Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 244 Return to the Auction Field!

Chapter 244 Return to the Auction Field!
"That poison, I made it by accident."

After pondering for a while, Dugu Bo spoke.

Han Xiao was not surprised, he had already guessed that the poison was related to him.

Although it is not very toxic, it can be colorless and odorless, and even the soul saint can't detect it. How many people are there in this world?
"This poison is a product I accidentally practiced when I was refining a highly poisonous poison. Although I made it, it has no effect on me."

Han Xiao nodded. Dugu Bo never bothered to use this kind of weak poison, and his favorite is the poison that kills on contact.

Dugu Bo fell into a moment of thought, "I still remember that half a year ago, Prince Xue Xing came to me to ask for poison. I threw two packs of high poison to him, but he actually told me that he only needed slow poison."

He remembered this incident very lightly. After all, compared to highly poisonous poisons, slow poisons were not difficult to make, and there was no need to find Dugu Bo to prepare them.

It may be because for Prince Xue Xing, Dugu Bo's poison is more secure, but he may not even think of the relationship between Han Xiao and Dugu Bo with his toes.

Han Xiao fell into deep thought.

Obviously, the poisoning of all the students of Tianshui College was a conspiracy.

But what is the purpose of the Tiandou imperial family?
Tianshui Academy is an academy under the Heaven Dou Empire, and the students it cultivates will become the mainstay of the Heaven Dou Empire in the future.

What the Heaven Dou Empire did was undoubtedly cutting off its own arm, and apart from Tianshui Academy, the other four elements were also affected.

Han Xiao took a deep breath, no matter what the Heaven Dou Empire will do next, it has nothing to do with him, at least for now Han Xiao is not willing to get involved in these things.

"Boy, come back to the auction house with me?"

Dugu Bo looked at Han Xiao, and said in a sinister manner.

"Recently, my method of making poison has hit a bottleneck, so I went to find some rare herbs."

"Let's go."

Han Xiao nodded without hesitation.

After all, Dugu Bo's coming to Tianshui College can be regarded as a great favor to Han Xiao, and Han Xiao's current gold soul coins are really too much.

Nick's business empire has already started to operate, and has even penetrated into Tiandou City.

Every month, even if he lay still on the bed, he could earn tens of millions of gold soul coins.

On the other hand, the black market is also thriving after being injected with the golden soul coins from the commercial empire, and even put the information network in the Star Luo Empire.

It is the industrial chain, which is interlocking. Once it is operated, it will be extremely terrifying.

However, the last link in this industrial chain is that he needs to establish a force to guarantee the development of the black market and business empire.

With fresh blood, the enterprise can be full of vitality, and the golden soul coins will continue to flow.

The two walked all the way towards the Tiandou auction house. At this time, it was night and there was a continuous stream of people at the entrance of the auction house.

"Hold on."

Han Xiao walked into the shop next to him, and when he reappeared, he had already changed into a suit of brocade clothes, and he suddenly turned into Lei Xiao.

"If your boy goes to the theater, he will definitely become a pillar."

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to be a different person, even Dugu Bo was a little shocked.

"Wherever you go, you will appear in whatever capacity, isn't it?"

Han Xiao smiled and walked into the Tiandou Auction with a personable demeanor.

The moment he just walked in, the sharp-eyed supervisor immediately fixed on him and rushed over quickly.

"Master Lei, what wind brought you here today?"

There was a spring breeze smile on the director's face.

Han Xiao shook hands with him as a sign of friendship, and said casually: "The elders in the family want to play casually, so don't bother to take care of them."

At this time, the supervisor turned his attention to Dugu Bo who had already put on the mask.

"Please, let me know if you need anything."

As a human being, he certainly understood that Han Xiao didn't want to be disturbed by these words.

After smiling slightly at the two, the supervisor turned and left, and at the same time dismissed the girls around who wanted to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

The two walked into the auction all the way, and at this time it happened to be the beginning of the evening session, and there were no seats left.

Under the guidance of the maid, the two sat down at the front seat: "I didn't expect that the Shenhao who only appeared in the auction house once and snatched food from Ning Fengzhi's tiger's mouth, turned out to be you."

Dugu Bo's voice couldn't tell whether it was playfulness or admiration.

"How do you know?" Han Xiao was a little puzzled.

After all, Dugu Bo has always disliked such occasions, he even visits Dugu's house once in a while, and usually lives on the mountain outside Tiandou City.

Dugu Bo chuckled, "After all, she is a maid of 200 million, and occasionally the group of nobles will discuss it."

Han Xiao shook his head and didn't say much.

Now Xue Qingwu is following Zhou Tong and Chen Mo to stay in Wuhun Hall to practice, and will return to Wuhun City to meet him in a short time.

After these five or six years of getting along, Chen Mo and others have almost regarded her as their own sister, so naturally they will not let her be wronged.

At this moment, two familiar figures immediately attracted Han Xiao's attention.

Under the leadership of the maid, Tang San and Ning Fengzhi came to the Tiandou Auction one after the other.

Although both of them wear masks, the body shape of the person will not change.

For example, Ning Fengzhi, although he was dressed in plain clothes, he couldn't show the temperament in his gestures.

And Tang San, who had fought Han Xiao, was even softer than a woman after practicing the exercises.

After Han Xiao just glanced at the two of them lightly, he stopped thinking about it.

After all, there was no enmity between him and Tang San, and the previous two battles were not blood feuds.

On the other side, Tang San and Ning Fengzhi sat down.

"Sect Master Ning, you really don't have to do this."

Tang San said to Ning Fengzhi respectfully.

However, Ning Fengzhi waved his hand: "Little San, the first time you and I met was at this auction house, since you and I are destined to be together, and you are still Rongrong's big brother, it's only natural for me to give you something Bar?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at Tang San with a smile on his face, the reason could not be refused.

Tang San sighed helplessly: "In this case, Tang San thanked Sect Master Ning here."

Just before that, Ning Fengzhi came to the hotel where Shrek Academy was staying, hoping that Tang San could join their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After all, Tang San was not only talented, but the hidden weapons he created were extremely important for these auxiliary soul masters. This kind of promising soul master would be a very hot existence no matter which sect they were placed in.

So this time, Ning Fengzhi offered a price that ordinary people could not refuse with great sincerity.

But with Tang San's ambition, he naturally didn't want to be inferior to others.

After being rejected by Tang San, Ning Fengzhi was rather blocked, and still brought Han Xiao to the auction venue, promising to let him choose an item.

Under his kind invitation, Tang San had no choice but to follow Ning Fengzhi to the auction house.

(End of this chapter)

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