Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 231 Griffin God Beast!

Chapter 231 Griffin God Beast!

Death Canyon, four o'clock in the morning.

The sky is light, the morning dew is heavy and frosty, and the icy cold wind can penetrate the thick clothes and pierce the bone marrow.

Han Xiao nested at the lowest end of a mountain depression, holding Taotie and concentrating on it.

At this time, he was wearing simple clothes made of spirit beast fur, and the hat on his head turned out to be a bear's head. From a distance, he looked like a spirit beast crawling and waiting for its prey.

Han Xiao tightened his big bear cap tightly. Although he was insulated from the coldness after obtaining the Frost Crown, the thousand-year-old bear's head deterred him, and it could prevent many unnecessary troubles.

Compared with the killing capital known as the pure land of criminals, Death Canyon is simply a restricted area for life.

Originally, Han Xiao thought that there were extremely terrifying soul beasts everywhere, but after coming here for so long, he had seen only a handful of powerful soul beasts.

So it becomes extremely difficult to survive in the Death Canyon.

It is precisely for this reason that soul masters need to constantly rely on their own soul power to minimize the energy consumed.

This is also the reason why Death Canyon is known as a holy place for cultivation. Although it is extremely depressing, and even needs to eat grass roots and mice to ensure survival, in less than a year, Han Xiao has reached level [-], and he can absorb his fifth at any time soul ring.

It's just that now Han Xiao doesn't have time to think about what kind of soul ring he should get. The most important thing is to save his life.

Three days ago, after Han Xiao reached level [-], he decided to go to the depths of the canyon to see the secrets of the death canyon.

You must know that the climate around this death canyon is not as bad as it is here, and even the entire continent cannot find such a climate terrain.

This place is like a scar on the delicate skin, hideous and terrifying.

What puzzled Han Xiao was that this kind of climate and terrain was theoretically impossible to form.

But now, Han Xiao felt like he was facing a big enemy, clinging to the cold rock, feeling the temperature change.

Time passed slowly, the sun rose, and the extremely low temperature rose instantly. In just a few minutes, the surrounding rocks creaked as if they had been scorched by iron plates.

At this moment, there was a roar in the distance, and looking around, in the center of the valley in the distance, there was a creature that looked like a lion or an eagle rolling on its stomach.

Griffin beast!
Han Xiao took a deep breath, stuffed all the thick fur on his body into the soul guide, and put on fish skin to prevent burns.

What he never expected was that there would be such a soul beast in the center of the death canyon.

Griffin, which only exists in myths and legends, is a lion-like demigod with an eagle-like head and wings.

In the soul beast encyclopedia map, Han Xiao has not seen relevant records.

This is normal. After all, the Douluo Continent is so big, and the soul beasts are full of strange things. Naturally, there will be many undiscovered soul beasts, such as the ten-headed blazing sun snake and the dark gold three-headed bat king in the road to hell.

Although there are no relevant records, Han Xiao predicts that the age of this griffin beast is at least 3 years old, or even more than that.

Now he is caught in a tangle, if he wants to continue to go deep, he will inevitably fight with him.

And this griffin beast is just right as Han Xiao's fifth soul ring.

But can I really beat it?

After all, no matter how young this legendary beast is, it cannot be provoked by ordinary people just by virtue of its terrifying bloodline.

What's more, Han Xiao at this time has lost the powerful support of the aura cloak.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao decided to retreat.

As for the secrets of this Death Canyon, you can wait until you become a Soul Sage or even a Contra to explore.

After all, I am not in the strongest state now, and what I met was an unknown soul beast.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao mobilized his muscles and planned to leave quietly.

But at this moment, a manic hot wind hit.

not good!

Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and he secretly said something bad.

At night, the temperature is cold, and the sense of smell and smell will be paralyzed, so Han Xiao is not worried about being noticed by him.

However, once it is daytime, the high temperature and heat waves will not only make the sense of smell more sensitive, but also the smell on the human body will be magnified countless times.

Although Han Xiao had already covered up his own smell before entering the Death Canyon, how could he hide from the nose of the Griffin beast?
Roar! ! !
As expected, a loud roar echoed in the precarious canyon.

The griffin turned around, kicked its hooves to look at Han Xiao's hiding position, and snorted.

It seems that this is not intended to let oneself choose?

Han Xiao gave a wry smile, and swooped down while rubbing against the smooth stone wall.

The next moment, the col where he was hiding was broken, and the griffin beast fell from the sky. Under the sharp claws, these smooth and hard rocks looked like tofu.

hot!Han Xiao only felt that the skin in contact with the rock seemed to be ignited.

He frowned slightly, and simply covered the flames all over his body, and the intense burning sensation was finally relieved.

In mid-air, the Griffon Pu fluttered its wings and roared deafeningly.

It seems that Han Xiao disturbed him basking in the sun here, and after circling in mid-air for a while, he swooped down on Han Xiao again.

Han Xiao's body was almost lying on the ground, and he grasped the Taotie and stabbed the griffin beast with all his strength.

There was a loud noise, the viscera seemed to be flipped, and the glutton in Han Xiao's hand was directly stuck on the sharp beak of the griffin.

With a bang, Han Xiao was brought into the air by him. The narrow eagle eyes of the Griffin Beast were burning with anger. I didn't expect this human being to be so difficult to deal with.

It shook its body desperately in the air, but no matter what, Han Xiao couldn't shake it off like a dog's skin plaster.

The griffin flicked to the sky, this time Han Xiao let go of the Taotie, and flew up to the sky with his strength, getting smaller and smaller until he couldn't see clearly.

The griffin tilted its head, with big doubts in its small eyes, hesitating whether to fly into the sky to chase this difficult human being.

However, before it could make a decision, Han Xiao's figure grew bigger and bigger, falling from the sky.

The pupils of the griffin shrank suddenly. For some reason, it felt a terrifying force from this weak human.

Han Xiao kept adjusting his figure in mid-air, and his right leg slowly emitted a terrifying black light.

And the muscles on that thigh swelled up almost terrifyingly at this moment.

Soul broken!
Han Xiao let out an angry roar, and kicked the Griffin beast hard with his right foot.

There was a loud bang, and at this moment Han Xiao only felt that his right leg had been subjected to an extremely violent impact.

With a click, cracks appeared on his leg bone under this extremely terrifying collision. If it wasn't for the soul bone, his entire right leg might have turned into mud at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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