Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 221 The Lost Yu Xiaogang!

Chapter 221 The Lost Yu Xiaogang!

Flender stretched out a hand tremblingly, and patted the gold card: "This gentleman, this investment, I am Shrek..."

"Can't take it!"

Before Flender finished speaking, the door was pushed open with a bang.

Han Xiao looked at the person who came, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The one who broke into the room suddenly was none other than the charlatan Han Xiao once angrily denounced, the master Yu Xiaogang.

I saw him with an angry face, fixed his eyes on Han Xiao, and stretched out his finger: "It really is you!"

During the days at Notting College, Yu Xiaogang was depressed several times because of Han Xiao's words.

This is also the first time for him to doubt and deny himself so much.

Is your own theory really useless?
Is it possible that I am really the charlatan Han Xiao said, a master of success?
If it wasn't for his disciple Tang San's very filial piety, coupled with that terrifying talent, maybe Yu Xiaogang would really be depressed and perish forever.

There are no waste spirits in this world, only waste soul masters.

Well, this sentence seems to be wrong, but it seems to be right.

Although Tang San's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, it seems that the reason why he accepted him as a disciple is also because of the terrifying twin martial spirits?

Yu Xiaogang didn't want to think about it anymore, the more he thought about it, the more he was denying himself.

It doesn't matter if you are a waste, as long as you can teach a good apprentice.

"Xiao Gang, what are you doing?!"

Flender stood in front of Han Xiao and winked.

The fat sheep that is about to be obtained, Flender does not intend to let Han Xiao run away.

Whatever the animosity between the parties, this is done for the sake of the child.

For this group of mainstays of the Douluo Continent in the future, how much is the face of these middle-aged and elderly people worth?
With these 200 million gold soul coins, the basic necessities of life of these little monsters will be greatly improved.

"Flender, our Shrek Academy does not accept this person's mercy!"

Yu Xiaogang's stiff face flushed with anger, and his fingers trembled.

"Yu Xiaogang, what are you talking about?"

Flender opened his mouth, feeling that he had heard wrong.

Why did he, Flender, establish this academy?

As a soul saint, even if he doesn't become a thug of a major family, he can live the rest of his life in peace.

So many people can come to this dilapidated place, smell the stinking cow dung, eat half-baked meat, isn't it for the purpose of cultivating these little monsters?
But now Yu Xiaogang wants to push away the hope of torture.

"Flender, I will find a solution for the money matter. Erlong also has a lot of money from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, so we don't have to rely on this person at all."

While talking, Yu Xiaogang pulled Liu Erlong in who was outside the room.

Han Xiao looked at this middle-aged mistress with a hot figure and still charming charm, and saw a strong sadness in her eyes.

"Second Dragon, tell the decision of the Flender family."

Yu Xiaogang said urgently.

Liu Erlong showed a forced smile, and patted Flender on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry, this time I'm here, my father knew that Xiao Gang is training students, and specially ordered me to bring a lot of money."

Hearing this, the expression on Flender's face softened a bit.

As one of the last three sects, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, since they can help, the matter of the golden soul coins can indeed be easily solved.

He secretly sighed, it was the first time he saw Yu Xiaogang so excited.

"I made you laugh. In this case, I'm really sorry."

After all, he was an old friend who had fought together and got along day and night, and Flender still chose Yu Xiaogang's face.

To be clear, it is clear that Flender does not need Han Xiao's support.

However, Han Xiao did not leave, and looked at Yu Xiaogang calmly with his eyes:
"It seems that you are not only a charlatan, but also a softie who can only rely on women."

"What did you say?!"

Yu Xiaogang was about to rush towards Han Xiao in a rage, but fortunately Liu Erlong stopped him, otherwise he would be the one who received a severe beating.

"Go out and inquire, and ask if the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has spare money to take care of your trash?"

As soon as the words came out, Liu Erlong's complexion changed, and he could no longer suppress the sadness in his eyes.

"Erlong, what is he talking about?"

Yu Xiaogang also noticed something was wrong with Liu Erlong and asked loudly.

Liu Erlong's voice was a little more sad: "Some time ago, all the forces besieged the Landian Bawangzong, and my uncle died in battle to protect the safety of the sect."

After saying this, she closed her eyes and stopped looking at Yu Xiaogang.

Although Yu Xiaogang had already been expelled from the sect by Yu Yuanzhen, blood is thicker than water, and blood is connected by blood, this bond cannot be broken.

So Liu Erlong understood how cruel this matter was to him.

In order for Yu Xiaogang to concentrate on preparing for this All-Soul Master Elite Competition, Liu Erlong never told him what happened in the sect.

As for the golden soul coins prepared for Shrek Academy, they were nothing more than the property she had accumulated over the years.

Yu Xiaogang was paralyzed and sat on the ground: "So now the suzerain is the second uncle?"

Liu Erlong shook his head, his voice trembling: "Father has been taken over by the elders now, and the current suzerain, on the surface, is a small steward, but in fact the sect has been secretly manipulated by Yu Qingkuang."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Yu Xiaogang sat on the ground, as if dreaming: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

At this time, he has become a lunatic.

"Xiao Gang, cheer up."

Seeing the appearance of the man he loved, Liu Erlong couldn't bear it, and hugged him tightly.

"At least for now, you still have us, and apprentices who respect and love you!"

"Yes, Xiaosan, I still have Xiaosan!"

"Little San!"

"Little San, where are you?!"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have aged ten years overnight, and helplessly called out to his good apprentice Tang San.

This is already his last hope in this world.

"Sir, look at this..."

Flender showed an ugly smile, and looked at Han Xiao flatteringly.

How could he let his beloved woman spend half of his life's assets?
So for him, Han Xiao still cannot be let go.

Han Xiao shook his head, and looked at Flender expressionlessly: "Dean, there is no need to continue talking."

For him, Shrek Academy is just dispensable, if not for Xiao Wu, he would not have come here at all.

Since it is not possible here, it is better to change to another academy. The conditions he offered are absolutely irresistible to everyone.

Seeing that Han Xiao was about to leave without the slightest hesitation, Flender was a little anxious.

"Please stay. I think the grievance between you and Xiaogang is just a misunderstanding. If there is anything we can sit down and talk about."

Flender didn't want to lose this opportunity, Shrek Academy really needed money.

Hearing this, Han Xiao stopped in his tracks.

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly audible: "I have never had any misunderstanding with him, because he is not worthy."

(End of this chapter)

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