Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 247 Hypocrite Tang 3!

Chapter 247 Hypocrite Tang San!
"You let him in."

The maid nodded apologetically.

Then, two men walked in.

Han Xiao was a little surprised, because these two men were exactly Tang San and Ning Fengzhi.

What deal are these two going to do with me?of

Although he was puzzled, Han Xiao pressed the button for the time being and looked at the two quietly.

Tang San frowned. Although Han Xiao was wearing a mask, he always felt that the eyes under the mask were like needles.

He didn't like this look very much.

"Thank you, brother."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and cupped his hands towards Han Xiao: "It is this little friend who wants to make a deal with Your Excellency today."

After speaking, he looked at Tang San, nodded and left.

At this time, only Han Xiao and Tang San were left in the room.

From the beginning to the end, Han Xiao did not speak, playing with the small handle on the wooden table.

"Your Excellency, do you know what that lotus flower is?"

Tang San arched his hands at Han Xiao, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Han Xiao shook his head and did not speak.

"Since your Excellency doesn't know, why spend tens of millions of dollars just to buy a lotus flower?"

"Because, I think."

Han Xiao finally opened his mouth and spit out two words lightly.

Hearing this, Tang San felt a little helpless.

But can he say anything more?

He has a lot of gold soul coins, so it has nothing to do with him if they are melted.

Tang San thought for a while, and said loudly: "Your Excellency, I believe you should have noticed that this lotus is withering at an extremely fast speed."

Seeing Tang San's confident expression, Han Xiao didn't speak.

"If you like the beauty of this lotus and spend a million gold soul coins to buy it, I am afraid that the million gold soul coins can only buy it for half a day."


Tang San was at a loss for words when he heard this.

He said so much, Han Xiao was still unmoved.

"The transaction I want to tell your Excellency is about this lotus."

Tang San cleared his throat, raised his head: "I am not talented, dare to assure you, no one in this continent except me knows how to preserve this lotus flower."

"The name of this flower was originally the nine-petal apricot-leaf lotus, and it was conceived by the primordial being. After twelve years of tempering, through wind, frost, snow, rain, red flames and frost, it absorbed the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth into itself, and finally turned it into its own use. That’s how this fairy grass was formed.”

"Every time you want to grow an extra petal, you have to go through twelve years of tempering. The growing environment is extremely difficult, and a random natural disaster can turn it into dust.

This kind of lotus can grow nine petals in total. Before the nine petals grow, any picking method will not work. Once the lotus leaves the soil, the lotus will wither instantly. "

In this way, the lotus flower in Han Xiao's hand has no more petals, exactly nine petals.

It seems that this is why only this flower did not wither.

"The preservation method of this flower is extremely difficult and requires..."

When he said this, Tang San stopped, his eyes inadvertently swept to Han Xiao who was still sitting in his original position.

The reason why he said so much is to tell Han Xiao that he knows this nine-petal apricot-leaf lotus very well, so that he can start future transactions.

But what made him feel weird was that Han Xiao didn't answer when he left a conversation, and kept looking at him calmly.

If he doesn't answer, how should he respond?

Tang San coughed twice in embarrassment, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue:

"I don't know if you are willing to part with me. I will tell you the method of nourishing the nine-petal apricot leaf lotus, and you only need to give me two leaves."

Tang San kept an eye out, he didn't tell Han Xiao that the leaves of the nine-petal apricot leaf lotus had great benefits for the human body.

After all, there are souls from other worlds hidden in his body, so he can naturally gain opportunities through this information gap.

After saying these words, Tang San was very patient, looked at Han Xiao silently, and said nothing.

And Han Xiao was extremely leisurely, drinking tea silently as if he didn't hear Tang San's words.

After a while, Han Xiao said: "I don't need it, please go back."

"You do not need?!"

Tang San frowned.

How can you not need it? !

Logically speaking, he should not have gotten this kind of answer.

"Even if the nine-petal apricot leaf lotus turns into a bunch of withered flowers in my hands, don't you need it?"

Tang San raised his eyelids and said in a low voice.

Before coming, he analyzed Han Xiao's character.

Those who can spend a lot of money to buy a flower, either really like it, or have money to burn it.

So Tang San deliberately said this to let Han Xiao know that if you don't give me the petals, you can just watch the lotus wither.

Han Xiao looked at Tang San, and said slowly: "This lotus is in my hands, and it won't wither."

At this moment, he looked at Tang San with a strange feeling.

Now that lotus flower is looking forward to its beauty in his soul tool, looking at Tang San's confident face, I don't know what he will think when he sees this scene.

"Really, I don't believe it!"

Tang San didn't even think about it, just shook his head.

In order for the nine-petal apricot-leaf lotus to survive, it must be cultivated with the morning dew and soft red soil.

No one would have thought that the cultivation method of the nine-petal apricot leaf lotus would be like this.

"I don't need you to worry about this lotus."

Han Xiao raised his hand and took a sip of the tea, which meant seeing off the guests.

"You, why are you doing this?!"

Tang San didn't expect Han Xiao to be so decisive, he didn't even think about it for a few seconds.

In Tang San's eyes, Han Xiao would rather watch the nine-petal apricot-leaf lotus wither than give him two.

Of course, he couldn't bear this kind of fetish to wither in front of him, so he simply gritted his teeth and stood in front of Han Xiao.

"Sir, it's not easy to grow the Nine-Petal Meditation Lotus. Only one out of ten plants will grow. The meaning of heaven and earth contained in it is even more infinite. I hope you can think about it again."

Tang San looked directly at Han Xiao, and said loudly.

If Han Xiao didn't hand over the nine-petal apricot leaf lotus, Tang San had decided not to let him go.

Han Xiao glanced at him coldly, and even smiled: "Why, are you planning to sanction me from the commanding heights of morality?"

Not only want to get a treasure, but also let oneself get it for granted.

Let this Tang San take full advantage of his face.

Tang San's face was a little ugly, and he snorted coldly: "No matter what, I don't want to see this nine-petal apricot-leaf lotus wither in front of me!"

At this moment, the door opened and Ning Fengzhi walked in.

"What happened, little three?"

Seeing that both of them stood up, Ning Fengzhi frowned.

Why are you talking and talking, and you are still arguing?

Seeing Ning Fengzhi, Tang San secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately told what happened just now.

After listening, Ning Fengzhi fell into deep thought.

After a while, he took off his mask and revealed his face.

"I believe that one of you should know me."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly at Han Xiao.

Without waiting for Han Xiao to speak, he said again: "Ning has something to say, although this lotus belongs to Your Excellency, it is not easy to form a treasure of heaven and earth, since..."

Ning Fengzhi was interrupted by Han Xiao waving his hand halfway through his speech.

He glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said: "I heard you have said so much, anyway, you have the same meaning."

"If I can keep the lotus from withering, you will stop meddling in this matter, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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