Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 230 Cooperation with Canghui Academy, aiming for the championship!

Chapter 230 Cooperation with Canghui Academy, aiming for the championship!
At this time, these seven students with gem-like spirits were practicing in a special training room.

Among these people, the oldest ones are all in their 20s, just touching the maximum limit of the All-Soul Master Elite Competition.

When they saw Shi Nian, they gathered around one after another.

"Dean Shi, why are you here?"

This group of people looked at Shi Nian with respect in their eyes.

No matter how bad a teacher Shi Nian is in the eyes of others, at least for them they have the grace of knowing and encountering them.

Looking at these sweaty students, Shi Nian said with relief: "I am here today because of the adjustment of the lineup of the All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed: "Master Dean, don't transfer us!"

"I want to solve Shrek Academy with my own hands!"

After all, they have also prepared for this All-Soul Master Elite Competition for a full year. If they are all replaced before the competition starts, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?
Shi Nian looked at Han Xiao next to him, a little helpless: "If you can defeat him, you will be able to participate in this All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

He didn't know that once Han Xiao was allowed to play, it would be cruel to them.

"This is not fair!"

A soul master looked at Han Xiao with a look of resentment, and angrily said: "President, you also know that our martial arts can only play the most powerful role when the seven are united. If they are separated separately, how could it be him?" opponent?!"

Among this group of soul masters, there is only one soul master who is more than 30 years old, and the rest are three-ring soul masters.

"The dean means that you go up together."

Han Xiao said expressionlessly.

Go together? !
Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they suspected that they had heard wrong.

Even if the strength is too strong, how can it be possible to fight seven with one?

What's more, when the seven of them gather together, their strength will become extremely powerful.

"You're not kidding, are you?"

The leading middle-aged man looked gloomy.

Han Xiao didn't say much, and stepped onto the ring directly: "No need to say more, let's start directly."

While speaking, he had already released his martial soul and waited quietly.

With Shi Nian's nod, everyone jumped onto the ring one after another, ready to fight.

They didn't intend to release water and rivals in love, and decided to deal with Han Xiao in the strongest state.

After all, this battle is related to their efforts over the past year.

Han Xiao slowly raised Taotie, and the terrifying configuration of the soul ring instantly frightened the other party.

"Don't forget, he's only one person!"

The leading man was the first to calm down and scolded loudly.

After hearing this, everyone calmed down slowly, and looked at Han Xiao with burning eyes.

With the announcement of the year, the battle officially began.

However, unexpectedly, neither side moved.

"Use that trick directly."

Seeing that Han Xiao did not take the initiative to attack, the leading man flashed disappointment in his eyes, and immediately looked at the people behind him and said.

Everyone nodded and began to form an formation. The six formed a circle around the leading man, and he was in the center of the formation.

"You should be honored, because you are the first opponent to taste the illusion of our Seven Shuras."

In an instant, colorful light burst out from the bodies of the seven people.

The beam of light formed by the condensed colorful rays of light spread instantly, filling the audience in the blink of an eye, and all kinds of precious lights burst out from it.

That magnificent light doesn't seem to have any offensive power, but just looking at it is enough to make many ordinary people confused.

The colorful light magnified in an instant, completely covering the entire arena in an instant, and the soaring colorful light almost chilled the entire room.

The blurred brilliance is full of strange atmosphere.

In front of this brilliance, Han Xiao is like a little ant being completely enveloped, or swallowed.

There was a look of excitement on Shi Nian's face, it was really a success!

Regardless of whether this group of disciples came to power or not, he was proud of them.

Although this is just a fake seven-in-one, these people have no talent, and they don't even have the ability to acquire the ultimate soul ring configuration. Being able to do this now has proved that they have put in more sweat and effort than ordinary people.

Han Xiao was a little surprised when he felt the magnificent colorful light.

He could feel the spiritual power of these seven people slowly gathering and gradually expanding by relying on the Huntian Star Chart.

Is it similar to the Remnant Dream Martial Soul from back then?
As usual, Han Xiao only needs to wrap his whole body with the cloak of aura, and he can easily avoid these rays of light.

However, the aura cloak is still sleeping.

That being the case, is it the only way to activate the Huntian Star Chart?
Han Xiao sat cross-legged, silently turning the sky star map.

His body began to become transparent, and it turned out to be like a galaxy composed of dots and stars in the sky, shining brightly.

Compared with the colorful lights that are just superficial, the starlight emanating from Han Xiao at this time is like a river of time and cultural heritage.

In an instant, the two mental forces confronted each other, and the leading man standing in the center trembled all over his body, about to gnaw his teeth.

"What's wrong, boss!"

Everyone noticed that the main body was unstable and quickly stabilized.

"I am fine."

His voice had become extremely weak.

You must know that for Canghui students, they have always been regarded as the last trump card of the team.

However, what made him feel desperate was that the multiplied spiritual power of the seven of them was not as good as that of Han Xiao alone.

In this invisible confrontation, everyone in Canghui Academy quickly fell into a disadvantage.

The colorful beam of light has become precarious, and it seems that it will be extinguished in the next moment.


Shi Nian shook his head with a look of regret.

Even he was almost backlashed by Han Xiao's spiritual power, let alone this group of soul masters.


Shi Nian appeared in the ring, with a pure white light emitting from the top of his head.

In an instant, the colorful light dissipated, and Han Xiao also took back the Huntian Star Map.

Finally, the leading man couldn't bear it any longer, and shot out a bloody arrow, falling heavily to the ground.


Everyone's complexion changed drastically, they didn't expect him to suffer such a big injury.

"It's okay, it's just that the mental energy is exhausted, just take a month's rest."

Shi Nian checked his body and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dean Shi, do you know if this battle can prove it?"

Han Xiao looked calm and asked.

Shi Nian looked at Han Xiao, nodded with a complicated face: "What kind of teammates do you need, I will help you prepare immediately."

Although it was too late to form a new team at the current time, Shi Nian was willing to trust Han Xiao and make a last-ditch effort on him.

At worst, it will be reduced to a third-rate college.

Han Xiao shook his head, but there was deep confidence in his calm words: "Dean Shi, you pick people at will, and leave the rest to me."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao turned and left without hesitation: "I will be back the day before the start of the All-Soul Master Elite Competition."

He didn't want to waste the rest of the time, he had already decided to go to the Death Canyon for terrifying training, and strive to break through to the soul king in the remaining year.

 Tomorrow will resume three shifts a day, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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