Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 252 1 against 7, Han Xiao wins!

Chapter 252 One hits seven, Han Xiao wins!
"Tsk tsk tsk, Qingyue, I didn't expect your Tianshui Academy to release a bottom-of-the-box ultimate move in the preliminaries."

The person who spoke was the leader of the Blazing Academy, Shiranui.

A man and a woman sitting next to her have hot red hair and are so heroic that they are somewhat similar.

Shui Qingyue narrowed her eyes, "This kid from Canghui Academy is extremely weird, I hope that Chihuo Academy will not be embarrassed when he meets him."

After clearly knowing that Han Xiao would not give up this battle, Shui Qingyue decided to use the finale martial soul fusion skill.

Because she knew very well that if she didn't come up with something, the fault tolerance rate of Tianshui College would become extremely low.

But they still have their last hole card, which is Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er's martial soul fusion skills.

"Of course it would be the best if I could meet him, but I like hitting handsome guys the most."

The girl sitting by the side stretched out her delicate tongue and licked her lips with a look of excitement.

"Huo Wu, pay attention to your image."

The man sitting next to her held his forehead, but even though he said so, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

Obviously, he also wanted to compete with Han Xiao who was trapped in the blizzard at this time.

"Qingyue, look, my students can't wait."

Huo Wushuang spread his hands and sighed.

Shui Qingyue returned an embarrassed yet polite smile, but she scolded the bitch thousands of times in her heart.

Fire and water do not blend together, so the two colleges often bicker.

And Tianshui Academy has indeed been suppressed by Blazing Academy in recent years.

She took a deep breath, ignored Shiranui, and looked intently at the venue.

There is a special barrier set up in the arena, and ordinary soul skills can't affect the outside world.

This shows how terrifying the blizzard is.

The master of ceremonies concentrated his attention, as soon as the lives of the people in Canghui Academy were in danger, he would rush to isolate them.

However, what everyone didn't know was that Han Xiao, who was at the core of the blizzard at this time, felt extremely happy.

The Frost Crown would have allowed him to resist the severe cold, plus it could completely absorb the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

This kind of blizzard is like a cool autumn to Han Xiao, without a trace of chill.

At this time, the members of the Tianshui team who were controlling the blizzard were already somewhat reluctant, trying their best to maintain the operation of the blizzard.

After a while, the wind and snow subsided, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the soul king has become an ice sculpture after standing in the blizzard for so long.

When the wind and snow cleared, they saw an ice sculpture standing in the snow, and everyone had a look of joy on their faces.

The big stone in Shui Qingyue's heart fell to the ground, and she leaned back on the seat.

Her body has been tense since the beginning of the battle, and now she can rest for a while.

"Referee, can you announce the result of the game?"

Shui Yue'er looked at Han Xiao with a smile: "Handsome ice sculpture, he really has a flavor."

"Yue'er, be careful."

Seeing Shui Yueer bouncing around and approaching Han Xiao, Shui Binger reminded her.

"Hey, little brother, move!"

Shui Yue'er didn't take it seriously, stretched out her slender fingers and poked Han Xiao's cheek lightly.

However, at this moment, the ice sculpture suddenly melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yue'er, go back quickly!"

Shui Bing'er's complexion changed drastically.

It was too late, and with Han Xiao as the center, countless waves of fire rushed to the surroundings.

In an instant, the ice and snow melted, and a sea of ​​flames instantly formed in the entire arena.

Shui Qingyue stood up suddenly, and all the stands were also boiling at this moment.

"how is this possible?!"

Even Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang had expressions of disbelief.

They are all fire attribute soul masters, and they know how terrifying the flames released by Han Xiao are.

"Hurry up and save people!"

The scorching fire waves hit people's faces so painfully, and the ten members of the referee team jumped onto the big soul fighting arena.

However, at this moment, the flames were extinguished, and the girls of Team Tianshui were lying on the ground in disorder, already unconscious.

And Han Xiao in the middle of the field, his clothes had been burned to ashes, and a few rags could not cover the clear muscle lines.

There are still several flames burning on his body, and the girl dragged by his arm is the closest Shuiyue'er.


In an instant, the audience was silent.

The medical soul master quickly entered the arena and began to examine these unconscious girls.

Han Xiao's sense of propriety was excellent, and he didn't attack Team Tianshui too hard, so he naturally didn't have to worry about violating the rules.

"I declare that the winner of this competition is Canghui Academy!"

The audience in the arena had complex expressions and forgot to applaud for a while.

If the last match was Han Xiao's one-on-three, it can only be seen that this is a very strong player.

Then this time, it was completely Han Xiao's one-on-one fight, and this group of Canghui College students watched it live as if they had bought tickets to the Supreme.

"Investigate this person."

Emperor Xue Ye frowned and said.


The platinum executive sitting beside him nodded.

After a while, there was thunderous applause in the venue.

For these viewers, the team's victory is certainly good-looking, but one against seven has never been seen.

Those diehard fans of Team Tianshui yelled and cursed crazily, and even wanted to rush into the arena to kill Han Xiao one by one.

However, their yelling was overshadowed by the applause of passers-by.

After all, compared with diehard fans, there are still more passersby watching the game.

For them, it is obviously more to watch a wonderful game.

"Who is this contestant? Quickly, order ten sets of banners for me immediately!"

"Ten-year-old fan of Canghui Academy, come here uninvited."

"It's like giving birth to a monkey for my brother!"

One after another voices came and went, as if in this battle, Han Xiao gained a lot of fans.

However, when they wanted to ask for autographs, Han Xiao had already disappeared.

"Hello, we are the reporters on the front line of this competition, can we cooperate?"

However, as soon as he entered the passage of the soul master, Han Xiao was surrounded by a group of people.

There was a professional smile on the pretty face of the leading woman, and the man standing by was holding a book in one hand and a pen in the other, apparently wanting to record the content.

Shi Nian, who was by their side, winked at Han Xiao frantically.

Obviously, for Canghui College, this interview can greatly increase its popularity.

Both Han Xiao and Canghui College need to establish a good relationship with these reporters.

Looking at the kind smiles on the faces of this group of people, it seems that the year gave them a lot of benefits.

Seeing Han Xiao nodding, the reporter quickly asked the first question: "This player, I just finished watching the whole game, and I have always had a question in my mind. The Canghui team has discussed from the beginning that you will play the game." Seven's tactics?"

Sure enough, this kind of question is not sharp. On the contrary, if Han Xiao answers well, it will greatly increase the popularity of Canghui College.

"Discuss tactics?" Han Xiao looked at the reporter with just the right amount of astonishment on his face: "Do you still need to discuss tactics?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were a little stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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