Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 222 Tang 3's challenge!

Chapter 222 Tang San's Challenge!
Flender smiled bitterly.

He slumped on the chair weakly, knowing that Han Xiao's departure was irreversible.

Money is not important to him, compared to his friendship and watching those little monsters thrive.

What makes him powerless is that he had the opportunity to help these children live a better life, but in the end he lost this opportunity because of a moment of anger.

Maybe because of this time, the fate of those geniuses will change.

Flender dared not gamble.


At this moment, Tang San who heard Yu Xiaogang's call hurried over.

He looked at Han Xiao who passed by him, his eyelids twitched.

Until now, he still remembers the man he met while running in the morning.

That pair of eyes without the slightest emotion is still fresh in his memory.

Why is he here?

Tang San didn't think much, hurried to Yu Xiaogang, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

He had never seen Yu Xiaogang showing such despair and sadness.

Yu Xiaogang firmly grasped Tang San's hand, a line of muddy tears flowed from his eyes: "Xiao San, the teacher only has you."

"Teacher, I'm always here!"

Tang San held Yu Xiaogang's hand instead, with a firm expression.

Feeling the warmth from his palm, Yu Xiaogang gradually calmed down.

Han Xiao has no time to watch this scene of trying to be affectionate. He has to find a sect that can take him into the All-Soul Master Elite Competition, and then go to Death Valley to practice.

"and many more!"

However, just as Han Xiao went out to leave, an extremely firm voice stopped him.

Han Xiao turned his head and found that Tang San let go of the revived master, and slowly walked in front of him.

Those clear eyes were firm and powerful, and there was a trace of anger hidden in the depths.

"Is it a bit too much for you to leave like this?"

Tang San looked directly at Han Xiao's pair of emotionless pupils, and asked loudly.

He is an extremely smart person, and he guessed what happened as soon as he came here.

Although it is not clear what the boy said to Yu Xiaogang, Tang San has already made up his mind that he will make Han Xiao pay the price.

Otherwise, the other party will never want to leave.

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Tang San, Flender's expression changed: "Little San, come back!"

He experienced this matter from beginning to end, knowing that no matter what he said, it would be Yu Xiaogang who suffered.

After all, Han Xiao was able to take out 200 million gold soul coins without blinking his eyes. Even if he is not the Heaven Dou royal family, his background should not be underestimated.

He didn't want to create a strong enemy for these children because of this kind of thing.

However, Tang San just glanced at Flender coldly, "Principal, this is a matter between me and the teacher, please leave it alone."


Flender didn't expect Han Xiao to say such words, it really chilled his heart.

You must know that all he did was for them, for the consideration of the academy!
Han Xiao turned around and glanced lightly at Tang San who was standing straight.

"Tell me about your solution."

"Fight me!"

Tang San's words were sonorous and powerful, his eyes burning with fighting spirit.

Han Xiao nodded and looked at Flender beside him: "I can accept it, let's start now."


"Where's Xiaosan?"

Xiao Wu came to the cafeteria bouncing around, found everyone there, and asked curiously.

Dai Mubai who was sitting on the main seat pointed to Flender's residence in the distance: "It seems that I ran to find Grandmaster just now."


"Why, how long have you been separated? I miss your good brother?"

Ma Hongjun snatched the last chicken leg from Oscar, winking and laughing.


Zhu Zhuqing's face was cold.

And Ning Rongrong who was sitting in the corner watched Xiao Wu's reaction after hearing this with great interest.

Well, according to the psychological knowledge taught by that person, the current Xiao Wu seems to be a little... Physically unwell?
"Ma Hongjun, this is only one time, if there is another time, come fight with me in the arena."

Xiao Wu changed from her previous youthful and energetic appearance, only coldness remained in her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, I was wrong!"

Seeing that Xiao Wu was genuinely disgusted, Ma Hongjun quickly apologized.

Dai Mubai smiled, trying to smooth things over: "Xiao Wu, don't mind, don't you know that Fatty owes you, I'll slap him twice later."

Originally, everyone didn't think much about it, but after getting along for a long time, everyone understood that Tang San's meaning to Xiao Wu was not just brother and sister.

So after this hunt for spirit rings, everyone also decided to help Tang San, but they didn't expect Xiao Wu's reaction to be so big.

Xiao Wu fell into silence, and was pulled to sit down by Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Only she knows how disgusting this kind of joke is.

Xiao Wu really regarded Tang San as her family, her own brother.

When someone makes dirty jokes about you and your loved ones, the discomfort almost makes you want to vomit.

Although Ma Hongjun's joke was not too much, the intention to match the two was almost written on his face.

After finally diverting the topic, everyone picked up Ning Rongrong and Oscar to make jokes.

However, at this moment, the movement outside the house attracted everyone's attention.

"What a strong soul power!"

Dai Mubai had the strongest strength among the crowd, and he was the first to feel it.

"Is it Xiaosan?"

Ma Hongjun frowned.

Although he already felt that compared with Tang San's gentle and long spirit power, this spirit power contained death and killing.

But he still doesn't want to associate it with others, after all Tang San is the most powerful soul master he has ever seen in the same realm.

"Go out and see."

Dai Mubai felt something was wrong, besides this spirit power, he also felt Tang San's spirit power.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, and quickly followed Dai Mubai out.

But when they saw this scene in the open square outside the house, they were instantly shocked.

I saw two men standing in the middle of the square, one of them was the familiar Thousand Hand Shura Tang San.

But the other man has never been seen before.

But for some reason when seeing him, Dai Mubai felt a touch of fear.

The soul power that seemed to contain death and killing was emanating from this man.

Xiao Wu looked at the man, her pupils trembled, revealing a touch of sincere surprise, but then she realized that the two seemed to be fighting, and became a little worried.

Ning Rongrong on the other side secretly clenched her small fists with an excited look on her face.

She was curious about what it would be like if this invisible man fought with the strongest third brother.

"I said Fatty, who do you think will win between the two?"

Oscar hugged Ma Hongjun who was at the side, and said with a smile.

There was no panic on their expressions.

"Do you still need me to say it? Of course it's Xiaosan!"

Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes, and said with incomparable certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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