Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 243 Mirror Po River!

Chapter 243 Mirror Po River!
"I said old witch, the old man is here to meet up with old friends, the old man has said it hundreds of times."

"Your Majesty Poison Douluo, do you really think that I, Tianshui Academy, are a fool?!"

The Great Elder leaned on a blue cane and slammed it hard to the ground.

In an instant, Contra's coercion was released, and a wave of soul power rushed towards his face.

Poison Douluo? !

Shui Qingyue's complexion changed drastically, and she looked at the tall and thin old man with white hair in front of her in disbelief.

You must know that although Tianshui Academy does not have a Titled Douluo, it also has two Contras.

What kind of wind did this Poison Douluo have? Could it be that he fell out with the Tiandou royal family and came to their Tianshui Academy to find trouble.

"Why don't you go in?"

At this moment, Han Xiao suddenly walked past them.

Shui Qingyue's complexion changed, is this kid crazy? Opposite him is Ghost Douluo who slaughtered the city.

She was about to call out to stop Han Xiao, but saw that Dugu Bo rolled his eyes: "Look at me, can I still get in?!"

Han Xiao was expressionless, "Who told you that your reputation is so bad."

"Hey, you brat!"

Hearing this, Dugu Bo raised his big hand and was about to pat Han Xiao.

"not good!"

The faces of Tianshui Academy's people changed, and they couldn't stop them at this distance.

He even imagined the picture of Han Xiao's head being photographed as a broken watermelon.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, only to see Dugu Bo's withered hand lightly landed on Han Xiao's shoulder, and then patted it.

Silence, deathly silence.

"They... seem to be joking?"

The elder said with some hesitation.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be a way of joking between seniors and juniors, right?

"You brat, you're actually the soul king."

Dugu Bo snorted lightly, and felt his strength just by putting his hands on Han Xiao.

"What about the black market?"

"very useful."

Dugu Bo stroked his beard in satisfaction.

Although the agreement with Han Xiao was just a name on the black market, Han Xiao specifically ordered Xiao Qinglong to send a copy of the information he inquired from all over the Heaven Dou Empire to Dugu Bo every day.

At first Dugu Bo didn't like to read it, but after a long time, he found that he was silent in these news.

When people are exposed to omniscience, they become dependent and addicted, and do not want to leave.

Every time he read these secret messages, Dugu Bo felt that he had become an omniscient and omnipotent god.

He enjoyed the feeling.

Han Xiao officially hopes to use this method to make Dugu Bo feel dependent on him like nicotine.

Seeing the two chatting, the elders of Tianshui College were dumbfounded.

It seems... Really misunderstood?

Shui Qingyue suddenly remembered something, her pupils trembled.

"He seems to have said that he wants to call someone who understands drugs?" Shui Qingyue suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be that this frightening Poison Douluo is..."

Shui Qingyue was completely dumbfounded.

"Everyone, Senior Dugu was called by me. I wonder if we can go in and investigate the source of the poison in Tianshui College?"

Han Xiao looked at the crowd and asked calmly.

It took a while for the Great Elder to react: "Yes, of course."

Big Oolong!
Looking at Dugu Bo's playful eyes, this old woman who has lived for more than 80 years can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

"Little brother, Your Majesty Dugu, please forgive Tian Shui's rudeness."

After all, the opponent is a Titled Douluo, no matter how bad the word of mouth is, he has to do enough to save face.

"Hmph." Dugu Bo snorted coldly, "If it weren't for my little brother, I wouldn't be bothered to care about the messy things of your colleges."

Hearing this, the Great Elder's face was a little ugly.

At any rate, they are also the high-level officials of Tianshui Academy, and Dugu Bo didn't care about their face at all.

But when they thought it was their fault, they had no choice but to swallow the breath.

Everyone came all the way to the Jingbo River, seeing the calm water, Dugu Bo frowned, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Han Xiao asked.

"You guys didn't even discover such a rubbish poison, and let it flow for two months to integrate into the circulation system of this river."

Dugu Bo looked at it with a glance, and said mockingly.

"what did you say?!"

The faces of the people changed greatly.

Compared to Dugu Bo's ridicule, what they cared more about was that the Jingbo River was really polluted.

"Your Majesty Dugu Bomian, does the poison really come from this river?"

Everyone looked at the Jingbo River with sad faces, it was still calm, but this calm was like an old man in his twilight years.

"Why, are you questioning my profession?"

Dugu Bo's expression was gloomy and cold, his eyes swept across the crowd.


Everyone in Tianshui Academy looked sad.

Not to mention Shui Qingyue, even the Great Elder grew up drinking the water of the Jingbo River.

For them, it was another mother.

"Your Majesty Dugu, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Shui Qingyue asked anxiously.

"Yes, yes, since Dugu Mian is down, there must be a way to solve it, right?"

Everyone looked at Dugu Bo expectantly.

"Of course I can cure the poison on your body, but this river..."

Dugu Bo looked at Han Xiao while talking, hesitant to speak.

Han Xiao shook his head.

"This toxin is odorless and invisible, even some powerful soul masters can't identify it, but fortunately, the toxin is not very toxic. Excessive intake will affect the body and will not cause death."

"If you want to detoxify, you just need to keep excreting it."

Dugu Bo said and threw a bag of crotons at the Great Elder: "I believe you don't need me to tell you the way to speed up excretion."

"As for the river..."

When Dugu Bo said this, he shook his head: "I just said, the time is too long, the toxin has already integrated into the river's circulation system, and the only way is to drain the river completely."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Tianshui Academy has no water, so is it still called Tianshui Academy?

"Your Majesty Dugu, is there no other way?"

The Great Elder subconsciously clenched the scepter in his hand and asked anxiously.

"That's the only way I can."

Dugu Bo shook his head and closed his eyes, obviously impatient.

Everyone's faces were ashen, since Dugu Bo said that he couldn't solve it, then naturally no one could solve it.

Although it cannot solve the root of the problem, it is not within the scope of Han Xiao's task.

After all, his agreement with Tianshui Academy was only to solve the problem of toxins, draining the canals and changing the water was not a requirement.

In the end, Shui Qingyue promised to provide Han Xiao with a title every year for a total of ten years.

Sent out absent-mindedly by Shui Qingyue, Han Xiao and Dugu Bo, one old and one young, strolled on the street.

"Can you tell me?"

Han Xiao looked at the two buildings and asked.

"you caught me?"

Dugu Bo sighed helplessly, he had to say that this kid is really a monster, he could even catch the surprise in his eyes for less than a second.

(End of this chapter)

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