Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 246 Tang San's Persistence!

Chapter 246 Tang San's Persistence!

Some nobles sitting in the front row were shivering, wishing they could bury their heads in the ground.

That terrifying coercion almost crushed the souls of those without soul power.

"He's here too?!"

Dugu Bo was a little surprised, and looked in the direction of the old man.

If I didn't guess wrong, this titled Douluo who loves flowers probably got the news from somewhere, and came here specially to take pictures of this lotus.

Thinking about it this way, he could understand why this soul master would set such a high price.

It's just waiting for Zaiju Douluo.

"Originally, I am not interested in this kind of flower, since this chrysanthemum monster wants it, then I will not let him get it!"

Dugu Bo smiled coldly and turned to look at Han Xiao.

Han Xiao nodded, raised the sign in his hand, and said coldly: "50."

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was like a fried frying pan.

"Your Excellency, are you embarrassing me, Ju Douluo?"

Ju Douluo's slightly feminine voice floated out melodiously.

Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't care about the golden soul coins, after all, he joined the Wuhun Temple, and his monthly salary was unimaginable for ordinary people.

But Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't know the value of this lotus, so he thought Han Xiao was driving up the price.

As soon as Ju Douluo said these words, everyone's expressions changed.

They didn't expect that a Titled Douluo really appeared in this auction.

At this moment, the nobles who were clamoring just now fell into silence.

They were afraid that they would offend Ju Douluo because of their words, even the Heaven Dou Empire would not be able to keep them.

However, what Han Xiao said next made many nobles quietly leave the land of the storm.

"So what?"

These four words were spread in the auction house, and the surrounding silence was terrifying in an instant.

"It's enough that I have the money to buy this lotus flower. Why, is there a rule in this auction house that I can't bid with you?"

Han Xiao's words were loud and echoed clearly in the auction house.

"How dare you bid a price with Title Douluo."

Ning Fengzhi looked at the private room at the front with great interest, and was amazed.

When Han Xiao said this, he disguised his voice, so they didn't recognize that it was Han Xiao who said it.

"Hahahaha, good boy!"

Dugu Bo leaned back and laughed in the private room, looking at Han Xiao with appreciation in his eyes.

He is liking this little monster in front of him more and more, his unscrupulous appearance is very much like him when he was young.

After a long time, Ju Douluo no longer heard any sound from the box.

It seemed that he realized that as a Titled Douluo, it would be a very stupid thing to argue here.

"60 million!"

Since quarrels are no different, use your wallet to speak.

"61 million!"

Here Ning Fengzhi bid again.

"70 million!"

Han Xiao raised the sign again without blinking his eyes.

This little money is nothing to him.

The three of them bid back and forth, and soon the price reached 100 million gold soul coins.

100 million gold soul coins, to buy a flower, even these nobles dare not even think about it.

Han Xiao tapped the table lightly, and immediately raised the sign once the two made a bid.

"Sect Master Ning, forget it."

Tang San looked at Ning Fengzhi and shook his head.

Although the price of this lotus is definitely more than 100 million gold soul coins, he no longer wants Sect Master Ning to ask for the price.

He knew very well that the higher the price, the greater the favor he owed Ning Fengzhi.

The money owed can be repaid, but the favor is not clear.

Ning Fengzhi was also a little helpless, as if he hadn't expected that this group of people would fight fiercely for a single flower.

"Okay, Xiaosan, you can pick one more thing."

After saying this, Ning Fengzhi closed his eyes and stopped bidding.

On the other side, Ju Douluo's complexion also became extremely ugly.

150 million gold soul coins to buy a flower, although he has money, but it is not like this.

A sternness flashed in Ju Douluo's eyes.

Since you want it, I will give it to you.

He closed his eyes, with murderous intent in his eyes.

In the end, this lotus was bought by Han Xiao at a price of 150 million.

The auction that followed became extremely silent, and even half of the people dispersed.

"Hey, it looks like what I guessed, this old boy is planning to make a move."

Dugu Bo looked at Ju Douluo's box behind him, and smiled coldly.

Han Xiao turned around and looked, and found that Ju Douluo had not left, and was still sitting in that box.

He could even feel Ju Douluo's gaze.

"Boy, do you want to watch my fight with that chrysanthemum monster later?"

Dugu Bo moved his shoulders and elbows, faintly excited.

The relationship between him and Chrysanthemum Douluo was already in a tense situation. Now that Dugu Bo has been upgraded to level 92 after the toxins in his body have been eliminated, he needs someone to practice with him.

"You should take this lotus as soon as possible, otherwise it will wither."

Han Xiao looked at the lotus flower that had been delivered to him quietly blooming, and said.

He could feel the heaven and earth energy contained in the lotus flower passing away rapidly.

"Lotus?" Dugu Bo glanced lightly, "I don't need this kind of life-saving thing, so you can take it."

Seeing that Han Xiao was about to speak, Dugu Bo shook his head: "I can find the poison myself, but today you can let me fight the chrysanthemum monster in a legitimate way, and this favor will be repaid."

Han Xiao nodded and didn't say much.

Dugu Bo's character is inherently perverse, and his heart moves at will. Since he said he doesn't want it, it means he really doesn't intend to.

Han Xiao looked at the lotus in his hand, and felt that its aura of heaven and earth was passing away quickly.

He thought for a while, and released a burst of star power.

In an instant, the lotus that was about to wither bloomed again, even more beautiful and moving than on the booth.

It greedily sucks the power of the stars, tempering the shriveled sap and tree trunk.

Withdrawing the power of the stars, the lotus swayed towards Han Xiao like a woman looking forward to her beauty.

If Chrysanthemum Douluo really took a picture of this lotus, it may have withered within an hour.

At that time, the auction house will have to bear his endless anger.

Looking at it now, Han Xiao still saved the Tiandou Auction Field in a disguised form.

Taking the lotus back into the soul guide, Han Xiao closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the two Titled Douluo to perform a good show.

However, at this moment, the door of the box was opened.

The pretty maid walked in with a troubled expression on her face: "Sir, there is a gentleman outside the door who said he wanted to see you, and he said he wanted to make a deal with you."

It stands to reason that the rules of the auction house never allow guests to meet each other unless both parties are willing.

But the background of the person outside the door was too big, she had no choice but to come in and make an announcement.

But if Han Xiao chooses to refuse, she will still choose to respect Han Xiao's ideas.


Han Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Dugu Bo beside him.

The latter smiled and disappeared into the box in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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