Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 251 Han Xiao VS Tianshui Academy!

Chapter 251 Han Xiao VS Tianshui Academy!

It's normal for young people to be full of energy and anger.

Now Shi Nian has regarded Han Xiao as the treasure of Canghui Academy. If Han Xiao nodded and agreed, even if he searched All Tian Dou City, he would have to find one, two or three beautiful young children for him.

After all, they all came from this age, and they also had a little bit of this complex back then.

Han Xiao frowned, "I don't need it."

Han Xiao said this very directly, but when he heard Shi Nian, his ears changed again.

Don't like chicks, don't you...

At that time, my heart was shaken. I didn't expect that Han Xiao was already a veteran at a young age.

How can a young child with no experience be more breathtaking than a charming mature woman?

Thinking of this, he smiled more cheerfully, like a blooming chrysanthemum: "Hey, it's okay, I don't like young children, I also have other types, I promise to let you taste the essence, better than the ones from Tianshui College. Those tigress are much stronger."

Does Han Xiao lack a woman?

If he wants, Xue Qingwu can dedicate himself to him at any time, and with his appearance and identity, he can turn those mature women into chickens pecking at rice by hooking his fingers at will.

"Dean Shi, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Ahem." Shi Nian's eyes dodged, and he had scolded Ye Zhiqiu thousands of times in his heart: "Did you go to Tianshui College today?"

Hearing this, Han Xiao suddenly realized.

It seems that at this time Nian was afraid of betraying himself.

Immediately he said, "Dean Shi, I do have some deals with Tianshui College, but they have nothing to do with this competition."

"That's fine, that's fine."

The heart that had been hanging for years was finally let go.

After the two exchanged another two or three sentences, Han Xiao returned to the room.

In the early morning of the next day, Tiandou City was buzzing with people. The fans of Tianshui Academy all put on their exclusive uniforms to cheer them up, and even made a huge banner specially.

On the other side, the Canghui Academy and others who slowly entered the venue looked low-key, even shabby.

Although Canghui Academy defeated the Shrek team, just one victory doesn't mean anything.

Up to now, Canghui Academy's odds of winning the championship are still the highest among all teams.

Amidst the warm cheers, everyone from Team Tianshui entered the arena.

What made everyone feel strange was that the seven members of Tianshui team were pale and their waists were not straight, like blossoming flowers that had been ravaged by the rainstorm.

However, only Han Xiao knew that this group of women should have gone to the toilet all night and came to participate in the competition without even sleeping well.

Maybe even now, the toilets in Tianshui College are still full.

It has to be said that Dugu Bo's move is really a little tricky. There is a better way to solve it, but he told them that if they want to detoxify, they must use croton.

"Team Tianshui, are you alright?"

The master of ceremonies saw that everyone in the Tianshui team was holding their stomachs and asking questions.

It turns out that the whole team will be poisoned during the competition. In order to ensure the enjoyment of the game and prevent the hostile team from being poisoned, the game is usually postponed.

"Can the game be postponed?"

Shui Binger frowned, looking at the players behind her.

If the war starts now, even if Canghui Academy does not have Han Xiao, they are not opponents.

"I'll ask."

The master of ceremonies nodded, and when he came back, there was a little puzzlement in his eyes.

"Ahem, let's get ready, both sides, the game will start in 5 minutes."

As soon as these words came out, let alone the Tianshui team, even the Canghui Academy couldn't believe it.

You must know that the Five Elements team is a team trained by the Heaven Dou Empire, and the balance of the rules will naturally favor them.

But to everyone's surprise, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family rejected the request to postpone the game.

Han Xiao looked deeply, thinking secretly.

The poison was administered by Prince Xue Xing, who represented the Heaven Dou royal family.

In addition, the Heaven Dou imperial family refused to postpone the game, what is the purpose of doing so?
The All-Soul Master Elite Competition is different from the Zongmen Grand Competition held every ten years, and it symbolizes more about the strength of a country's young soul masters.

It's really weird.

"Game start!"

While Han Xiao was thinking, the master of ceremonies pulled the starting gun in his hand, and the cheers from the audience were like a landslide and tsunami.

Han Xiao didn't think about it anymore, he shifted his shape and changed his shadow, and rushed towards Shui Bing'er like a ghost.

"Release the martial spirit!"

I didn't expect the opponent to be so open and close, and they didn't even end their battles, and directly chose to take the initiative to attack.

Under her order, everyone in Tianshui Academy hurriedly mobilized their martial souls.

But their speed is still too slow.

As soon as the words fell, Han Xiao had already come to Shui Binger, and he raised his hand with a palm.

In a hurry, Shui Bing'er was about to retreat and dodge, but Han Xiao turned his palm into a catch, and tightly clasped Shui Bing'er's shoulder with a trick of monkey stealing peaches.


Shui Bing'er was ashamed, four soul rings surrounded her body.

Just when she was about to release her soul skills, Han Xiao slammed into the joint of Shui Binger's shoulder.

With a sound of gada, the arm that was about to be raised hangs down again, like a bunch of swaying reeds.

Dislocated? !

Shui Binger's complexion changed drastically, and Han Xiao removed one of her arms with two random movements.

Seemingly expecting that Shui Binger wanted to release her soul power, Han Xiao raised his hand and kicked her in the chin.

With a muffled groan, Shui Bing'er flew upside down and fell into the arms of her teammate.

"Bastard, be gentle with our Bing'er!"

"Stop it, why don't you have a gentleman's demeanor at all!"

"Are you going to bully women?!"

This action of Han Xiao instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of Tianshui team's diehard fans, who stood up and cursed angrily.

However, Han Xiao didn't seem to hear it, and appeared next to the nearest Tianshui team member in the blink of an eye.

Han Xiao's sloppy actions frightened them at a loss. Looking at Han Xiao who appeared in front of him, his face paled even more.

Han Xiao slapped out with a palm, mixed with whistling palm wind.

However, at this moment, four members of the Tianshui team surrounded him.

"so cold."

The sudden drop in temperature made some spectators shiver, subconsciously tightening their clothes.

"Look at it!"

I saw that the scenery inside the arena has changed, with countless goose feathers and heavy snow covering the sky, a vast expanse of whiteness, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly.

"It's the martial soul fusion skill of Team Tianshui!"

A sharp-eyed person exclaimed.

Team Tianshui's individual players are not considered the strongest.

But if they are condensed together, the two martial soul fusion skills of Ice Phoenix and Blizzard make many colleges fear.

Shui Qingyue's complexion was a little heavy, and her eyes were fixed on the arena.

Although the martial arts fusion skill Blizzard of these five people is extremely powerful in the eyes of outsiders, Shui Qingyue knows that the students are extremely weak, and this attack is not in the strongest state.

(End of this chapter)

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