elite Competition. It would be great if he could find a champion team that could lie down there.

At worst, just spend more money.

Anyway, Han Xiao is rich now, once his business empire lays the foundation, it will occupy all the small cities at an extremely fast speed of development.

In other words, the gold coins received by Han Xiao each month are already worth a million.

After all, if you really want to make money, you can't just grab the wool of the rich. The common people have the most money.

So the 200 million gold soul coins are just a drop in the bucket for Han Xiao, and he can earn them back in less than two months.

Looking at the gold card on the table, Flender didn't know why he could resist.

(End of this chapter)

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